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Everything posted by Afraz

  1. Thank You Good Sir !
  2. Hello Folks, If someone could help me out finding the application for boat transfer from one owner to the next, i found the following link but the site in question does not exist: http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/faq/other.shtml#BoatRegistration1 Thanks
  3. Here's most of it
  4. LOL - so this isn't something I ought to be chucking eh
  5. Hello Folks, I was organizing the tackle and pulled out an old, with rusty hooks little cleo lure, but was surprised to see the back look like this:
  6. Survival of the fittest Natural Selection will play its course Just a matter of time The fishing might suck in the short term but in about a few hundred to a thousand years some form of normalcy will be achieved.
  7. Good Report Aaron, always nice to hear from you. Your reports got me setting up my tackle and organizing the lot from late evening all the way till 5 in the morning haha Now if the ice would melt around the Trophy for me to pull her out.
  8. Salmon gear to come
  9. Yes Sir !!! NOT ONE OF THOSE HAHA There was a backup generator that failed, i was n B1 when the power went out initially. Heard the generator start off with a boom, ran for maybe 1 or 2 mins then everything went dark permanently for 2 weeks, until an external diesel generator was brought in by a contractor. Sat outside on a trailer. Power went out, pipes froze, lines burst. Everything flooded, once the boilers were turned back on via external generator. Flooded waters went from lobby into electrical room, which is directly under lobby. Red cross showed up handing out blankets, and told everyone to use the community center for showers and w.e Our neighbors had their unit sold, now they are suing the Corporation, along with the guys who live below us, class action lawsuit or something along those lines. One of the engineers that was working the night shift mentioned mismanagement over a long period of time in ensuring the piping was up to date and could withstand emergencies such as this. As to why we had to wait for the city inspector to show up and give the go ahead to hydro to switch on the power for 3 weeks baffles me. Management and the board blames owners, for not paying a high enough maintenance fee, which would have ensured enough money was available to make the necessary changes to building infrastructure. On another note, the building was publicized on City News, CTV and a few other outlets. Wonder what this does for unit values. Knowing one owner who was fuming, because their Realtor denied continuing to offer his services in selling the unit. When i approached management an asked why there weren't any contingency plans in place for such events, they mentioned it was unforeseen. WHO KNEW IF THERE COULD BE AN ICE STORM IN CANADA ??? Lmao..
  10. Hey Folks, After the initial ice storm that caused mayhem we didn't have power, heat, hot water till today. Finally the work got done on our condo much to the relief of over 200 Unit Owners at our condo. To think it would take this long to regain basic utilities in such a developed country with so many resources. So many questions left un-answered, as to who is to be held to account for this ? All the people that got pneumonia and terribly sick from the cold, the over 20 robberies that took place during this period of time. Just until yesterday, folks were using water from the swimming pool to flush their toilets - felt like it was a 3rd world country. Its finally over, or so i hope :/ Afraz
  12. What if you need a whole bunch of Downrigging Salmon / Trout stuff ? Torpedo Divers Dipsys Jets Planers Etc etc
  13. Wreck the lake by calling in more Anglers, whose outdoor activities feed local economies. Whose licensing pays for the stocked whitefish and Lake-trout that you guys catch ? Yeah your comments are reasonable. To each their own, i suppose. Thank you OP for the post and Vid. I'll make sure to spread the word about Virginia beach on Facebook, twitter, and also yell it out of my balcony for passerby's making sure to spread the word. The lakes belong to everyone, and if someone wants to give a report, which might help their business good on them.
  14. This is by-far the most useful post for myself personally on this forum. Thank You EHG SO MUCH for posting this In all the years of boat ownership, i never even bothered to get out here until later this October, and it is one of GTA's hidden Gems. Any other boat anglers wanting to take a whack at this spot anytime of the year (except winter) are more than welcome to P.M me, and set up a trip. Thanks Again EHG
  15. I'd jump on this job after completing my double major in April. I have friends with Master's degrees in Engineering not able to find work On another note not sure if Disaster Management and Health Studies would apply to their CGEP requirements
  16. Not really the types of replies i was looking for, but i am glad that it started a conversation that everyone needs to have. As to the politics of GMO, i mean we as North Americans are the biggest living experiment in world history, the effects of GMO's have not been documented and will be as such upon our retiring years. Unlike in Europe where you have a choice by virtue of government promoted labeling of GMO's and Organic. To put it in context one of my Prof, who is retired from the Military will only use Tomatoes from Italy, specifically because "if a fish was meant to have sex with a Tomato, nature would have made it so".- Walter Perchal. Moreover, i need to acquire tonneage, for the purposes of milling white flour. I need both standard GMO white kernel, as well as non GMO and for that i thank you bigugli, i shall do further research on those types of corn.
  17. Hello Folks, For the guys who are in the know, how does one go about sourcing white corn for human consumption GMO and regular ? I need a substantially large amount of this Corn, who can i speak to / where can i get it ? Thanks
  18. Anyone been back out that way recently ?
  19. We launched a 16.5 out of whitby with a 25 HP, took us 15-20 mins tops to reach mouth of Oshawa creek.
  20. Hmm sounds, good. I Ought to pull out the Jet Boat and troll around just out of everyone's casting distance
  21. You can go on Lake O if you are smart about it, do lots of research, weather wise. Let people know where you will be going and for how long. Have all safety equipment onboard, have some form of communication if SHTF. And as for getting into fish, we don't go too far off, all our fish come between 150 - 200 FOW which isn't far at all, i can see the bluffs while we troll about. DO you need to go this deep for fish ? No you don't, wait till fall and the fish will start stacking up in the mouth's of rivers, and you can target them trolling there. If you need more information, don't hesitate to p.m members of this forum, most of us are more than willing to help
  22. Someone's selling trout Roe in North York 50 bucks for a lb http://ontario.kijiji.ca/c-buy-and-sell-sporting-goods-exercise-fishing-camping-outdoors-Trout-eggs-W0QQAdIdZ340449564 Appears as if this person lives beside the Humber River
  23. Hey Guys, Can anyone tell me how old this Suzuki outboard is ? DT8 0801231048 - Serial number Thanks
  24. There should be MANDATORY fishing test to acquire a license. Unless you are underage or over 65 as is the case now. However the exam/test should be a one time deal if 100 bucks. Or if 20 ish then every year as long as its not 20 + 40 for license (then that is stupid). This will bring in more money for the M.N.R to get more done, via C.O's or stocking programs etc.
  25. In Bigfoot and his buddies, No. In Nessie (loch ness monster) or the like thereof, Yes. There are still parts of the ocean unexplored or not frequented by human beings, who knows what lies in deep cold lakes, and oceans. Heck there is a blob of chemicals in Lake Ontario, so why not a prehistoric remnant like the coeclananth (spelling), sturgeon or gar ?
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