I have a Plano Guide series bag that holds 5 plano trays. I have them set up to hold my various baits for walleye and bass. (Jigs and soft plastics in one, crank baits in another, spoons in one, spinners in one and then my hooks, weights, terminal tackle, clippers, lighter, etc in the 5th one). If I am gonna target pike or muskie (my 1st year too) I have a large double sided plastic box that holds all my lures up to 10". Seems to do the trick for now but I am in the process of re-organizing. In my garage I have 9 tackle boxes, some full, some 1/2 and others empty. I went with my 8 year old and made him his own box today for fishing off the dock.
I'm going to donate some of my stuff to our public librarry as they have a loan program for kids that want to go fishing but don't have the gear.
Check out the Show Off your Tackle box thread for some ideas. Lots of great pics there.