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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. The Wall of Walleye Walleye Alley Big Rock My Hump, My Hump
  2. Congratulations, Steve!!! Nice fish as always.
  3. Good stuff, bud!! Nice to see G hasn't lost the touch!!
  4. Like many others, three hours one way is about my limit. Filling up the Sierra is pretty darn expensive these days.
  5. Heading north for the annual trip with Juli and the boys, tomorrow. I'll be putting my 2009 Legend Prosport in the classifieds when we get back.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. asdve23rveavwa


      I am Rick. Just letting it be known the other one is going up for sale

    3. spincast


      sweet. may you both get a PB to top off a great getaway

    4. Fisherpete


      Hey send me a PM with the details of the boat - my brother is looking for one. Thanks!

  6. Yeah, I'm still alive, FINALLY getting a week of fishing in at our usual spot starting Saturday!!

    1. misfish


      Hey Frankie fingers,nice to hear from you.

    2. asdve23rveavwa


      Thanks Brian. On the road in 24 hours.

    3. Rod Caster

      Rod Caster

      Hey man. Good to hear from ya again

  7. Ryan will be posting soon. Basically the same format as in the past. Hope to see many of you there. For now, Juli and I have a week of fishing up at Happy Day starting Saturday!
  8. Brilliant stuff, Simon. Warms the heart to see you two out together. Juli and I were hoping a day like this would come for you. All the best my friend. Hope to get out on the water with you again some day. I haven't been on the forum much lately, but, glad I came on today to read/see this
  9. That was a great morning, buddy! We didn't "slay" 'em, but, caught enough to keep it interesting. That brown at the end of the morning was a truly great fish for that lake, lol, on your reaction when it came unhooked. I feel for you, man, but remember...we know where he lives. Sucks that we didn't take any pics of Tom, but, part of the problem was all of us hadn't fished "soft-water" for soooooo long that nobody wanted to put their rods down to take any. Looking forward to our next time out. Great friends, laughs, peaceful spot, a herd of deer wandering past as Dan-O, and, I were fishing the one spot...it really doesn't get any better!
  10. Great stuff, Jacques!!! Haven't been around here much, lately, myself.
  11. This thread is a great reminder of why I've stayed away from the forum for awhile. Peace guys. It really isn't worth this much Bull.
  12. Cool report Nick! That is total dedication and passion for fishing!
  13. Thanks for the lengthy reply, Adam! Looking at a few of those options.
  14. Doesn't look like they offer ice fishing, though? Thanks,
  15. LOL, thanks anyways Randy!!
  16. Hey everyone!!! Been a little while since I've posted anything. Juli and I got a dog three months ago, so, my question is do any of you know of...or...go to a resort/cottage that allows pets? She is crate trained, and, would stay in her crate while we fished mornings and evenings. Would love to get back to Nipissing, but, would entertain any suggestions. Haven't been on the ice yet this year. Way overdue!!! Thanks in advance!!!
  17. Excellent first report! Welcome aboard, looking forward to your next one.
  18. Congrats on the PB, Jacques!! Some really nice bass too. Glad to see you getting out, and, having a blast!
  19. Nice brownie, Simon!! As for the rest, yikes, LOL!!!!!!
  20. On the road in two days. Round two up near Chapleau.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. asdve23rveavwa


      Thanks, Will! On the road in just over 24 hours.


    3. irishfield


      ..are we there yet.. are we there yet.. Julie "shut up already Frank!"

    4. asdve23rveavwa


      LOL Wayne. You know it.

  21. Took me awhile to get to this one, sure glad I didn't miss it!! Everybody else has pretty much stated my feelings. I'll just say congrats on the three PB's...doesn't get much better than that!!
  22. Awesome report Mike!!! Love reading your "slime stories" bud! Hopefully we can put together a few hours on the water sometime soon.
  23. I agree with Bill, Mike. It is amazing how cheap enlargements can be purchased for these days. Twenty years ago, you'd never get one for $4, unless you were ordering large quantities. However, if the quality is decent, $2 is even better!
  24. You have both my, and, Juli's condolences Albert. We'll all continue the fight to beat the disease. Take care.
  25. She sure is Simon. I'll be sure to pass on the hello, bud. You are welcome, Roy. I'll be sure to pass on your words of praise. He really is an artisan, and, the boat looks even better in person. LOL, this is "old school" no electronics necessary.
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