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limeyangler last won the day on March 24

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About limeyangler

  • Birthday 03/13/1967

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    Dryden ON

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Fishing God

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  1. https://www.facebook.com/share/r/1Fi8w6bwW2/?mibextid=wwXIfr
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  2. Took this picture on my way trout fishing mid February, do I need a shelter and a heater? For me A BIG YES. Do I need a fishfinder…no, do I need a power auger? With my arthritis another big yes. Do I need live scope… nah. Do I need a snowmachine and a quad, no…. But I wouldn’t get to 80% of the places I go. Life is short…make it as fun and comfortable as you can is my thinking.
  3. A is for Awesome 👏 👏
  4. Hi all, Got out with my neighbour for a couple hours before sunset. We missed quite a few at the hole and got a couple keepers and a couple big girls. Lots of fish swimming through that would inspect and chase without committing, frustrating, but fun.
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  5. I would be careful with this, I think this could be illegal on two counts: 1. Bait It is illegal to (or attempt to) deposit or release into, or within 30 metres of, any waters: live or dead bait or baitfish, including fish eggs, gametes or fish parts 2 Chumming Chumming (baiting an area to attract fish) is allowed for common carp and for attracting other fish species, but only with plant-based baits as defined in general fishing regulations.
  6. No… lol… maybe I should. I just go fishing and if they bite they bite. You don’t have to spend loads on a flasher, just get the cheapest regular colour humminbird or garmin , the iceducer would be extra but you could easily just put the boat transducer that comes with them on a stick and drop it down the hole. Get an old cooler and mount it in that with room for a battery. Battery, Fishfinder and cooler probably under $280. I use the one above with an ‘iceducer which runs about $140. Basic but does everything you need.
  7. Have you considered the Otter shelters?
  8. Hi all, been fun fishing here. Guided some guys from Iowa for crappie a couple times in the last couple of weeks, they left and came back… lol . Weather held until the last day. So glad I didn’t have to clean any fish this time…
  9. I went through a very brief period 20 years ago following the solunar chart, it took six months to realize I had done well on days touted to be great days but had also had awful days with similar ‘best’ day forecasts, similarly I had great days and bad on ‘poor’ solunar forecast days. Just wondering if you have a sonar unit? Definitely helps. Deadsticking trout can work, but the LOVE to chase. 3”-4” white tube jigs, blade baits and lipless cranks a good start for lakers.
  10. Lol…. me too TJ!
  11. Lol….you can have the best ‘depthfinder’ in the world and still suck at fishing.
  12. Hi all, Managed to get out a bit later than I prefer but still did ok from around midday till 2 pm.
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  13. Hi all, Finally starting to warm up here, forcast tomorrow is +6C and not much colder than -4C daytime temps all week. Clocks go forward next week...spring is my favourite time to fish crappie. Got out today but there was a stiff wind so took the shack along for a quick morning session.
  14. Thanks Cliff, smiles are good medicine 😊. I’ve done the plastic challenge for walleye in the boat before, same result every time, I pull up on a reef where the bite is on and have always found the “outfishes live bait” claim to be just that, a claim. For sure it catches but it’s 10:1 in my experience. So I was quite excited to even get a bite and to watch fish on the livescope swim right past the minnow and hammer the plastic increases my confidence, the latter being 75% of success a lot of the time.
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