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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Hoping to keep all the ranters busy for a bit Dan ?
  2. Hit the search function and you should be good for reading material 'till morning. What's wrong with a Loomis? Seems to handle aerobatic 50's just fine.. As does the Compre. Haven't been lucky enough to test the 6' 9" St. Croix on one yet!
  3. Pick a different colour this time Cliff... this one wasn't right for you it appears! Good to hear all is well... and if not make that trip to emerg. The TempDis forms are a PITA from the insurance co... but a route you may need to take when you wake up and your head is pegged like Linda Blair....
  4. ...till your belt brakes ! .. till you hit that good gulp of water in your Esso Gasoline... etc. Heck we use to cross the beaver ponds on our old Johnson 340's... but ya get wiser with age they say...
  5. Lew.. Brian ripped you off... that's a 300 ! LOL
  6. Is this still going on.... I went out and changed the lower unit oil in both the kicker and Verado hoping that would bring "spring"... but I guess no such luck !
  7. Barnie.. look around the house for a HDuty calculator adapter.. or a 2 million candle power flashlight charger. Anything between 750 to 1000 ma x 12V DC will work perfect. I'm using the charger for my 2 million CP flashlight and added a couple plugs to it's cord... so it can be used for both the flashlight and charging my portable batteries. I could have found a proper female plug for the case... but that's no fun.. not much McGiver work in that! LOL I'm doing like Roy suggests. My emergency lighting uses two sets of 6V-12Ah batteries in series. So I take one set (leaves the house with lighting for about 1/2 hour in an power failure) and go fishing with the other set. After fishing I put the batteries back for charging.... or if I'm not home I use the 1000ma charger for my flashlight.
  8. Might come in handy in Simcoe Blizzard....
  9. So Roy... was this the Rant you were waiting for, or are they out of sequence now?
  10. Some well fed fish there ! Thanks for postin...
  11. ..oh and I forgot "and having to look after their dog" ! Thanks Steve.. and everyone.
  12. Hopefully TJ or one of the other few here from SFalls can point you to open water.
  13. Like you say.. thanks to the new regs for this year darn near everything is closed. Don't understand it...and neither does anyone that lives/fishes up there. You can fish Whitefish, brookies and rainbows anywhere in Zone 11. Lakers open in 11 lakes total including Wilson Lake that's probably the closest to where you'll be... but still an hour I guess/45 minutes. How mobile are you would be another factor?
  14. Now that's positive thinking! I think I'll cut my trips to the lake to ONE this summer! LOL
  15. HAHAHA Lew ! You sure Diane isn't related to Leah somehow? Price of gas... Joe you know my answer to that. It's cheaper now than it was in 2005's summer at $1.37 Temagami Shell and $1.52 Marina. Not gonna slow my fishing down one bit.... but I might put a tip jar in the boat ! That should go a long way....
  16. Caught you with your rod in your hand again... get back to work fella !
  17. As Kyle points out... I hope it's just a cycle and not the dredging of the St.Clair etc/ aquaducts to mid states etc sucking it dry. Leah's parents were on Sturgeon Bay/Victoria Harbour and originally had about 200 feet of front lawn to the waters edge. There were three rock islands to hit VISIBLE out in the mouth, etc. when I first went there in 1980. Then over time the front lawn became about 40 feet to the front door. The current water level of Georgian bay is still higher than I remember first seeing it and the three visible rock piles are back in the mouth of Sturgeon Bay as is the long walk to the water from the front door. Those there rock piles were under water for most of the last 20+ years. That said... Superior being as low as it is...is downright scary.
  18. Yah got a good point Bernie... You'd think Italo would rejoice and welcome others into his fishing congregation/show.
  19. You mean I can't play AC/DC full tilt to bring up the lakers for you John? Oh well.. I've got some anne murray somewhere.....hope it works as well! PS... bring back scuttle butt lodge...
  20. You beat me to the link for Beaver Tails Tootsie http://www.dhc-2.com/current_cover_page.htm As for the Found... it's no where near the size of a beaver or it's load carrying capacity/performance. Has some flight quirks as well...
  21. Every trip is a "business expense".. isn't it? Hmm maybe I'd better look at my company books again! lol Good to see you leading some kids in the right direction. I've gone back to enjoying it on my own after spending 14 years as an RAA chapter president. Life's too short for all the politics... but I still have most of my contacts inside TC. The issue with India is they have their own air regs that are beyond ours and the USA's.. amazing as that may seem. I think what Viking is looking at is the fact of how big the market is within that one little country and that what they (could) build there would strictly be used in India. Everywhere else would be covered from Canada. Victoria seems to have a lot of skilled lads that maintain Harbour Air/Kenmore Air/etc's fleet and rebuild beavers etc. I still can't undestand for the life of me why you'd add to the bill to ship all the components to Calgary to assemble. Make more sense to ship the Alberta engines West... but I'd bet a lot has to do with airport access/costs in BC vs Calgary. That and some provincial goverment "hand shake".
  22. I thought 'ol what his name.. had a new handle.
  23. Okay.. Sorry.. didn't realize you knew how the airplane certification hoops worked !
  24. I don't think any man here has a problem with USING the TV remote to change the channel! Just remember... this started as a "I didn't get my FnC prize thread" How the ,, did we get to here?
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