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b2kptbo last won the day on January 15 2024

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About b2kptbo

  • Birthday 10/24/1952

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  1. Merry Christmas, to you and family.
  2. Sad news, RIP Beans.
  3. Very Cool.
  4. Good stuff Peter, take care bud.
  5. Fished it a couple times years ago, hard lake to get into, believe all ramps are on private property. Pretty good fishing though, have fun.
  6. No way from Rice Lake. There is a dam between Crow Lake and Belmont Lake, Belmont public launch is at the end of Mile of Memories Rd off of county Rd 48.
  7. 407 from 115 to DVP and back cost me $60, that was last year. Gonna do it again this year.
  8. Don't believe that old dog new tricks Bull, knowing you ,you'll get it done.
  9. Fished there 2007 and 2009, beautiful place, good fishing at the mouth of the river.
  10. Christmas tunes heard across the whole island... Have a great festive season Peter.
  11. The person across the street from me has one, looks to do the job. I have a battery power "snow shovel" works good for my one car driveway.
  12. Great trip, thanks for the report...
  13. Redington Path Fly Rod + Reel Combo Size 9' 8wt New never used. $SOLD Ottawa.
  14. Had a 1998 Johnson oil injection failed, had it removed and just mixed the gas and the motor ran better than before. Cost about $50 mechanic fees.
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