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Everything posted by limeyangler

  1. Hey Mike....i'm new to fishing over here...and am still amazed at the colors of lures that catch fish...i mean since when was there anything orange and pink that glows in the dark to be found naturally in any habitat ??? coming from a backround of sea fishing...the species i was used to catching required as natural a looking bait as possible if not a live bait...this has been a steep learning curve for me. Nice thread Thanks...lemme know how you get on.
  2. Ive never tried wacky worm technique...but i do like using circle hooks when i can....like someone else said...99.9% of the time the hook is in the corner of the fishes mouth.
  3. Great Pics GCD....where is Lakair?
  4. Great report...sounds like a blast1...one question...where is lakair....?
  5. Thats a big fish Lew....great report.
  6. thta's a big slab...nice one!
  7. thta's a big slab...nice one!
  8. glad the vid was usefull, and Taper....thanks for the tip about the Rapala knife....might need to invest for next winter o the ice.
  9. Awesome report.....absolutely fantastic pictures...thanks for sharing...the sunset pics are incredible!
  10. This post was inspired by richyb's Pike post. I know a lot of you probably already know this, but pike is really good eating...but i i always here that people think it's too boney, soooooooooo.....i just thought i'd put this video here cuz it helped me to fillet pike....in fact its also usefull for trout(lakers) and whitefish too, which have similar anatomies to pike. I did a search on here and realise vids have been posted on this topic before...but it was a while ago. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcWyGrV0qao&hl=en"></param><embed'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcWyGrV0qao&hl=en"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcWyGrV0qao&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> That electric filleting knife looks great for slabbing whiteies and trout out on the ice, i wonder if there is a battery operated version...would save alot of time and frostbite if it works at -40 celcius....lol.
  11. Hey richyb, Great report, nice bass...even better Pike. Thats what i have been fishing for recently too, although the bigger pike are still to show in the weedbeds...heck the weedbeds are still to show in the weedbeds...lol....was a long winter. I like eating pike too....and like you say it aint harder than filleting trout or whitefish. Thanks for sharing....enjoy supper.
  12. Hi Y'all, Well after finding a nice reef on Friday, I decided to head back and try anchoring up as suggested by OFC member Cranksbait in reply to my post for that day. Took me a while to find it, as i remembered my land marks all wrong!!! lol....anyway after a bit of messing about and wishing i had got the Lowrance 522 instead of the X67C (522 has GPS) i found myself scrambling to lift he Yamaha up before it was a case of 'goodbye skegarooni'. Like i said in the previous post, superb reef dropping off to 30 feet, one steep side, one gradual slope....weeds all around, although strangely bare across the top (like myself) with a big 1- 5' plateau. NICE WALLEYE CABBAGE AND BAITFISH I anchored up at 22' depth on the gradual slope and set my bobber depth to 14 feet....the wind would basically carry the bait up the slope, and i could just keep dragging it back towards me when the bait hit bottom depth and let it run up the slope again, been wanting to try this for a while. 2 mins after the first cast...the bobber started its lie flat and wiggle walleye waltz...fish on...not big, but not bad for 3 minutes work. PROMISING START I put that one back....and kinda glad i did...cuz it was the only fish i caught on the reef, so it would not have been enough for the wife and i for supper. As you can see from the pick i dropped the marker buoy on top of the reef for a point of reference....however both the buoy and the anchor were dragging the whole time...and i could not get them to stick.....suggestions?.....so after becoming very frustrated i decided it was still only 5:30pm so i had enough time to go the 3 miles to Mile Lake for some bass. As i was leaving the reef...the sun, that had been threatening to show itself for one of the first times this summer...FINALLY BROKE THROUGH!!!! only a few clouds in the sky and a nice cool north wind...absolutely gorgeous evening...... AAAAHHHHH.....SUMMER AT LAST!!!! THE ENTRANCE TO MILE LAKE ( if you are able to watch this video its all because of the help i got from TBayboy) <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i263.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid263.photobucket.com/albums/ii158/vishuscirquel/MVI_1200.flv"> Yeah right!....lets go get some fish....hmmmmmm. Not a fish anywhere at my first mark. I did see a giant ...and i mean GIANT! pike swim right under the boat...tried to get him or her to bite...but nah...nuffink doin'. Anyway, i was trying the areas i had success a couple weeks back...that is to say shallow rocky stretches of shoreline...with no weed growth...dropping off into deeper water about 10-15' from shore....funnily enough it is only at these spots where the bass bite at the moment in this lake....and even stranger, i realised today that unless there are Cedar pine along those stretches of shore you wont get a bite either. Like i said though, i got only one swirl at the surface using a chug bug topwater, tried nearly every hardbait, tube jig, mepps spinner in my box. I was at the entrance to the lake to start, and i did notice that the water here had some algae bloom happening, and also the shore i was fishing was in direct sunlight, casting my shadow over it....i decided that this combination was not good and headed over to the shaded shore....which as it happens was clear of algae . THE MORE SHADED STRETCH OF SHORE ....NOTICE THE CEDAR PINE....WEIRD HOW THAT MAKES A DIFFERENCE Despite having heard that topwaters are better on cloudy days, i went with one because it had been the only lure so far to arouse any interest. I decided that because the water was much clearer, and the skies almost cloudless, i would use a smaller one with a more silvery baitfish appearance. Three or for casts later, there was a very calm swirl by the lure, i struck...fish on! NOT A BAD FIRST BASS OF THE DAY <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i263.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid263.photobucket.com/albums/ii158/vishuscirquel/o.flv"> I worked that shoreline for about an hour or so....lots of bass...in fact lost count...great fun...here's some i snapped BASSASSESSES They are roughly the same size.....a couple of nice ones, i must get something to weigh them with as i have no idea , however the largest i caught were both 19inches. I measured them because Team #4 already has one of 19" and I’m trying to get a better one....but after way more than 20 fish between myself and my buddy who fished this lake with me a couple weeks back, just cant get one bigger than that... CANT SEEM TO GET ONE MORE THAN 19"!??! This started me thinking about the size of fish in this lake...and i also realised that i never caught any little ones....lol....that’s when i hooked this guy GOOD TO SEE THE NEXT GENERATION COMING THROUGH As you can see from that last pic the sun was beginning to set...i don’t have any night lights for the boat so...like many a fisherman before me....it was time for “one last cast", which turned into about 10 more casts...lol....my final cast for the day got me my one and only pike LITTLE PIKE AND TIME TO CALL IT A DAY The rain did make a late appearance, but it was just one rain cloud in an otherwise pretty cloudless sky...looked kinda cool JUST ONE RAIN CLOUD Time to head back, as it was getting dark quick...like many times before the sunset was quite breathtaking.....lol...i know i keep posting pics of sunsets...its just that they are so awesome...have to bore you all again I’m afraid. I LOVE THESE SUNSETS! Tomorrow I’m heading back...AGAIN...lol...this time my wife is coming with me , she loves to fish for pike...so i might even go to the larger lake behind this one that is connected by another weeded channel, see what’s happening in there.
  13. Hi Y'all, Went back to last Sundays smb hotspot to try a few new lures, in particular a Wiggle Wart. Got to the spot at about 3pm after waiting 3 hours for the storms to clear.....well they did...until I anchored up and started to fish. I landed a nice 19 incher on the second cast...went to grab the camera....turned it on...DARN!!!! i had left the SD card in the computer!!!!! oh well......would have got wet anyway. Some weird stuff happened today with the bass. First off...I’m retrieving the wiggle wart, but its front hooks are caught on the snap swivel so its behaving like a surface popper....WHAM!...bass. Then i'm thinking maybe i should swap up to a topwater....as i'm mulling this over a bass is going nuts at the surface every 30 seconds or so. I was gonna change up lure but it was raining so hard i did not want to open my tackle box. Anyway...the rain eased and i'm just about to change up, when a little bass jumps a clear 2' out of the water doing a crazy headshake, the bass goes one way and it spits this lure the other......not my lure either......must have been the bass that was breaking the surface all the time...poor thing probably been trying to shake it off all week, i bet that was my buddy Kyle's lure...gonna ask him if he lost it . LITTLE BASS SPAT THIS OUT Not soon after that a huge thunder storm rolled in, lots of lightning right over me so i decided to get to shore just to be safe. I must have been under an old eagle nest, lots of old fish bones and small pike skulls and a huge walleye skeleton....why cant i catch those big ones!!!! well at least its good to know they get to that size in this lake. I brought it home for a pic, cuz my wife is well into skeletons and stuff like that. , could the day get weirder? THE HEAD ALONE IS 9 INCHES!!! After the storm passed i trolled, cast, slip bobbered for 2 hours with only 2 very small pike for my efforts and was almost gonna try a pickerel rig but another front started to show on the horizon and i decided to call it a day and save myself another soaking. The day did get weirder.....on my way back, i go through a 50' channel between 2 islands.....whets in the middle? 4 DEER!!!! swimming across the lake!! man they’re are good swimmers, they were freeking out a bit when they saw the boat...so i backed off and cut the motor...really cool to watch....I CANT BELIEVE I CANT USE MY CAMERA!!!!!!!! I decided to try a walleye spot i was at yesterday where lots of fish were showing, well not so many fish showing on the fishfinder today when i got there, and first jig down got snagged and i lost it....i did not have the will to retackle up and headed back to the house. As soon as i got the boat tied up...yup...you guessed it...the sun comes out! sheesh...lol SODS LAW, SUN COMES OUT AS SOON AS I GET HOME As usual i tied the boat up and had a few casts.......i'm gonna have to fish more from home lol.....hooked into a really nice pike within minutes on the bobber HE PUT UP A GOOD FIGHT! 33" FOR TEAM #4 I also managed a few walleye on the bobber...put 'em back as I’ve had a lot of fish suppers recently, AWESOME CAMOUFLAGE All in all a wet and slow day...until i got home. Message on the phone to say my buddy has gone to Winnipeg for the weekend so my trout(laker) trip is off...dammit!.....never mind...will find somewhere to fish tomorrow for sure.
  14. Great report MofB, salmons gotta be a bonus...i'd love to catch one of those.
  15. Nice fish CP....thatnks for sharing.
  16. i dont know what will happen in terms of taking more fish for consumption, but there are certainly less American fishermen up here this year so far, and for myself....yup...gas prices have definitely meant i will not be hauling the boat around as much as i'd like.
  17. Hi Hillrat, welcome back...i'm a newbie but loving the forum.
  18. Welcome dylandddd, I'm new to the forum too, and you'll easily find out loads to help. I was also in a similar position to yourself 7 years ago...fished when i was younger but only got back to it after a 20 year break. GOOD LUCK and tight lines.
  19. Thanks for the replies guys. Hey highdrifter, the bright side of not getting walleyes at this reef is that i get the chance to go back and try and get "descunkified" for walleye And Clamp It....its always the way recently it seems...should just set up a permanent chair down there....sell the boat...and save on gas...lol.....NAH.....that would be boring. Unfortunately Master of Bait i pulled up quite a few snagged lines, looks like i was not exactly Indiana Jones on this one( i.e. new discovery) Thanks for the suggestion Cranks, but the motor runs fine....its just that when i have it at full tilt the arm hardly rotates at all...is it a rubber type gasket/grip that needs replacing....all help appreciated. And i did think about anchoring up....should've really. next time i will, i wanna try setting the bobber at 17' and letting it drift up the slope, also throwing a bright colored crank/slash bait might be interesting...gotta be bright i think cuz Lake Wabigoon is murky/muddy as hell. I'm gonna get the lawn and all that crap outta the way and head of for some more pike/bass action...will post up later today.
  20. Hi Y'all, AHHHHHHH....finally finished work! off for 2 months now, still have to do a bit of moonlighting to afford my sled this winter...small sacrafice....but should be posting lots and lots and lots over the next couple of months. Anyhoo...enuff personal history, on to fishy business. OK....went out for an hour or two yesterday. Found an awesome midwater reef/hump/structure thingy with fish all over it. The upside was that it seems my fishfnder is beginning to work...lots of probs before, still not working all the time...seems transducer mounting is liking cause...but will post on that asking for help if after i mess around with it a bit more. This reef comes up from around 30 feet, has a near vertical drop on one side, gradual slope on another and plateaus (20'x20') across the top getting as shallow as 2' (watch that skeg!!!) as i drifted over it you could see weed growth on top and on the slope, and more importantly big fish arches at 18' all around it...with lots of baitfish everywhere. I was going out to get supper, and was assuming this was walleye at the reef. Well it could have been but all i could manage to catch was pike...not that i'm bothered about catching...was just hoping it was my wally supper. I'm pretty sure there were plenty of walleye there, but i only got 3 pike.....also my trolling motor is playing up(another post asking for help coming up on that one too, once i have a quick look at it myself) so was difficult to hold position in the wind. Not a bad session...dont think there is a bad day fishing as someone once said somewhere, and after tying the boat up i had a few casts and managed 4 small walleye for supper...SORTED! Her's a few piccies from yesterdays outing.
  21. great report JdubyaL. thanks for sharing
  22. Nice one Gerrit, Nippising is not far from where i am at....and the weayher has certainly been the most challenging aspect of any recent fishing trips.....if not rain....wind.....or both. Great pics of the whole family, like someone else said...cant wait to have a little fishing buddy too. Thanks for sharing....whats a Rockstar lure?
  23. Some good fish there. I like the look of the white bass....i dont think we get those up here. thanks for sharing.
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