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Everything posted by limeyangler

  1. YOU KNOW THAT! or following the snow machine, or following my boat, an aerial shot of my property, a few near miss shots of different lures being cast, let it lose at a BBQ or other gatherings, great toy!
  2. Done, just pre-ordered……bit of a risk….but hey…IF IT WORKS!
  3. I would say yes to both those questions. Would a credit card not cover you in some way should they disappear?
  4. Thanks for the replies guys. LOL…"nice tail" I am going to another creek this morning and will follow it from the highway to where it runs into a large trout and whitefish lake that also holds LARGE PIKE, gonna try casting in to the creek mouth opening and see what happens.
  5. Depends a lot on what you like doing in your spare time, if its hunting and fishing your in heaven, but even then it can be challenging, long, extremely cold winters, not much else to do except hunt and fish. What's the job?
  6. WOW…stunning pics! Great day out!
  7. I will get thrown in the stocks and have lead fishing weights thrown at me for this…but here goes…….. When are any of these so called 'environmental issues' not political??? The article states "In 2010, the U.S. EPA ruled that lead weights do not pose an unreasonable risk to wildlife" LOLOL…like the EPA decisions are non political…….KEYSTONE PIPELINE ANYONE???!!!!!! All I know is lead is toxic. I have often wondered when this would become an issue here in Northwestern Ontario. I always lose a few jigs when I go fishing, all my jigs are lead. Times that by 100 years and the amount of tourists and locals that fish my lake…..THAT IS A LOT OF LEAD. Someone posted a picture the other day of a tackle bonanza of tangled jigs…a good few pounds of toxic lead there too. Just saying.
  8. aaaaah…the good 'ole impartial, objective Fraser Institute.
  9. fantastically amazing job….the kids will always remember this. Warms the heart.
  10. 10,000,000 x 1,000,000 = 10,000,000,000,000 Ten trillion or roughly 5 x Canada's GDP.
  11. "they smelt like pubs and Wormwood Scrubs and too many right wing meetings"

  12. Thanks guys and gals! Cant wait till roll of can try this out when I take Roloff creek fishing for suckers!
  13. Nice pics Steve….looks perfect!
  14. I have about 400 examples of footage I have shot with mine…take a look here……..https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj99GM-EGBhHYh9tBhnLPeA 1080p @ 60fps is my standard, I play around with slowmo lots, wvga at 240fps is best slomo result but you need good light and qulitry is not HD. 720p gives you 120fps, better but jumpier results. 1440p gives very clear pics but jagged edges, only really good for tripod , not moving shots. The rest of the settings get really pro, for those using RAW and doing lots of work in editing. HAVE FUN….AWESOME LITTLE GADGETS!
  15. That does sound EPIC! Got me all wound up now, can't wait for some open water up here. YUMMY! Best cod and chips ever! Thanks for posting.
  16. He is in his element for sure! Thanks Joey, can't wait for our next walk down there.
  17. Hi all, Went for a walk to a deep Lake Trout lake with a creek running into it. Plan was to see if the smelt were running up the creek yet and to send minnows and imitation spawn drifting under a slip bobber in the current to get whitefish pike, and hopefully a laker or two. Plans came to an abrupt end when I got to the mouth of the creek to find hardly any open water and the water that was there was unfishable due to depth and/or access. Was a nice walk for an hour with the dog, and Roloff got to go swimming….you know that aint gonna warm your gonads! We saw a rabbit and a pike swimming up the creek, Roloff went in after it…..he skunked too!
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