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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Hoping to be there May 12th until Late September inclusive... but the way some stuff is "stacking" up around here we may only be up for 10 days or so and then back home for a week or two and then back up for the summer (like we did last year). Won't know for sure 'til the day comes and we see what the weather is like.
  2. I'd be persistant with them Maureen and be sure the oil loss is documented. Oil light coming on could = bearing damage to your engine if it ran right dry or close to it. They may be owing you a motor...
  3. When you run out of beer and go to town.. you go right by my dock! I'll PM you.
  4. If that waterfall is the one coming out of Gull Lake... read the regs.. sanctuary area is now in effect until June 15th and you have to stay clear of it by 200M (656 feet). This applies to all of Kokoko Bay and Spawning Bay and Loon Bay as well. Gonna be lots of tickets written me thinks... considering that's where everyone heads on opening day!
  5. I'm at 13 days and counting down Rob.... you know where to find me up there !! We have no internet up there... much to the delight of many here on OFC.
  6. My best artificial to date is a Berkley Frenzy Minnow in Perch pattern. Caught all 4 of mine on it ! LOL (and off my dock to boot). Good 'ol Red and White spoon appears to work as well.. late July bright sunny day....high noon... 6 feet of water. Wouldn't have believe it myself if I hadn't been in the boat. BTW... Ice blew off the lake last night in the high winds.
  7. Yep.. Brian has the premade Stringeze in there Bill.. around $8 or $9 a piece.
  8. From what I've seen... it's not cureable either !!
  9. Great stuff Dax... gotta do something to fill the time 'till June ! lol
  10. Either way... just call him "ADDICTED" !!
  11. Next time you see a CO.. like you did a couple weeks back.. ask him for his business card ! Has their cell phone number right on it. I have all the CO's for the areas I regularily fish programmed into my phone.
  12. I have no toys.. they're all necessities of the sport !
  13. Congrats fella ! Great to be on the water and add a whole new prospective to things. 7.5 eh... not an old Sears Robuck / Elgin is it ?
  14. Feel sorry for all them folks that staggered out of establishments last night with one TTC token to their name..... with no last bus/train to catch home!
  15. Good stuff Paul. Great to see you get out and into some fish.
  16. Good stuff Brian.... ya did one better than Remo !! He just left... bugger rang my door bell this morning and I almost shot him !! I'd gone to bed at 4am ..
  17. Mustta been a real bad taste they left... bringing you out for your first post in a year! lol. They couldn't be bothered to quote my Lund Baron either...
  18. I gave ya my suggestion when I pointed you in this direction to join here on OFC. If nothing else I'll bump it up for now.. there are others with good experience on Lake T. I have yet to fish the South arms, other than Cross Bay.
  19. There's still about 10 to 12 inches of ice on most of Lake Temagami. A few brave soles are still sledding it throttle to the bar! North West Arm is starting to open up...with about 1/2 of it open water now. Boating should start late next week. http://www.ottertooth.com/Temagami/News/08/sat08-05.htm
  20. You're gonna love the Verado !! Don't worry.. you can't start it twice when you think it's not running ! lol
  21. Well yah.. that and the fact you thought you'd better get a job if you hoped to feed your family !!
  22. Tomorrow you may have issue with another shooting your bird for you again.. I think Remo's coming here tomorrow.. not sure. And NO !
  23. Some great shots there !!! And I'll tell ya... no chance of losing sight of that boat in a early May snow squall !
  24. Well Mr. Blowes... I know where that wouldn't have happened to you today !!! I did my shooting last night....
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