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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. a sticker for your boat would be a big mistake !!!! a poacher gets checked just as he is starting his day and they give him a sticker... now he's free to do what ever he wants the rest of the season. not a good idea. checking once a year? after checking as many boats as they do, they will remember every boat?? maybe if you have given them a reason to remember you.-lol as for "the hassle", whats it take maybe 2 minutes at the most for them to do there job? that is of course that you are legal! I for 1 do not have a problem being checked, reguardless of how many times they check me, and have never had a problem. Dann
  2. yes tenting is allowed. there are a lot of people that tent it from OFC, like me!
  3. dont forget that you need your operators card for your banger as soon as you put the electric motor on it !!!!!!!!!!
  4. i think you made a good choice with that SKEETER boat!
  5. cabin? only Roy stays in a cabin, real fishermen use tents.
  6. ok i finaly found it. hard as heck to find it but i did. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=40062&st=0&p=427357&hl=june%2019&fromsearch=1entry427357
  7. im trying to find the thread on it but i cant.......
  8. june 19th weekend miss kelly, tracker and I have gone the last 2 years and will be there again this year. it is a great time with every body there.
  9. the track system would give it a good resale value. and it looks neat and you can move the holders where ever you want. good idea btw:: your link doesnt work !!!!!!!!
  10. tremclad spray paint. save your money for more fishing equipment besides the trailer is under the boat most of the time and no one will see it.
  11. sorry to here about your friend cliff. on the brighter side her pain is gone for ever now.
  12. i love this site!!!! there is information on almost every thread. heres what i have learnd so far:: keep a 21' tape measure handy. the next minister of fishing will be some guy named "Juggalo Homie" and Dara better not get ill. ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  13. welcome to the board hope we get to see some reports from you with pictures.
  14. way to go guy's. great report and really nice looking fish.
  15. Dave always does a great job! and its never the same show. but why does he eat all the plastics?
  16. good report good perch great day. and fish that co-operate gutta like that.
  17. They are quite common and easy to find around flea markets. I picked one up a few years ago for the wall above my rod building desk, hell it is still spooled with copper line. Purchased for a grand total of $5.00. Way to go Speil !!!!!!!! burst his bubble. kick him where it hurts. ~~~~ it's ok vinni, yours is unique, and its a collectors piece. 1 day your grand kids will have it and they will tell all there friends "look at what grampa use to use for fishing".
  18. well now you guys have me pumped for the opener. thats the same weekend i open up the trailer on chemong. guess im going to have to throw the boat in and see them up close. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  19. OK, can someone on the site please enlighten us catfishers as to what the deal is on some of the cats being bright yellow and some being dull grey?
  20. thats great to hear douG for $12 you made a good choice. hope it stands the test of time. soooooooooo how did you break the eye in the first place???? Dann
  21. way to go dave. thanks for teasing us. i sure hope there is a report with pictures following the opener ! now with the water levels down so far, every one needs to watch out for things closer to the surface then they use to be. ouch that sand bar,sunkin log or rock pile might introduce itself to your motor. good luck and play safe dave.
  22. i never even thought. i should have put this at the top of my post. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBdSqk78nHw
  23. Done like the ice cubes in my freezer.
  24. It looks like fingers were the bait of choice----LOL Shore_Lunch, you should ask fisherpete about the finger food which reminds me, pete did you get that first aid kit put in the boat?
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