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Everything posted by FISHINGNUT

  1. I didnt find many deals either but I think for a new angler there were some good deals to be had .I have so much stuff I couldnt really find any thing I really wanted or needed .I really enjoy the seminars so to me its worth the $14.00 just make sure you eat before you go .I only went this year because I am looking for a new boat and it gave me a chance to compare diferent makes to each other without having to drive to 4 different marinas.I have to admit it did seem much smaller than in years past
  2. Mayby the OFC should give him his own little forum here "ASK MTBF " so all us uninformed dont want to do our own legwork fisherman can lurk and wait for him to post a report and then rush out and fish it out ,Give me a break it has nothing to do with blured pics IMO its more the attitude that gets me Sorry dont mean to get on you but just a few short months ago when you go from posting pics of yournew stickers for your tackle box and asking questions like" should I buy the perch or the firetiger rapala" to giving attitude about your vast knowledge of the sport and the lakes in Southern Ontario to guys that have been fishing longer than you have been alive.
  3. My wife and I stayed there a couple May 24ths ago .Its was very clean and well equiped.The fishing was ok not alot of fish but some decent sized eyes.It was my first time on the lake so maybe we just wernt fishing the right spots My wife was VERY impressed with the cottages and thats saying alot for the place.The only complaint I had was there boat launch.
  4. Whats that old expression ? THOSE WHO CAN DO THOSE WHO CANT , TEACH
  5. Thankyou very much Musky Green horn that was about all I could find too
  6. Any one ever fish or know someone that has fished this lake? Was looking for a cottage to rent this summer and found a beautifull place to rent on this lake.Wanted to know what the fishing was like before booking cant really find much info on the NET about the lake. Thanks Jamie
  7. Last year was a year of trying new lures and techniques I have hundreds of baits and usually only throw 4 . SENKO WATERMELON ,YUM BUZZ FROG GREEN, 6"RAPALA MINNOW CLOWN, 3/8 JIG&GRUB WHITE which covers all my fishing needs bass ,pike ,walleye.So I forced my self to try different colours styles and techniques, Storm WildEye Swim Shad been trying to catch a fish on it since they came out with ZERO success Walley divers very limited success Smithwick minnow zero but throw a rapala over the same spot and would catch fish Chatter baits ZERO And the biggest surprise to me due to others success I have yet to catch a bass on a flippin jig maybe its me but I cant seem to catch a bass on one of the biggest BASS fishing staples the common JIG AND PIG
  8. I will be there booked the Friday off work hope to find a good deal on a new boat
  9. Thanks for all the input guys .I think the only thing I might miss is the windshield and top on those really cold windy mornings which isnt very many in a season for me anyways , I am going to check out the fishing and boat show in February to see what kind of deals are out there and if there is anything I like .I am in no hurry with the water as hard as it is right now so I want to take my time and find the right boat
  10. I find in a smaller boat the console takes up to much room ,I like the open area of the tiller over a side console.
  11. Just wondering if any one here has ever sold a larger boat to buy a smaller boat? I have a 17.5 bowrider and was thinking of dropping to a 15-16ft tiller.Last April I sold my truck and bought a Montanna it pulls ok but nothing like my HEMI .I am not selling to make money if anything I will probably end up spending more on a smaller boat because I will be buying newer.I dont fish the great lakes mostly bass and walleye with the trolling motor on smaller lakes but I am really not sure if I am going to regret going smaller but much newer.The boat on the right is mine the boat on the left is my uncles exact boat i am looking at going too but in the tiller model his is side console .Any one here every do it and really regret it ?
  12. I have a Clam 6800 about 5 seasons old I have zero isssues with it other than the mice chewing it up this fall Heavy canvas ,cross beams ,stiching ,zippers all top quality I think Clam is a better built product than HT (IMO)
  13. Thanks for the info guys.Pete told me via email Sunday he had no minnows for 10 bucks I will pick some up anyways just in case before getting there.If he has them again by Saturday thats ok you can never have enough salties .My kid is convinced for some reason that you have to have some sort of live bait when we go fishing plus the minnows usually keep him amused for at least a while
  14. Thank you is that in Gilford ?
  15. Heading to Gilford on Sat to Petes huts to be exact and it seems he doesnt carry minnows any more so I was wondering if any one knows if I can buy them in the area there. I have never been there and dont know what is there? I am driving in from Waterloo I really dont want to be out all day with my 9 year old and not have minnows.
  16. Have been thinking of booking a weekend trip with them good to hear they are a good operater.
  17. Thanks Skeeter
  18. Do they sell minnows there ?
  19. They must have been snagged because I didnt see one marshmellow and every one knows you need marshmellows to catch salmon
  20. I have seen them at TSC here in Waterloo dont know if you have one in your neck of the woods ?
  21. Couldnt have hit the nail more square on the head than that one AMEN
  22. 5" watermelon with red fleck
  23. Anyone going to fish Fishmasters walleye tourney this Saturday .I am just wondering if any other OFC,ers were going
  24. Very cool but who makes it ? looks part Vette part HHR is it a CHEVY or just sombodys custome ride?
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