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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Awesome! Also good on ya for handing the minnows over!
  2. Just lisened to Clair de lune by Claude Debussy.. Usually a classic Rock guy but this is one Hell of a piece of music... http://www.wimp.com/clairlune/
  3. :thumbsup_anim: :thumbsup_anim:
  4. Good one Terry! Funny On a side note they took Liles's goal away from and gave Kessel his 11th goal of the season on a tip from Liles shot
  5. With Kessel and Lupal 1 and 2 in NHL scoring and Scrivens playing the way he does tonight, the future is brighter then ever for Leafers! All these points were getting now are points we dont have to get this spring. but we will anyway! If the Leafs win tonight (and it looks as thou they will) they will be #1 in the east. oh and one last thing to say here...GO LEAFS GO BABY!!!!!!
  6. Nice Job! Looks like the freezer will be full all winter long!!!
  7. Its too bad that this bothers you...Again my point, all that matters... I do agree with others that this thread in itself it rude and insulting to people (such as me) that do have issues, whatever they may be..Quite frankly it nobody's business..And pointing out somebody's errors, is smug at best.
  8. Cool Leechman..Nice to see the other canadian teams win too! But I have to say one thing.... GO LEAFS GO
  9. Very nice!! TAwnia, my better half says you will have to make him (or her) some sweaters for in the boat, during the cooler weather..
  10. x2 im with ya on this one..I too do my best but at times I could also care less..Just gettin my point across is all that matters..When I left highschool, I also gave my english teacher the bird...lol
  11. Very cute.. Reminds me of my daughter and our long gone Dalmation..Molly!
  12. LOL awesome..Hey at least they have good taste in beer!..
  13. I dont watch Baseball but when my sister sent me a text message to put it on I had to see what the hub bub is all about...Glad I did..These fans are getting every cent out the money spent tonight....Oh St Louis just won it as I type!!...Wow
  14. Good Gawd....That was nasty.. I cant think for even a second that that kid survived that one...
  15. Actually Roy thats not entirely true. The MNR officer I spoke with said they cant expect everyone (women, childern and some men I know) to kill a fish. So if seen releaseing them they wouldnt be charged. They would be informed of the species and the risks...But you know how the opinion of one officer can vary to another..
  16. not at all...he is using the gobies in the same body of water.just goes from 1 or 2 ft deep to 12 to 25 foot deep.
  17. I spoke with a MNR guy at the spring fishing show this year about this.. They say that they would like you to kill them and NOT throw them back in the water. It isn't law but this is the best method of disposing them. Myself I like to use them to catch big pike and bass. Only if its already on my hook tho. My neighbour up at the trailer actually goes fishing for them to use as bait for pike. He will fish the shallows in the river with a tiny hook and a chunk of worm till he fills his minnow pail. I'm not to sure if that is legal or not but he does well with them
  18. Wow im so sorry to hear this news.. I too dont get the shots, now im glad I dont...
  19. Yes very nice fish, but does that ruin the reel leaving it under water like that?
  20. Speed kills folks....just watch this crash test to see for yourself..Note thou this is very graphic no humans get hurt..It is a must see for anyone with a lead foot <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/l4PjSVOnrVg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  21. Ya cool find Simon! That young bison didnt get any favours from that older one...Jerk...lol
  22. tb4me


    Ya I know, but I have to get my digs in while I can...lol
  23. tb4me


    Go Leafs Go!! All im gonna say after all the years of abuse from habs fans....
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