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Everything posted by doubleheader

  1. Genetically their is no difference in labs one color to another that would lead to a difference in intelligence. that said, many people want chocolates, and as a result the back yard breeders favorite color to breed is chocolate. Choose your breeder carefully and it won't matter what color lab you choose. There are 3 and only 3 lab colors. Black, chocolate and yellow. The yellow can vary from almost white to red.
  2. Lots of lab lovers here, count me in as one as well. I've trained many dogs over the years though, and while we might generally agree that Labs are wonderful, I've seen a few that are dumb as a box of rocks. And that is true of any breed. Point being, do your research on the breeder, visit them, see their dogs and operation, and remember, the initial cost of the dog can be more than offset my medical costs of poor breeding. Labs, like many breeds, are suceptible to certain problems. Allergies is a one that leads to constant vet visits, ear issues and an excess of shed hair. Hip dysplasia, any reputable dealer will have scores for their dogs, heart murmers can be a sign of future problems, and EIC, Exercise Induced Collapse., is a serious and emerging problem with labs that can now be tested for. Do your homework or you may suffer the consequences.
  3. If you consider s 4 stroke, consider the Honda. Their new 90 is an awesome motor.
  4. She's a keeper!!!!
  5. These days there are tons of great bows, the problem isn't selecting the manufacturer, just selecting the right bow for you. The link below will take you to the most informative and interesting site I've ever located on bow selection. Even the most seasoned hunter can learn from this site, but I will add one additional comment. Are you left or right eye dominent? I suggest if you are left eye dominent to consider shooting left-handed. I'm 58 and 2 years ago switched after years of shooting right-handed. I'm shooting better now than I ever did right handed. I've now killed bucks both left and right handed. Anyhow, here's the link below. Enjoy. http://www.huntersfriend.com/bowselection.htm#Intro ps remember, it's much better to select a draw length a little short than one too long
  6. I tie the hooks with a snell and use a double surgeons loop. If you really want to get fancy tie your top hook on as a slider. After tieing your bottom hook slide on your top hook just like you would normally but then run a second line through the eye and use that 2nd line to tie your top hook, wrapping also around your main line as you go and making sure you get it very tight. The nice thing about a slider rig is you can always adjust after rigging the crawler so it's running exactly like you want it to run. I mostly buy my beads at craft stores. I prefer the VMC hooks, and the size just depends, I use one size on Nipissing and smaller on my home lake. Bead color and size also depending. I mostly tie with 10lb Trilene XT. I used to buy most of my stuff from Stamina Inc, but it looks like they have been bought out. Luckily I have enough blades to last me for quite awhile.
  7. I pulled that smooth move one time. I put on a Skeggard and was very happy with it.
  8. Billy Bob you are to be commended. It's guys like you that help keep the rest of us safe. Thank you.
  9. I have the same motor with I pilot. Both have been flawless although I have heard some complaining that the I-pilot controllers sometimes aren't as waterproof as advertised so just a head-up. I've been pulling cranks the last couple weeks and in big wind I found that by running my kicker and allowing enough buffer speed to use my Terrova with cruise control and autopilot into the wind works like a dream in open water. I set the cruise speed at 1.8mph and it never went below 1.5 or above 2.1 and most of the time didn't vary by more than .1mph, but the best thing was being hands free so I could change cranks and so on. Really nice when you're running multiple rods. Good luck with your new baby.
  10. We get so attached to our pets and it hurts so much to lose them because they give us unconditional love 100% of the time. I put down my Molly 2 years back and still get choked up thinking about her. I thought maybe I'd switch things up and tell you a true story that happened to my neighbor Mike and me a number of years back. We were coming home in his truck when we saw his cat Boots laying in the road only a 100 yds from the house. It had been hit and she was already dead. Mike picked her up and we took her to his home and he broke it to the kids. We had a little funeral service in the back yard. All the neighborhood was there to say goodbye to Boots and give their support. After the ceremony we had a bonefire and a few beers in the backyard. At some point later in the evening Mike went inside to use the bathroom, there was Boots sitting on the kitchen table. The kids were so excitedand happy that their kitty was okay. We never found out whose little back cat we buried in the back yard. Boots lived another 10 years. I hope you get passt your grief so that you can enjoy the companionship of another dog in the near future.
  11. Cabalas has some combos on sale right now. You can save yourself some cash or buy one grade above what you'd normally spend for the same money. There are many good spinning reels but if you go Shimano go at least Symetre quality; the Plueger President is also a great buy. Rods, there are so many to choose from, hard to go too wrong but if you shore fish a longer rod will help you cast a greater distance then buy an action consistent with the weight of bait you throw.
  12. If you're talking reliability ask just about any atv mechanic and Honda is at the top of the list followed closely by Yamaha and the Suzuki.
  13. I bought one a few years back for a remote trip where I couldn't bring my boat. As a fishfinder they are pretty limited, but as a depth finder they are very useful. As I recall we got about 3-4 days off a set of batteries.
  14. I don't think this will ever happen but I do agree BB. Back to the issue though, perhaps this will go the other way, perhaps this will result in additional stocking and a better fishery than we have today. Certainly if there is no sustainable fishery there is no industry, so I tend to think this may very well result in an improved fishery. A good portion of my home waters is on Seneca Nations land. We need to buy their license to fish, no problem there, and now they are taking the initiative to develop their own walleye stocking program, complete with hatchery. That's pretty sound forward thinking and everyone wins.
  15. On your boat a 12V Minnkota will be more than sufficient. If you plan on keeping this boat a few years I wouldn't recommend 24V, simply not necessary.
  16. yur just trying to eliminate all obstacles in case that bear chases you home some day.
  17. I owned an 18' Alaskan wheel boat. As was mentioned it's a no frill boat but mine never leaked and was a great boat. The only thing I didn't like was it lacked a casting platform.
  18. That was priceless
  19. She's a nice looking pup and she looks quite at home. Wish you all the best with her. My lab pup is now almost 2 years old and we love him to death.
  20. BB, as you know, getting north of Barrie before 9:00am is important, especially when pulling a boat. Therefore, rightly or wrongly I did not call the police. In retrospect I should have pulled over and called them. I did report the incident to the guy in the toll booth but I'm pretty sure it went no further than that. Haven't decided yet about the truck. I can't see it unless I'm on a ladder. I'm hoping the additional crease will improve my gas mileage
  21. I defintely remember Lew.
  22. There are numerous innaccuracies on my 3 yr old Navionics chip of the west arm, and has been mentioned nothing west of Rt 64 bridge. Lew showed me on his where red buoys were shown as green. Not cool on that lake. Unless the new chips are a whole lot better consider them for reference only, which is nice if you were to get turned around, but I certainly not to be trusted for navigation.
  23. Billy Bob, from Google maps, West Seneca NY, I highlighted "traffic". It appears to me that the toll road ends just before RT219 intersects and that is my recollection as well. The incident occurred about a mile before the toll booth, but I can't tell from the map what is an overpass and what is an underpass. My quess is it occurred at Lake Avenue or, possibly there looks to be access to Rt 90 at Rt 179. Whichever one has an overpass over Rt 90. Again my recollection was it was only a very short distance from the incident to the toll booth, but you know the mind can deceive you during such things. btw, yes we took I90E to I190
  24. Hey all thanks for the interest. Rich, I guess I'll never know for sure whether this was an accident or a really sick prank. I suspect it was the latter simply because this was not a small object that could be thrown by a tire, it was at least 8 inches long based on the dent in the roof. I was on Rt 90W, headed to Buffalo and the Peace Bridge, and it was the last underpass before the end of Rt 90. Wish I had a slow motion video of the whole thing because I'd like to see how it missed my boat.
  25. Rich, I here you. I may try to squeeze in a long weekend trip in September. John, nice meeting you up there. Don't blame you for not fishing much, the heat was a bear, but you know, I find that I can have a wonderful time up there even if I'm not fishing, and I'm sure you felt the same. Lew, thanks again my friend, looking forward to reading your Memquisit report next month.
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