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Everything posted by doubleheader

  1. I'm guessing you're trying to get into the crankbait zone, 1.6-2mph? You probably troll down to about 2.5 now? Anyhow, sometimes just the simplest of things can help. I think someone mentioned troll in to the wind. If you have a windshield close it when going into the wind. Another thing is don't troll in a straight line- zig zag some. It will not only help slow down the inside bait but trigger strikes. If you have auto trim, try playing with your trim adjust. The fourth option would be to drag something. Drop your bow mount motor if is have one, if not drag something, bags, windsock, etc. I would add a kicker before adding a trolling plate. If all those fail find one of those split open Crestliners, they're all over the lake, tie him on and drag him around.
  2. With this latest budget for Asian carp defense, the federal government will have spent $156 million since 2010 to control these two types of invasive fish. While building some type of land bridge or other type of blocking counter measure sounds great on the surface (and certainly the electronic pulse blasts are quite effective in the short term) the fact is they must develop a way to eliminate these two species or eventually they will be in the Great lakes in big numbers. It's not spending the money that anyone is opposing it's spending it effectively. The only real solution is safe eradication, otherwise they will eventually get into the lakes in big numbers by human intervention and by birds. A friend of mine built a 1 acre pond a number of years ago 3 miles from the nearest body of water. Within 5 years that pond had multiple species in it that he never stocked. Ask any farmer if he ever stocks his ponds, most all will say no, yet there are fish in every one. Unfortunately these eradication techniques were not previously developed. It will take some time to develeop, test, select, and implement. We all understand the critical nature of this project, and I have confidence that science will prevail.
  3. I am a huge proponent of soft rods when running bouncers. Many many times walleyes will drop a bait when they feel resistence, I've seen it time and time again where a soft tipped rod will outfish a fast action rod 3 to 1. The problem is it does take a little bit of skill as feeling the bottom is more difficult. I've used everything from steelhead rods to noodle rods, and my rod of choice now is the dumb 7' WhuppnStick from Cabelas for about $25.00/rod in a med action. Match this up with 8lb braided line and a 1 oz bb and you can easily get down to 20' @ speed up to 1.2 mph. At home I usally run 6 rods, 3/person. I run two on planer boards, use two 9' noodle rods, and 2 of these Whuppn sticks inboard, but when in Ontario I run the Whuppn Stiks amost exclusively. BTW, in short water I shelve the braid in favor of mono, and use in line weight.
  4. It did for sure, as did most all the reels I handled, but keep in mind these were store models so who knows how much abuse they may have seen.
  5. I was in the market for a good reel for jigging eyes. I was at a Cabelas store two weeks ago. I have always owned Shimano,mostly Symetres and one Stradic but I picked up the Stradic FJ and the red one I think it's a C4? Anyhwow neither was smooth, I could hear a slight dragging sound while operating both. I picked up a Stella, no dragging sound but for that money I can take a trip. Then I picked up a Supreme, the black one, no dragging sound, and super smooth. I decided to buy the 30 size, and sense I bought the last one they had in the store they gave me a discount for buying the demo. Can't wait to give it a go as the real test will be how it performs over time. Glad to read you guys like them.
  6. If you think you'll ever want structure scan buy Lowrance. If you're interested in a 5" HDS Lowrance HD Gen 1 unit send me a PM.
  7. Have you considered MinnKota? I think they have some rebates going now. From what I've read they are excellent chargers.
  8. A little off topic but I have to laugh when I hear people say they can't or won't go to Canada anymore because of the currency exchange. Trust me, I've vacationed almost all over the world and dollar for dollar the Canadian experience, for me, provides the most value for my money; nothing remotely close.
  9. Darn it Roy you sure no how to put the kibosh on a good ole let's slam the USA opportunity. In all sincerity, I'm glad for the sake of the Canadian tourist industry that common sense did prevail and I hope this provides a boost to the tourist business.
  10. Thanks for all the responses. I'm going to check out the other lodges that were mentioned. I am really intrigued by this lake. I may have to schedule a week, leave the boat at home, just as a scouting mission. Fishlogic, I have considered Quinte, it's a place I could scout on a long weekend, but I wonder if we'd feel the Canadian experience if you know what i mean. I'm only an hour from Erie, but that's a whole different kind of fishing and experience, fun, but not what i want for a vacation. Thanks again for sharing your experiences on this lake.
  11. Interested in opinions on this lake. From what I have researched it appears to be one of the top walleye destinations in eastern Ontario. Also, any experience at Red Pine Lodge or other lodges on this lake? I was talking to the owner of Red Pine at a show over the weekend, he seems like a fine guy, but his rates a little high for our group. We bring our own boats and would prefer a top walleye water within 8 hours of Toronto. Your suggestions are appreciated.
  12. Solopaddler, you may be right in your determination of WF vs DT. Years ago their wasn't much difference in the taper of these lines other than you could reverse the DT and get twice the use. I would say, however, that DT has applications beyond extreme finesse fishing. Windsor, there is a lot of free on line information I would encourage you to do your research, not that Solopaddler's advice is incorrect, in fact I totally agree with everything he's recommended, but because doing your research will bring you up the learning curve more quickly. I will say this, most would suggest you learn to cast with a 5-6 weight rod, and I would suggest you consider taking casting instruction. Once you learn the fundamentals of casting the entire experience will be much more rewarding.
  13. In the US the biggest supplier of blanks and components is Mudhole. For fly rod kits I use Anglers Habitat in Idaho as the have a nice selection of Sage blanks. Both have good websites.
  14. I would buy DT floating. With DT you can take it off the reel and rewind the other end first and get twice the use. Then I would buy a sink tip leader for those times you want to be deeper. The backing wt. does matter as you'll likley be into the backing often. The store should help you select the appropriate weight backing. You will definitely be using leaders, sized appropriately for your quarry. Good luck in your search.
  15. I have a 1900 Prov Lund (love it), I get why you want a quality rig, like you said, you've kinda paid your dues. That said, there are other brands of aluminum boats that are also great quality, and if you were to consider a couple others you may have more luck finding a deal and get more boat for your dollar. I'm really impressed with Alumacraft for instance. If you're interested at all in Crestliner there is a dealer in WNYS, Silver Lake Marine, that is selling a Raptor with walk thru, a demo with 10 hours of operation, at $35K, I know, more than you want to spend but it might be worth making an offer. Good luck hope you find what you want.
  16. In the mall on Peach Street there is a Gander Mtn. and a Dick's Sporting Goods. There's an Orvis store off of Rt 5 if I recall by the airport. Poor Richards has been mentioned, a good place to pick up local information. The other day the bay was still open water.
  17. Can be sometimes, but he works every weekend and holiday too.
  18. If you're boat fishing you really want some length to the rod. For boat fishing pike I go with a 7'6" med. fast blank with extended handle. I use a 200 Curado with 40lb braid. I can't remember which model but it's a Shimano rod. The extra length at bot ends makes casting so much easier.
  19. My son-in-law guides for a local resort, almost exclusively trout and steelies, I don't think he's even used it cause he's usuaally using a fly rod no matter what species he's fishing for.
  20. Well, I feel ya but Mike Gofron makes a living catching fish so I'd have to say if he trusts the knot it must be pretty good.
  21. It happened while fishing. I fished about 5 hours with 2 other guys,we had already landed 4 pike and two 38-40" ski's,but my luck was that i had caught 3 of the pike but neither ski. I went to change lures and noticed my braided line was frayed. At first I thought maybe from rocks or something but quickly realized I had about 30 ft of frayed line. We were in a river making short casts into pocket water in late fall. One insert had fractured leaving 1/2 the eye in place and a 360 degree knife edge, and another insert on my guide next to the tip top was completely gone.
  22. I bought two for throwing cowgirls and gave one to my son-in-law. The rods balanced well, but mine didn't hold up. Two of the rod eye inserts broke out. I decided to send it back rather than repair it myself as I was concerned they'd all break sooner or later. I wasn't satisfied with the warranty process. I had to make multiple calls, just a hassle. I won't buy another.
  23. Been tying for many a year. Just ran across this tying techique that might be of interest to some. It's faster than my technique anyhow. http://www.walleyeworkshop.com/node/154
  24. Along those lines, I work for a relatively small company in NW PA., 300 employees. Everyone hunts and owns guns. Annually we have a company sponsored "Men's Day" outing, and we have shooting contests of every conceivable nature, from black powder to clays to hand guns and archery. Points are scored and tabulated in every category and then an overall Top Gun is crowned. After the morning shoot we eat, have drinks, play horsehoes and a variety of other contests. There is always a lot of fire power on hand, and everyone enjoys a great day on the range. the gals do something too, that seems to vary from year to year. Anyhow, we also have this very strict policy in our HR handbook, and it reads, "in order to bring a firearm to work you must have your supervisor's approval". It is quite frequent that someone will bring in a unique firearm for everyone to see and admire. Maybe it's just a coincidence but we have zero gun crime i our town of 15,000.
  25. There are a lot of states that reciprocate, allowing individuals with conceal carry permits to travel between these reciprocating states unemcumbered; NYS is not one. That said, even in states with reciprocating agreements and a the castle doctrine, those castle doctrine laws vary greatly. There has been a very big spike in individuals in the US securing conceal carry permits, and interestingly enough a very large decline most recently in the murder rate, which in the interest of objective discussion has been on a general decline for years. Most people that carry do so concealed. I have a pocket 9MM that i carry, a little smaller caliber than I'd prefer, but it makes for lightweight packing.
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