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Everything posted by spincast

  1. nice shot - good one of the duckling, Of course it was a calm bay - its a work day.......Someone could make a song out of that
  2. nice report. love having a spot with no one else around. peace and quiet and just an awesome way to recharge the batteries
  3. Summer can start anytime now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      What a up and down ride this spring has been.I'm sure it will come .lol.

    3. misfish


      It,s my fault. I bought a new toon. I have yet to get out on it.

    4. fishnsled


      Heard on the drive in this morning that the weather idiots have changed their minds. This summer will not be warm as they thought, it will be cool like last summer.

  4. The stars aligned yesterday and the parents had a rare night alone, Thought we'd enjoy a supper and each other's company, featuring locally grown produce and meats - Strip loins from the market, local asparagus and a craft beer or two during the preparation, and a glass of Ontario wine for the main course. The smoked steelhead was an import. infusing the oil for the fresh spinach and mini carrot risotto gently saute the asparagus in olive oil for a few minutes, and then wrap in prosciutto and trim, marinade shrimp in lime juice, chili powder and minced garlic for a few hours, then skewer with mushroom douse in olive oil and cherry tomatoes, pepercorn steak with garlic and onion powder spread on an hour ad half before meeting the flames finish off the risotto with chicken stock, and serve. ahh.... a dinner worth eating too much of
  5. I haven't been (yet), but both of these look good and are on my list and thinking of heading to one this year. I'm sure some other board members can pipe in. Seem to remember some positive reports from Fushimi last year(?) or maybe the year before?. Also gives you access to a ton of other water-bodies with in easy drives http://www.ontarioparks.com/park/nagagamisis http://www.ontarioparks.com/park/fushimilake
  6. love those Northern bruisers.what a blast for the kids. Thanks for sharing another beauty spot
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjQPX_aOYj0 add one more http://www.cbc.ca/news/arts/b-b-king-laid-to-rest-in-tiny-mississippi-delta-hometown-1.3094353 the body is gone but the thrill is not
  8. we should talk Wayne. And Emile, that's a good price. Figure out fuel, depreciation ($0.06/km) and your lost income to drive it. As for rail, yes, you may save a few bucks.
  9. nice eye fiinding those - saw the bump, not sure I still see the rest. We have owls around here - can hear them most nights, but other then one morning when saw whet was sitting where Willis was, can never find them in the day time. They are just so cool
  10. Stevie was amazing. Left us way too early always loved this vid and song Paul Butterfiled still have some timeless versions both well deserved selections
  11. That'd be a rose breasted Grossbeak I'll see if I can get some video of them flying. The birds in our area are pretty tame, and if we miss filling the feeder, they'll come and give us a piece of their mind, sometimes even tapping on the window and when we look they start screeching.
  12. My other half gets another nice one. 3rd year back for these fellas, and they brought the kids. I think we have counted as many as 5 in the trees at once. Very cool when they fly - almost look like helicopters the was the wing pattern flashes.
  13. Needed something with some dark power. This kid's got something.
  14. sweet -got the same smoker - been looking for a project for it. May have to put a beef roast in there too.
  15. well said. My condolences.
  16. that's one of my favorite baits Mike. Pike, walleye, bass - seems to sing the sirens song to all of them.
  17. "There were a number of East Coast lawyers who started putting together class-action lawsuits." You can thank these guys more than the anti-science dupes. The size of settlements against drug makers is mind boggling, and the percentage the legal beagles receive is equally mind boggling in the US. Maybe we need to class action sue them for depriving us of a solution to a disease that can completely devastate your life?
  18. cool - kids excitement when they hook any fish is so honest and contagious
  19. , yeah. you can tell by the spots.
  20. yup, based on what I see here, milk snake - thanks guys http://www.longpointlandtrust.ca/pdf/Snakefacts.pdf LAO - head wasn't a single copper colour, maintained the marking pattern.
  21. Found this guy slipping away as I went out to put some stuff in the shed. Very small, less than or about the size around as a pencil, maybe 8, 10 inches long. Any ideas? Young fox snake? Hognose? the head wasn't a uniform copper, more the same pattern, but the undersides was milky white with black spots? He faked striking when I got the BB up close for a shot. Then I let him slither away.
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