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Everything posted by Afraz

  1. X 2 Also its cool how those panfish look so huge when a kid is holding em up lol..
  2. Hey Guys, We rented a cottage at Penetang, Georgian Bay - Simcoe, Durham (Property No.2425). Here is a link to the site : http://www.cottagerentals.com/rent/listing.asp?PropID=2425 I was wondering how this area is for fishing, or if there any productive grounds nearby ? Are there any carp in Georgian Bay ? If my buddies were to chum the night before we arrived. What else can we fish for ? Also, are there any bait stores in the vicinity ? i know there is one in Midland. We had gone ice fishing through him once, last year but that's about all we know at this point. Thanks
  3. LOL that was hilarious XD
  4. Them "tomato" plants look more like strawberries to me
  5. I dont think the Rav4 comes with optional 3rd row seating, there is barely room in it as is. Maybe its the highlander you are speaking of ?
  6. I think its in July
  7. Welcome, lots of good fishing to be had near your area.
  8. http://autos.ca.msn.com/editors-picks/gallery.aspx?cp-documentid=28603774&page=10 I thought this was really cool, always boasted about KSA but that little South American country put the Arabs to shame LOL..
  9. Pfft not even... ALIENs i tell ya ALIEENZZZ !!! Zombie ALiens ?
  11. Another Conspiracy Theory ? or the truth
  12. LOL did you see two blokes in a white rubber dinghy
  13. Good riddance, Ignatief was such a fool "RISE UP RISE UP" not a face that i would vote for, dion was probably better suited to the bloc lol. Hate him or love him, Dalton Mcsquinty is a face that i would associate with the liberals. Bye bye Ignatief you will not be missed.
  14. Amazing pics dude, really AWESOME !!!
  15. Ha ha but is your aluminum loaded with 200 lbs of gear and 2 adults ?
  16. LOL yeah you probably did, only 2 idiot with a 12 foot bathtub and a 3.6 on ha ha.. Hey it beats pushing that thing with a trolling motor.. Should have taken out the 4 HP but wouldn't have made much of a difference though..
  17. We were out yesterday in our inflatable, it was a horrible day. really really slow. In 8 hours fishing we landed 2 which was a miracle when considering what most other caught. Lots of carp jumping - but didn;t want to bother fishing for them. Since we came a long ways for channel cat action. Anywho, it was an okay day up until 9 am after that the wind picked up and it was just really weird.
  18. I always fished for cats at night, yesterday was the first time i tried day fishing It wa great up until 9 am. After taht everything went down the drain.
  19. Doesn't look like any wave-spin i have XD
  20. Looks like a Koi to me or some sort of hybrid. But this ainèt no grass carp. Infact a bunch of ponds in the GTA are chocked full of Koi that people have either let go, or someone has intentionally released for angling purposes.
  21. Incidental catch... Some biologist found a Tilapia stuck in one of his capturing pens. On the Grand river. Doesn't mean there is a wild population, may just mean some one let one go, it escaped so on and so forth..
  22. No they are just sunning, although i never fished for em. What you can do is chum with some bread so while it floats and the carp come up to eat. Throw in a fly that imitates the bread. Might work that way.
  23. Was it just me, or was there line coming off the spool from the guy working the minnow (the first image of the dude reeling it in) Lol prob got a birdsnest from chucking that dinky light weight banjo minnow...
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