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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. im going to do every thing i can, mercman
  2. 63 cases of beer on a snowmachine????????
  3. WE can, can WE LOL How many you want?
  4. 22854 30,000 is closing fast
  5. Yes it is true. canadian copper and I are making another attempt tomorrow. im just trying to figure out if, A-he's a glutin for punishment. B-wants to sink his reputation like an anchor, or C-trying to redeem his reputation.... maybe D-just a heck of a guy trying to turn my luck around? since i like to think positive, im going with D camera's charged and ready to go. keep an eye out for the report that will be picture heavy.. hopefully it will be me infront of the camera.LOL
  6. princess auto has gell batteries that are perfect for that. http://www.princessauto.com/trailer/truck/truck-accessories/truck-electrical/8224834-sealed-12v-dc-rechargeable-battery
  7. kijiji great prices on new & used rims. i have bought 3 sets of tires and rims off that site----CHEAP
  8. well atleast they included a section for me... "if you go fishing and don't catch anything"
  9. if after the G2G you didnt, well you do now geoff...
  10. Disappointing Day, not really. i got to go out fishing. made a new friend. found a new fishing spot(with no fish in it)LOL with every situation i try to find the positive side & figure out what i can do about it. after long and hard thinking i have come up with mission for me. so far i have RUINED the reputation of GBW,Yonge_one & Canadian copper, as the go to steel head fishermen. my hit list is growing, but i need more victim's to help me complete my mission. LOL Solopaddler, want to go fishing??????? how about joey, but YOU should wear a float suit
  11. cool video.
  12. cattle prod & needle
  13. so the skeeter is the one getting wacked off! and this is a bad thing, how ???
  14. Baaa Rammm Youuu
  15. Thanks Rod Caster. i will post pictures of the before and after when i get it remodeled.
  16. congradulation to all the winners! give drifter your address so they can start shipping out all the animals to you guys....
  17. 20134 the barrier has been broken
  18. i agree, that is one great shot....
  19. if we post pics of our huts then maybe the members here will recognize them when there out on the lake , and drop in for a visit. located straight out from alcona. although it will look a little different this year as I'm going to be doing some work on it shortly... 2' taller, and lots of interior remodeling.
  20. I dont care what everybody says, your a good man mercman & irishfield.
  21. 15,144 did someone mention 20,000 closing fast friday 6:47pm is my guess.....
  22. done--25.7%
  23. wow, what an awesome fish. my adrenaline would still be pumping from that.
  24. to all the scrooge's that dont like the snow!!!!! Mercman this wasnt directed to you.
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