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Everything posted by b2kptbo

  1. Very cool, musta been a blast...
  2. Certainly are some nice fish, good work and thanks for the reports...
  3. Would really like too but can't make it this time, I'm sure you'll get taker's, it's a great outing...
  4. You boys did good, thanks for the report...
  5. Nice clean fish, good work with the save, musta been a soggy walk back to the car...
  6. Gotta be tough as nails, congrats on the PB and a good haul aswell, well done...
  7. Nice to meet you Will, it was a good time. Glad you and your parents hit a couple good ones before you came off the water... Bill.
  8. It's nice when everything comes together, well done...
  9. Nice double report and some good pic's, thanks...
  10. Nice to meet you Shawn, didn't get to talk much, maybe next time. A good fish for your effort, well done...
  11. Glad ya's had a good weekend and most likely was a Musky from that lake...
  12. A good one 4 sure, congrats...
  13. Hooked up with the boys Rob (memart), Jose (ALLI GOBY) and Will (young one) early and on time, meet Lloyd (fishhunter) and he had us on the water by 07:00. It was a bit chilly but Lloyd's boat with the cover over helm and seating area made a nice warm ride to the first spot. Our ride for the day Not long after rigging the planner board (with in the first hour) I was first up with a fair sized pickeral, don't have any pic's of my fish on my camera so one of the others can post them. Pic's of the catching rotation. Will with a good pickeral. Jose with a Sheephead. Rob ---- Sheephead. My next was a ------------ Sheephead. Will ---- Sheephead. Jose ---- Sheephead. And Rob with this brute. Lloyd's boat is well equipped and A1 rods and reels, all our fish came off the boards but Lloyd did try the down riggers a coule different times and was on top of the lure change ups. With what I heard over his radio from the over boats and how they where doing he kept us on the fish. Catchin some fish, good company, a few laughs, nice comfortable boat, for me it was a good day. Nice fishing with you guys, Lloyd I had a Blast. Bill...
  14. That sure was some ordeal with the truck but ya's got into some nice fish, WTG...
  15. Very cool, great pic's, thanks for the report...
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