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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. If you only have $250 for a reel Mike... I'd go with a CABO 30/31 and spend the left over on a Perch Bait! Leaders... go into any good shop (Like JB's) and buy the Stingeze 130lb premade for about $8 in one foot length for casting and three foot for trolling.
  2. Great stuff ehg ! Making the most out of our great outdoors !
  3. I browsed it quick and then decided to grab breakfast to sit down and read it. THANKS Ramble... I'll be sure to look for your kidney next time I"m in Cochrane! What a fantastic read !!! And as for the second picture... been there done that... learned a thing or two! LOL
  4. Not only the 350 that likes it's juice Dan !
  5. I was gonna say.... at least Pete knows now who you're thinking of.....
  6. Not when you park the rig inside bud! Yes they work to keep it fresh... too small to charge anything other than the last few percent though.
  7. That's a beauty Laker ! Great to hear she's still swimmin...
  8. I see that "spring" is in the air around here lately ....
  9. Great stuff Remo!! Good to see ya again as well !
  10. Good thing you included a picture... because I was gonna say "about time.. how old are you?"
  11. Website and on-line ordering format suck... but obviously not a priority to them to stay in business. As for service in the store... can't remember the last time I had to ask for something in a tackle shop. Don't you all just browse, grab and buy? Seriously... had no problem with service either in 1983, when I bought my Lebaron Special (Berkley lightning rod in black) and MAG II baitcaster that I still use, or in 2005/6/7. In 2005 I had great help picking out my downrigging rods/reels (that I'm still happy with) and even being told to be sure I bought a membership first before checking out with the rods/reels and two downriggers! In all my days of wondering BPS... since it's opened.. I've only had a single occasion where a sales associate asked me if there was something they could help me with... and that was Jackie Chan !
  12. Just be sure to do like Marc does and get someone else to reel that 4 ounce bucktail back in at 5MPH...all 350 yards of it !
  13. It woulda fit.... but glad Terry'd drilled me a 10 !
  14. Dats a small one Jerry ! Last year there was a 30lb caught. 2006 a 56lb and 2005 a 43 ! None thru the ice mind you ! Nothing major Clampit... three stories of floors... a 2+ foot thick brick firewall,,, 12 stone fireplaces and me... ALL on the first floor/basement. Thank God there was no roof as well! The wall came straight down like a liquid spreading/pouring out at the bottom..and didn't fall to either side. Was a couple blocks east of the Eaton Centre..can't remember the street, but I opened my eyes to a shattered helmut and a floor joist behind me and in front of me. Good thing I was slim then.. LOL. Historic so had to retain the front wall and modify around it to build condo/townhouse units and they still managed to do that. I was working as a "cash grunt" to cover my education late that summer. Just one of a few "lives" I've used up over the years.
  15. Two items in the Auction for Tyler section ! As mentioned... what do you want to do? How far are you willing to drive? What do you expect included? Budget?
  16. .. and at least this time it wasn't a three story Cabbagetown building collapsing on me that got me there! Thanks for the heads up Cory.. and anyone that believes the part about where we were fishing.. well.. http://www.baytoday.ca/content/news/details.asp?c=24510 I'd almost forgot out our Lake's Stewardship contest for a replica mount by advanced.
  17. I was thinkin we had a member by the name of that "zone"!
  18. ..are ya sure... 37.5 hrs to go....
  19. I always found/find that was part of the adventure eagsfan
  20. 2 MILLION Square feet ! Move over Edmonton Mall ..... Edit.. guess not.. just looked it up. Edmonton Square Mall is 3.8 Million Sq ft.
  21. Makin sure two wimmins are comfy and taken care of... so they're well rested and on the mend.... so I can sneak away North again next weekend!
  22. That's why you kept stopping last week... to figure out if we were leading you down the garden path!
  23. Come'on folks! Less than two days left to get bidding on the auction items! Help a kid out and make yourself feel good at the same time, knowing that you helped another human being along with their life.
  24. I skipped the drive... casually browsed ebay and, for a change, bought nothing! (today ! YET )
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