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Everything posted by b2kptbo

  1. Looks like you folks did pretty good, nice...
  2. Good stuff, should work well...
  3. Yes Happy New Year to you, also all OFC'ers...
  4. Richard, lots to choose from, all depends on what you want to use it for, some are more user friendly than others. But with a $500-600 you could get gps/navigation. Cabela's and Bass Pro have displays you can check out. I bought the Lawrance hook 4 with Navionics and find it easy to use...
  5. Richard, lots to choose from, all depends on what you want to use it for, some are more user friendly than others. But with a $500-600 you could get gps/navigation. Cabela's and Bass Pro have displays you can check out. I bought the Lawrance hook 4 with Navionics and find it easy to use...
  6. Hi Dutch, nice to here from ya. Hope all is well. Yes sold the cottage on Belmont this August and have my boat on the Ottawa but didn't get much fishing in cause it was later in the season, was working at the Cabela's up here till end of September but finally officially retired. Ya that time we fished Belmont was 2008, wow doesn't seem like 10 yrs ago...
  7. Be smart out there... http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/opp-missing-ice-fisherman-1.4453251
  8. Hello all, 2 years ago I moved to Kanata to be close to family and when my internet was installed wasn't allowed on the Community for what ever reason? But now I'm back in. Have been reading for the last to couple hours to catch up but only got as far as October. Glad to be back...
  9. Hey Cliff, used the Reality Guys to sell my place in Peterborough last month and had it sold in a week. Found Brian Schofield was right on the ball with the pricing and he talked about water front properties. Give him a call and have him check your place out, I found down to earth and easy to get along with. Bill...
  10. Check out DENON, I have one and works fine for what I want it for, might be double the price of the Sony...
  11. Was there also. They put on a good show...
  12. With that work being done maybe think about having backflow valuve installed...
  13. WOW, having been to your place I couldn't believe that could happen with out seeing the picture. Glad on one was hurt, if there is anything I can do for ya let me know...
  14. You guys sure did have a good week, WTG Mike...
  15. Try Sew It All 2500 Chemong Bridgenorth 705-292-0628, Did a good job with with mine...
  16. Looks like ya did pretty good Will. Thanks for the report...
  17. Very cool report, thanks... Do that trip man, you will never regret it ...
  18. Yeah, was lucky enough to win some ticket. Front row balcony, both bands put on a great show...
  19. Pulled my boat from the cottage mid-August and still had trouble getting it on the trailer at the public launch. From what I hear there are some boats trapped on the lake, some in the mud, need some more rain too help them out. This year has been the lowest I've seen on that lake ever, hate to say but I think a good winter snowfall will be needed...
  20. Darin, I got my rain gear at LeBaron's. Light weight, folds up good and was about $50...
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