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Everything posted by Beats

  1. Im just referring to where the park rents out canoes. It's a man made channel with lots of vegetation. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source...mp;t=h&z=18
  2. I would advise renting a canoe for a few hours and fishing the Ausable cut. As far as you can canoe you will find lm bass, small pike, perch, bullheads, and random panfish. If you aren't able to get a canoe, anywhere on shore should have opportunities for fish. I really do advise getting a canoe. From my experiences there, they don't really care if you bring it back late so long as they still have plenty of canoes around. We usually get a bunch of pike on Mepps spinners.
  3. Just my opinion, but looks much too chunky for a coyote.
  4. Well, I think it's 5$/person or 10$/car to get into the park, but you could park out at Clarke Rd and walk to the lower dam if you really wanted to skip the fee.
  5. IF you can't find carp and suckers in the Thames then you are doing it wrong Greenway park area is always good as is the lower side of any dam.
  6. Given the option to work, I say take it. I work in renovations and haven't worked much at all this year. I also don't get the option to collect EI, so just know that there are ppl out there that would give anything just to work at the moment. I don't think it's shameful to collect EI, but if the option to work instead is there, I would opt to work.
  7. I'd say that's a good assessment. I can see rings on your pics. Unless you feel like doing this again, I'd say 5 yrs is close enough and wouldn't bother cutting it open.
  8. So that's where scallops come from..
  9. Lighter baits work better with spin casting reels, IMO. I'd suggest starting by just tying on baits that are on the heavier side and then try working down to lighter baits. It takes a little bit to get used to baitcasters, but I think starting with heavy baits is best.
  10. http://www.speedtest.net/ To get the best result, close any application that uses the internet ie. filesharing, etc.
  11. That's incredible! Way to go. What do you plan on doing with the finished piece?
  12. Great post and really nice, big fish there. Can't complain about that.
  13. WOW. Those are huge pike. Congrats.
  14. Were they aware ppl were watching??
  15. Great lookin' fish there. WTG. The little guy doesn't look too impressed though
  16. Wow, all those from your first 4 hrs of fly fishing? That's about as good as it gets.
  17. You could always try Wildwood Conservation area near St.Mary's. Either side of the dam has pike. Or you could try the lower dam at Pittock Conservation Area in Woodstock. Both are part of the Thames system.
  18. What kind of call were you using? I somehow doubt you will be going for your second.
  19. My backyard in London has dozens. We didn't plant them, a past owner must have. Never tried eating them though. Perhaps I should.
  20. I think he means he'll get some pics of the babies.
  21. Great report. Looks like a gorgeous area to fish.
  22. Sounds like you went about things in the right way and got what you were after
  23. Good one.
  24. Great report. Nice brook trout. I'd take a small creek with brook trout over shoulder to shoulder fishing any day.
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