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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. DANG Harry... you sure you weren't me for part of a day? lol You didn't lose a camera anywhere did you????
  2. I'm going to Ottawa.. to a darn wedding! ' Only bonus...Crazyhook has some nice big flies for me to pick up while I'm there !!
  3. Norm even the originals will fall off..or pop on one side. They seem to have a "failure rate" on the glue. Gotta clean your nose well before going to bed and stick it on. I alternate between the small/med and the large each day to move the attach spot back and forth. Otherwise that area seams to swell. Hmm.. wonder if they'd work elsewhere... LOL
  4. I have no plans to make any fishinggeek.. they have to come up a 1200 foot laneway.. break into a hangar.. figure out how the 50 foot door opens.. and move three airplanes to get to my boat. When airplanes are gone back to customers..my boat is gone to the lake and trailer is in a locked trailer yard and insured for it's $3900 replacement. For other spots it's locked to my hitch... that can of course be easily defeated and a 5/8" thick cable lock is thru one pair of wheels and around the frame. The thieves that eyeball them in laneways come prepared. Hydraulic cutters for the cable locks, etc and why I suggested the out of sight thru shaft. They'll get the hitch ball open and hook on and go.. but not far. Pretty sure it was Terry that had the steel rod trick thru his wheels and his had been dragged a few feet in "god's country" before the thiefs fled.
  5. Again Joe... didn't you have that Wednesday night as well. Thanks Norm!
  6. Yes there obviously is. As an employer for over 23 years, that has seen it all, I'd suggest they had continuing/past issues with this women and this was the first clear cut and dry reason to get rid of her that couldn't be debated. Breach of their employment contract. As for boycotting them... easy for me.. I don't do coffee !
  7. Na... I've still got the slim of the last one on the back casting deck Will. Don't wanna run my power washer until I hit a "fresh" water lake to avoid invasive species transfer.
  8. Three weeks of daily trolling and you've paid for a new 9.9 Tiller Merc. Double that for a Pro Kicker. Even my 275 Verado trolls for CHEAP in the rhelm of things. At idle it's only burning .4/.5 US gallons per hour... ~1.6 to 2 litres per hour Even at 5.5 to 6MPH for Muskie it's only burning 0.6GPH... ~2.3/2.4 litres per hour. At 35 MPH I burn about 10 US Gal/hr and at 50MPH it's 22.6 Gal Per hour. WOT is about 34.. we just don't go there..
  9. Need to get a kicker on that thing... I had an 8HP Merc on the swim platform of our 26 foot Searay.
  10. Canuck.. good plan.. but I'm heading North in 3 days. I'll be back fishing the bay in October... but for Muskie ! $150 a day? I ran all the way out there from Midland Harbour, at about 39 MPH into heavy chop, trolled on the 9.9 from Awenda..Thunder Beach.. Marks Point...Cedar Point..around the corner and then across to Beckwith..up it's South and East shores.. for 7 hours and then ran back in over the tops of 2.5 footers at 51MPH. At best I burned 60 litres MAX.. but I hear yah ! Lol
  11. They have boxes of 10 and 30...and two sizes Small/Med and Large. Presume you'll need the small/med. If you find they work.. buy them in 30's as it cuts the price by 30% or so. As soon as I stick one on I can feel the increase in air flow capacity.
  12. Anybody say MARSHMELLOW yet???
  13. Deb.. try the Breathrite nasal strips. They work wonders like someone turning on a fan in your nostrils. Took me from mouth breathing thru the night to nasal and cut the snoring a tad.
  14. Oh Man Randy... there are so many things I could say about barking Beavers.
  15. I'd be pretty certain that's a good part of their diet.
  16. Hitch lever locked... with a spare hitch ball in the socket. Get a length of 1" steel shaft and weld a plate on one end bigger than a wheel spoke hole and drill for a lock on the other end. Insert thru from one side to the other through a wheel spoke on each side....so when a wheel turns the bar gets jammed against the springs. Slip a plate on the other side and then a high quality pad lock. Keep it tight in length so it sits inside the wheel pan so it doesn't stand out as visible from the street. If they defeat your hitch lock and get hooked up to it it will make a hell of a racket draggin locked wheels down the street.. .they'll bail on it and you'll find your boat about 4 doors down in the middle of the street. Yes... I lived in TO at one time ! LOL
  17. Follow Bernie to his "bait" (pickeral) spots and fish just outside of them.
  18. Yep... pull out the insurance policy and study it hard...
  19. All I can tell anyone here... if you have an interest in getting a pilots licence or have one already you DO NOT have Sleep Apnea ! It's medical invalidating!
  20. Waters high and the currents fast.
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