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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. ha ha ya I seen that... So much for a family site...I can hear it now " Dad , I know what a Cougar is" and mom says , " how do you know, what web sites is your father showing you"...lol
  2. Is there any way to see the standings on where the vote count is? I have been messing around on there for a while but I cant figure it out. I know how many votes we have, but what about competing ideas? Edit, i figured it out..Sort by votes in the up to 50k budget, were on page 2 and closing..Lets do it !!!!
  3. Thats too bad. He was hit by David Krejci of Boston Mon night and hasnt played since. Should be interesting to see if it is just 2 games...I sure hope so..I am a Leafer for life but the Pens are my #2 team..Loving the Crosby right now..Here's to a healthy return to the lineup real soon.
  4. The fact that they are in the woods is wonderfull to me. I like the idea that they are there. If they get heavily populated then we will have to change the meaning of the term "cougar hunting"
  5. no problem ,Craig. I know that if it were not for the post here, on OFC, I wouldnt have even remembered. Im shocked that it wasnt even mentioned in main stream media.
  6. Would sway bar links cause premature tire wear? The wife has a malibu 1999 to be exact..The sway bar completely snapped in half. What a bugger to change..OMG, but I dont think it would cause a tire to wear out on one side? Maybe but I dont think so....lol
  7. Ya got me??? this should be good tho..
  8. Hey what can I say..Glad to be of a service!
  9. Nice job on the Blog Craig. Way to remember the details. Imagine if they would have sent that 3rd wave of attack that day..Thanks for the reminder and sharing..
  10. I pointed to two old drunks sitting across the bar from us and told my friend "That's us in 10 years". He said "That's a mirror, dumb arse"
  11. Awesome! Its back! Who hoo..Its a great cause. vote daily folks lets win this one for the future fishermen not just ourselves...
  12. The last time i (accidently) clicked on a banner I almost got a virus..Wont do that again..
  13. I heard the same thing. The PA has the final say so it should be interesting...I also heard that if it does go thru, it leaves room for 2 more teams in the league..One in Toronto's conference...May be looking too far into it but im just sayin.....
  14. lol "do that thing where you fart with you head"... Where do they come up with this stuff..Good stuff. http://www.wimp.com/talkingfunny/
  15. beauty report..Well written too! Thanks
  16. i thought the guy that said "this isint what we paid for" was a whimp..But funny.
  17. The producers of this beer commercial borrowed a small150 seat cinema playing a popular film, and filled 148 of its seats with rough-looking, tatooed bikers, leaving only two free seats in the middle of the theater. They then allowed theater management to sell tickets for the last pair of tickets to several young couples. What would you do? Watch till the end ..... http://www.theinspiration.com/2011/09/carlsberg-stunt-in-cinema/
  18. Mike Holmes has a valid point. Now I wonder if he will get involved.
  19. history or not, I think we can all agree that there is a problem and it has to be delt with. Are the people of Attawapiskat wanting help? If so lets do it and forget politics and hisotry.Plain and simple.
  20. Ya cant go wrong with a Honda. 300 is a tad on the small side, but if you dont want to push snow or go mud boggin with it you dont need anything bigger then a 300. It will pull a small trailer loaded with firewood just fine. Good luck and yes Hondas are great machines
  21. I have been watching this very closely too. I say a BIG thank-you to the Canadian Red Cross for airing the goverments dirty laundry, and bringing to light the situation at hand. It sickens me to think this is in Canada. There is no excuse for these living conditions. Does anyone know how much longer untill the ice road is passable to get supplies in there?
  22. Nice! thanks for teasing me...lol, Good job on the brookie, saaweet!
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