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Everything posted by b2kptbo

  1. Man "o" man, looks like ya's was having some fun, good stuff...
  2. Some great action, thanks for the report...
  3. Beauty Whitie Jacques congrats, great report...
  4. Looks like a good time, well done report, thanks...
  5. That is a fatty 4sure, good report...
  6. Even with the cold temps looks like all ya need is a TV and remote, thanks for the report...
  7. The trecking through the snow paid off, thanks for the report and pic's...
  8. Looks like a good time had by all, thanks for the report...
  9. Yes a nice healthy pike, good work...
  10. Looks like everyone had a good time, great stuff...
  11. We headed to a lake just north of Havelock operated by Leisure Cottages (nice people) and they had us at and set-up in the huts quickly. Weather was beauty and I was out side most of the day, the bite could of been better but ya take what ya get. Steve (crappieperchhunter) had the hot seat with 2 pickeral, I got a good perch. I had a good time with some great guys and hope to get out with them again. Steve with #1 Steve with #2 Group photo Bill.
  12. Great pictures, very nice, thanks...
  13. Is that MuskyBill on the far right???
  14. WOW,would be great for trolling...
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