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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Wow did everyone hear the latest about the Kane case..Turns out the evidence (rape kit) was taken from the evidence locker partially destroyed and delivered to the victims mothers house..Her Lawyer also says that a settlement was never discussed and that was totally fabricated by the media. So this leads me to believe that a police officer was possibly bought out by the Kane camp to destroy the evidence..Delivering it to the victims home was just a slap to her face..Who does this stuff..wow
  2. you did miss the day but the draft didnt happen so im not to sure whats goijng to happen now
  3. Enjoy it Matt..I think this will be the last year you get to say this stuff..While mostly true, its quickly changing for the buds..With any luck at all...lol
  4. someone should just create a second team
  5. love this! Alfie is back with the Sens in the front office .. they should really suck this year..ha ha ha and so it begins..Sorry Matt..lol
  6. ISIS said well over 2 years ago they would flood hundreds of thousands of its members throughout the world VIA refugees.. Here we are 2 years later and this "old stock Canadian" dont want any of them here until we know exactly who they are..Dont get me wrong I feel bad for these folks displaced like this but its all part of the big plan by others that want to destroy the word.. I cant stand Harper and want him gone as bad as the next guy but I have to agree with his position here..
  7. Couldn't agree more..What sickens me the most is someone is full of it..Either way the fact that money could make something like this go away is just wrong..No matter what "they" should get to the bottom of it..
  8. Actually I really want one of these boats.. This would be my boat of choice http://www.kingfisherboats.com/lake-sport/2025-freedom-hht/ http://www.kingfisherboats.com/lake-sport-2/
  9. Folks if he buys her out, that has to be an admission of guilt in the leagues eyes...Then the question is does the NHL allow him to get away with that? Do they want that talked about every game for the next year and a half...I dont think he will be allowed to play a regular season game at all..I honestly think Chicago is forcing the league to deal with it. Take for example Nascar and Kurt Busch, Chevrolet and Nascar both suspended him indefinitely until his name was cleared..He was found innocent and missed 4 races this year including the Daytona 500..This was for a supposed assault..She claimed he grabbed her by the neck..This is potential rape here..Buy out is not an option for him..He has to clear his name..But thats just my opinion...lol
  10. OSKI Wee Wee Cats are my team..Its just lovely watching them stomp the NOTs in double Blue.. I honestly think were cup bound again , just have to win it this time...
  11. I created last years thread and named it the leafs thread.. However the MODS deemed it unfit name and renamed it..So ya lets just pretend its a Leafs thread here...lol
  12. Sigh..Sometimes im all thumbs.. Not you again this year.....Here we go..ha ha ha
  13. Did anyone catch Hitchcock on Leafs lunch today? He says he wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised if the leafs made the playoffs this year..He also said to expect a speedy rebuild with the group of guys running the show now..Stamkos to leafs..I hear Yzerman may trade him rather then loose him at years end..
  14. Keep em coming Mike..Your posts are awesome..When i see a new post that you have started I click them right away...Hence why im on this post right now..Your tales are much appreciated
  15. With the cost of these bad boys I could just buy me a boat and a truck to pull it with..lol See how many get that
  16. Nice shot! Or is that capture?
  17. Deez nuts now thats the American dream....Sigh.....
  18. As for the new leader im not sure yet..Im leaning towards a young Justin or perhaps libertarian..We need a new vision here..I would never confuse Provincial with federal politics either, cause I hate Wynn and what she has done here. I like the idea of legalizing marijuana and taxing the heck out of it. If it were taxed like booze then we would be laughing. I also like the idea of asking the wealthy to pitch in a little more so us middle class can catch a bit of a break... The kid (42) is saying the right things to get my attention..Im far to young to remember his dad so that has no pull on me what so ever
  19. lol what would be so nutty about the hockey thread...lol
  20. So after all the reading this thread has to offer I think we can all agree that things need to change..However here we are bickering over who is the worst thief and liar..I dont like what the Cons have done in 8 years..With the new trade deal snuck in the back door, our oil going to china and our protected waters are all but gone. Now were dealing with American dairy heading this way. Bovine growth hormone was denied in Canada many time over the years for a reason. When will it end..We need a new leader and we need it now.
  21. I couldn't agree more.. If you invest in or own any major company's that sway federal choices then you shouldn't be able to be in politics..Period..Look at the mess USA is in with the FDA and Monsanto.The head of the FDA is also the head of Monsanto..Bush family in big oil and starting wars with Oil nations..Its all insane..Harper sure would like us to go the American way..more money in it for him
  22. CBC link here, but its allover the internet http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/shell-gets-ok-to-take-21-days-to-cap-blowouts-off-nova-scotia-coast-1.3179496
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