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mr blizzard

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Everything posted by mr blizzard

  1. Thanks Jay, your the man now I have a SECRET spot....lol
  2. Awe comon Dave ...........we live in the middle of BFN we're 18 hours from nowhere I promise I won't tell a soul But I agree with lew...... wish I had a secret spot........lol,
  3. Looks great, our neighbour has a very similar design, on the more powerful machines some will use a rigid steel bar with a rubber shock but ours is the same principle as yours,,,, get the machine going before the load and then ride.......ride........ride.
  4. Glad to see you guys are getting some winter weather finally. enjoy some sledding, For those of you who had traded in your snowblowers for a set of golf clubs, Buffalo Joe will fly a plane full of Toros down but he can be pricey
  5. Before moving here we had looked to move to northern ontario from Barrie, I'm with TJ I felt more comfortable with a drilled well. Some drillers will charge by the foot OR will give u the option to pay a set amount until they find water, ask around and get a feel the water table depth.
  6. Great catch, glad u had a terrific day and most importantly delicious dinner. The whities are alot harder to catch up here than they were in Ontario. After many recipies over the years we still 99 percent of the time do them up as follows. If you have the time cut the fillets into nugget size pieces and put them in a zip lock, add your fish crisp, rocky, chronzy or combination, just enough to coat the fish and leave in the fridge for a couple of hours, if u do not have the time to put in the fridge no worries. Add 1/8 of an inch of olive oil in the frying pan, when the oil is just starting to show tiny pin size bubbles add the fish, turn over till golden brown. Taste like chicken.
  7. Hey Don, get a hold of Christopher, sounds like he could help. Blizz
  8. Thanks fisherman I will certainly give him a call, I remember when he would pick the crayfish out of the weeds when they combined the weeds from the finger docks, quite the character, glad to hear he is still going strong.
  9. BINGO Christopher That is exactly what it looked like with only slight colour variations, could u pm me with some colour varieties, and prices and thanks everyone for all your help, much appreciated.
  10. Can u send me a picture of the simcoe bug to see if we are talking about the same thing.
  11. Not really, it was like pipe cleaner material wrapped around the shaft, the length of the hook was no more than 1/2"
  12. Your right wooly bugger, but when my son was 5 he thought I was swearing so we nicknamed it wooly bear lol . I saw them in a store a couple of years before we left but I am drawing a blank.
  13. When we moved up here a year ago from Barrie some things got lost in the move, most importantly was some fishing gear aka wooly bear. Some of you from Barrie would have know George O'Brian. We had the priviledge of knowing him for over 20 years, the man could catch fish out of a pickle barrel, BUT most importantly we used to buy the wooly bears from him, they are used primarily for perch. They were sort of red and beige and fuzzy. Can anyone help to locate some and get them up here, I would pay for them and the shipping. Thanks Blizz
  14. Lew it looks amazing, beautiful job. The original pics of the room looked pretty darn nice, but the renovation is also very sweet. The room has a lot of appeal. You can save money by doing it yourself but in the interest of time occasionaly it is nice to treat yourself and just "gitter done". Obviously money well spent. I am also glad my wife is out right now lol
  15. Propane is good as many have mentioned, our house is heated with oil up here, we keep the thermastat at a whopping 60 f and the bills are still beating us up. CHECK into the pellet boiler system as ecmilley mentioned. Our neighbour delivers pellets with a tank truck. U will use far fewer pellets. The info he gave us made it pretty interesting.
  16. You look happier than a pig in ppppppperch , glad u had a great day. Perch fishing is always fun.
  17. Our crazy thing up here is being slowed down by a bunch of ptarmagin crossing the road, they can never decide if they want to walk or fly across the road , the ones that stay undecided taste great in a Bradely
  18. Thanks for sharing, great pics, Your right the cold temps give more solitude, fewer crowds
  19. She should be on cake boss, never saw anything like that before , thats a gift and birthday you will not soon forget..................uhhhhh not that I am trying to take away from your thread or anything BUT my birthday is in May, MAY the 17th to be EXACT, purolator DOES deliver up here not that I have checked or anything and a whitefish theme would be really nice but a pickerel would also be very pallatable, not that I am trying to imply anything and if I could say one more thing discriminitely without being bold, please not a catfish as my wife is allergic to fur. Seriously she is very gifted
  20. Just a foot note my neighbours native haul some long hours for their day jobs but they still go out at -51 windchills to check their lines, they do not rely on a piece of paper regarding their background. I know first hand they would feel alot warmer driving the 401 corridor in an suv. When was the last time u came out in these conditions to check your lines, beaver tails are very leathery not greasy, I have learned a great from them and love it but they are not whiners, they punch a clock and still haul .
  21. And yes I buried my daughter in the meantime, so dont talk to me about hardships. It is easy to vocalize until u really walk in someone elses shoes. After moving up here 1 year ago and living between natives on either side of us by which we get along with very well. even they disagree with the the way the movement is going because it is only going to turn supporters off. There is still too much infighting amongst bands from coast to coast as to what they are trying to achieve.
  22. I guess if every one goes on a hunger strike in this country it would ground this countries economy to a halt would it not, Terry Fox had a whole different agenda and u know it. I have had cancer , watch what u say. Are there going to have successive hunger strikes till the end of man kind or can we not have positve dialoge to draw sides closer together from what we were exposed to from the first one to bring a betterment to mankind.
  23. Apparently thats what is the new norm to get your point across to the govt. May be u will see my wife, son and I on tv tommorow doing the same thing. We also have concerns..............
  24. I am sorry but here we go again.........................while watching the cbc north from Yellowknife there is yet another native going on a hunger strike.................... as quoted she was inspired by the first hunger strike BUT she will be eating some solid food really............................... LETS ALL GO ON A HUNGER STRIKE WHILE OCCASSAIONALLY BEING ALLOWED TO EAT SOME SOLID FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. Aaron.............I am so happy for u guys and so jealous at the same time.......we lived 3 miles from where u were fishing for 18 years,,,,,,,,,fished those grounds 100s of times , miss those whitefish,,,,,,,,,,mmmmmmmmmm good, might have to fly back and have a day with yourselves, those are days u never forget. Good 4 you and look forward to more great reports. Cheers Blizz
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