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Everything posted by Afraz

  1. Don't worry good Sir as a Citizen of the GREAT WHITE NORTH it will be an honor to abolish the evil carp from your pristine waters.. HEAR HEAR... P.s. Carp are super fun to catch.. and great to give away to unknowing relatives.. MU AHhahahaHaHA *Evil Laugh*
  2. Canadian Tire For Selection.. Walmart for Price (but they seldom have any fishing stuff - well not in my area anyway)
  3. Going out of Innisfil our-self, will see you out there. We'll be in a 2 Man Nanook with urine marks all around it ahhahaha.. Seriously though, what are you going for ? Perch ? whities ? Lakers ? I like to use Swedish pimples
  4. What are you guys talking about - soft-water ? This year has been the absolute best ice fishing year for me, i have been out more this year then the past 3 years put together. And i loved every minute of it, i hope this never ends, i can now fish waters that i would previously have no access to. HURRAY FOR HYDROGEN BONDING
  5. Snakeheads are considered a delicacy in southeast Asia, with firm white flesh they sell for more then what Tuna is worth.
  6. Tilapia eh, I love the following two links regarding Tilapia.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGoR4dbE1os http://www.news-medical.net/news/2008/07/08/39831.aspx MMmMmm Tilapia
  7. We're gonna try these guys out, beaverton is just too far for the fellas. Lefroy is easier to get to cause of he 400...
  8. LMAO That was me pushing the damn thing, my buddy was pulling it XD He must have switched 3 times with me XD
  9. Nice story, thanks for sharing. That fish looks OLD XD
  10. Lol i don't edit the vids my buddy does it, the dude driving the car. He is a music producer so this is right up his alley.. check out this other video we made a couple weeks back (btw all the vids are made from his Iphone 4 LOL) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kAVYF42qtE
  11. Hey Guys, Charsawbees and i are planning to set up a trip for this Saturday, and we are having trouble finding a good operator. There will be a total of 8 guys including us. We wanted to go with the orange guys but they are booked solid. I was wondering what other operators on Simcoe have you had luck with, with good service and productive waters. Does anyone know of any other mobile hut operator ? We will be taking first timer newbs with us so it doesn't really matter what they catch as long as they have something to keep them busy. Thanks Afraz
  12. I posted the dunnville trip, got a few replies on that figured i'd post this too. We are more active on the OOD forum but ennh hope you guys like this vid we made a couple weeks back http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kAVYF42qtE
  13. We just caught 55 lol, it was okay... well 55 minus the one we ate Bait was power bait orange roe, worked out quite well. we tried alot of different things orange outperformed everything. It was fun, they'd swim right into your hole to grab the bait lol..
  14. Too lazy to write a report so here is a link... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1f2JKt7UhoE&feature=player_embedded
  15. They are referred to as Kai class cars in Japan, and they are far from toys. They are used all over Asia as mini pick ups with actual 4x4's they are put through punishment unimaginable by American trucks. These are work horses for the developing world. They aren't meant to be comfy but they sure as heck are utilitarian, i have seen Cows and bulls put in the back of these lil trucks. I have seen them loaded with 12 + people (they place a sort of cap on the back - and place bench seats). With a 1.3 Litre gas engine they sip fuel and since they are almost always standard you get lots of low gearing. Light enough to be lifted by two adults from the back. But string enough to carry 3 times their actual load capacities. I don't sell these trucks, i actually wanted to import a few had it not been for annoying import laws where these things have to be 90 or older etc etc.. But as some others mentioned the ones sold here often found on kijiji are ridiculously priced often well over 7000 which is simply not worth it. Because they can be purchased brand new for 3000 U.S. in Japan.
  16. My buddies were fishing out of an inflatable, had their boaters card. Got slammed with a 280 dollar ticket for not having a Saftey Kit and Lights on their boat They were fishing on Scugog in the afternoon. The Safety kit i can understand (spent 65 bucks and picked one up from canadian tire) but where would i mount any sort of lights on my inflatable ? So i can avoid what happened to them :S
  17. Is this worse than the thousands of acres of forest which is lost due to forest fires because some guy thinks its cool to flick his ciggy out of his moving truck ? Or is this worse than the thousnads ofhectares of rainforest that is being lost, because we need more furniture for our homes.. Lol.. comeon man.. there are far more important issues we need to deal with.. Cormorants should be the least of our concern.. Anyway.. i am just gonna stop posting on this thread.. Because its either you love em or you hate em.. no middle ground here i reckon.. Cheers P.s. Jhonny Bass i wasn't pickin on you or anything, i was just providing rebuttals to your arguments.. nothing personal..
  18. Take our food ? so you're telling me you're the guy whose been neeting all the dinky perch and frying em up.. i guess you'd be mad afterall.. you are in direct competition with them LOL and Bun P3TA.. i am just saying.. its unfair to dictate that we should destory or control everything in the world that does not suite our tastes.. i mean these things will remain long after we're gone and they were here long before us.. Has nothing to do with mosquitoes or roaches lol.. EX: Zebra mussels invasive yes - But they have improved water clarity.. I dunno about you, i rather not swim in thick mossy green PHOSPHATE laden water.. everything balances out over time.. And these things provide sructure and habit at for fry.. not to mention food for many coarse fish such as fresh water drum... I am not being an enviro freak.. But in a country like Canada that has been blessed with so many natural resources i'd hate to see it ruined because of some radical few who have a problem with limiting their influence on natural processes..
  19. LOOOOOOOOOOOOL !! Bat Droppings ruining our beautiful natural resource - Our caves.. Lets destroy them next
  20. According to your logic, everytime a species evolves or finds a niche that it can exploit it is considered invasive and thus must be destroyed. I wonder what the cormorants think of us lol.. As far as invasiveness is concerned we colonized every single part of the world because of our dominance. Now if a species is capable of doing something similar we disallow it because it threatens our superiroity ? comeon.. they are birds lol.. doin whats birds do.. feed and poop.. There weren't that many people in Canada in huge numbers, does that mean we should have put a ban on immigration and child birth thinking that our resources would be put under stress ? As far as i am concerned its just natural selection.. let nature play itself out.. if we want to fashion the evolution of our planet and enviornemnt based on our own image and the like thereof than there is no stopping the inevitable.. but for the time being..leave the cormorants alone and worry more about the guys who haul 12000 Lbs of fish catch 10000 over their limit and get slapped with a 2000 dollar fine, still making tonnes of cash even after paying the fine (my numbers may be off but most of you have an idea what i am talking about)...
  21. We need to have a study done, with a control. Very doable but i doubt it'll ever get done. Its not the cormorants its the trawlers that net thousands of lb's of fish per session. Ban commercial fishing then deal with the birds.. Make it like the good old days... if you wanted to eat fish you'd have to go out and catch one.. Least in Canada anyway.. I mean though suckers are considered coarse fish, you often find them in chinese markets labelled as "Northern Canadian Mullet" labeled wrong.. and how sustainable is a take and take fishery.. I doubt the MNR goes around stocking commercial fishing grounds with coarse fish fry..
  22. no one ? really..
  23. Hey Fellas, Last couple of weeks have been awfull for me, can't seem to figure out where the fish are or what they're up to (guessing cuase the water has been turning over). I am not out looking for trout or Salmon as usual i am out for much better things While chucking spoons and x-raps for pike on frenchman's bay we managed to hook a baby carp on its top fin. And this was the only fish landed that entire trip, 7 hours. If anyone has any Plausible RECENT info regarding where i may be able to get into anything like : SHeephead, channel cat, carp, sucker, bowfin..ling w.e.. I'd realy appreciate it, also if anyone is going out crappie or perch fishign this weekend. I wouldn't mind trying my hand for those guys as well but given that the wind might be 25k i doubt i'd be able to pull the tube out XD so shore fishing opportunities please and thank you. Thanks again... Afraz
  24. Thanks, i was hoping to get more replies. but i guess this will have to do XD
  25. I second that, there's deff something not right...
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