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Everything posted by Afraz

  1. Swan rides center island. You can see em sunning
  2. Not surprising, a buddy landed a baby Chinook which was almost black yesterday morning out of bowmanville creek. Must have been 6 - 8 lbs TOPS. Still i wonder why they would run up in Spring, when they are supposed to spawn in fall. I guess it works both ways when trout follow the Salmon in during the fall, guess some crazy Salmon follow the trout up. LOL - such illogical logic
  3. I have always heard of folks using large live bait, but i never figured out how they'd rig them things. WHat sort of floater do you use ? main line ? weights (if any). Thanks Only pike fishing i do, is when one decides its hungry enough to have some of my carp corn
  4. I know this guy, i have bought stuff from him before. But my buddy said he closed up shop. So we didn't drive by him... As far as reporting her is concerned - i posted this same thing on another forum (got my post deleted - something about getting sued or w.e) I could give a rats ass about what anyone's bait store preference is, but i just wanted to let people know what my experience was with the afore stated store.. Maybe i should make a call to my C.O buddy, see what his take is on this...
  5. Hey Guys, I had the weirdest day today, i ran around Scarborough trying to find a bait store that would sell me worms. Tried lucky, he's been closed every time i have been to that place, most of the other local worm suppliers have gone belly up. And well Rerie has closed down too... So i Google the next bait store, and i find AV Tackle. I pick up 2 boxes of worms. Try to pay with my debit, lady says no min 10 dollar purchase. Okay so now i have 6 dozen worms (just to be granted the privilege of paying via debit). Anyway, i see a bunch of 2011 Fishing regs in Chinese and in Engilsh. Before i can say anything my buddy helps himself to one and grabs a next copy for me. I finish paying my fee and as we walk off with the regs, the lady in the back yells at us. Thieves that is not for free (what the hell ??? WHEN DID THE REGS COST MONEY ???) She says 1.00 + tax or you need to buy a fishing license from me to be able to get that for free with the license or else put it back. She said it costs her money to buy those regs Now i have never had anyone ask me to pay for the regs, maybe i have been mistaken all along. But just to be sure i call the MNR and ask them about it (and they answer the regs are for free you don't pay for them) So what the HELL IS THIS STUPID WOMAN DOING ?? scamming anglers trying to make money of fishing regs ??? Needless to say i shall never allow myself to get desperate enough to shop from there.. REMEMBER GUYS AV TACKLE Near Mccowan and Sheppard.. Eish.. i know times are tough but is it legal to make money of stuff that you aren't supposed to sell ? Maybe i can complain about this and have some legal action taken against her.. next time i will walk in and record everything (if there ever is one) Afraz
  6. Great replies guys, So is it then safe to assume that south of the 401 or Hwy 2 (unti it ends) is the case as you go further east? So why is it at port hope you have to fish south of the C.N tracks ? Gosh i need to pick up a revised regs book, the one i have is a bit old and they didn't mail me one even though i sent an email to the M.N.R... Will canadian tire carry em ?
  7. Hey Guys, I was wondering, for those that live in southern Ontario. How does this work ? I went to scope out the glen and rouge campground area to see what was up. I noticed a few folks fishing north of the 401 (and old kingston rd/bridge) i approached them and aske dthem what they were fishing for. None of them replied and ignored me (which P.O'ed me). So i decided to take a walk further down and met a few fellow anglers from years past trout fishing. I confirmed with them that fishing north of the 401 was forbidden until the seasoned open 4th weekend in April. Anyway, now them folks were using pickerel rigs and had setups that appeared to be targeting suckers (pickerel rigs and float setups with night crawlers). But because they were fishing north of the 401 i still called em in. Now are you legally allowed to fish for any species other then trout north of the 401 ? Or is it closed regardless of what you are targeting until trout opens ? Confused Also, i always thought you had to fish south of the C.N tracks not the 401. But apparently i was wrong. All along i could have been doing well at the marsh instead of wasting my time at the mouth lol. Thanks Afraz
  8. I would love to help, do you guys lift on the weekends ? since that is the only time i get off work.. I can bring a friend too (if need be)..
  9. End of the world 2012
  10. What sort of culture would enjoy eating, a plankton feeding. Boney as hell fish. After you fillet em, you barely get any meat out (deboned). If calcium is what you're after drink a glass of milk instead of munching on fish bones. Better yet have a spoonful of Nutella it tastes good and is good for you (apparently)..
  11. LOL great post hammercrap...bloody hilarious..
  12. Suckers locally, only because it's close. Then off to the Grand for cats
  13. Don't know about Port Hope but you catch em year long at the Whirlpool
  14. Thats a huge sunfish/bluegill lmao..
  15. Wah do i need to register my 12 foot zodiac now ? what the hell.. its an inflatable..
  16. I think that's a Belmont Large Regular Cigarette Butt.. Oh you mean the fish.. its just a quillback..
  17. LMAO !!! WHy would anyone throw their bat into the water
  18. I have caught a carp at Port Hope in the Spring, i was fishing bottom with a pickerel rig, and this thing slammed it. Was maybe about 18 lbs. It was about 5 meters north of the last walking bridge on the ganny..
  19. LOL thanks guys, I was kind of Mad too at my buddy for taking 2 weeks to make a 30 sec clip after we filmed a good 35 mins LOL.. I guess i nagged him to the point where he just slapped this together just to keep myself from annoying hi further lol.. Oh well better than nun.. Afraz
  20. Hey Guys, My buddy and i went fishing on lady simcoe on Feb 12th and here is the jist of it : From Charsawbees: So we went Ice Fishing on Simcoe at Innisfil Beach a week and a half ago. How'd it go? Well, slow and crappy to say the least. We're never going back to that neck of the woods again, that's for sure ! My wife's uncle and his friends wanted to go (a bunch of guys that go fishing like 3 times a year) so it was an "adventure" for them, but the fishing stank. We booked an operator for them who was a nice guy, but didn't put us on the fish unfortunately. We had about 15 Perch for the day between myself and Afraz, and the other guys got skunked (mainly cuz they didn't know what they were doing). I felt bad that they didn't catch anything their first time out ice fishing, but this part of the lake was very slow that day (we talked to others on the ice, same story). On a positive note though, everyone had a good time being out at least. It was a good time regardless. At one point, we got checked by CO's, it's a good thing I stressed to my wife's uncle and his friends to make sure they printed e-licenses or it could've gotten ugly(er), lol! The day was so slow, I didn't feel like making a full video, but I did make a little short trailer for the trip, so hope you enjoy! Again, filmed on my trusty little iPhone 4. Thanks! Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpgzlcFwwAM Again my buddy CHarsawbees did the vid as always.. And this was his write up from another forum, i am too lazy to type things lol..
  21. Lets just ban human beings from Earth that way we can't pollute anything directly or indirectly... Given that i am an Alien i should be allowed to fish anywhere i please.. LMAO !!! Banning parking on the ice lmao.. There are bigger things to worry about.. Like the salt issue, and runoff during the thaw...
  22. Could have postponed it Steve.. its mad freezing outside.. ah well.. there is always the cat derby come spring..
  23. Yea.. 14 inches is plenty of ice.. Even if there is a little slush..
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  25. Great pics dude.. that was some morning eh..
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