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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Glam Rock never caught on in the USA. Them American's are some pretty smart people...... (Glad you had a great night out Mike ! )
  2. Thanks again everyone !! I've printed this out... all 50 pages of paper... to give my Mother, to show that there really are some good people left in this world ! ...of course edited to remove the booze ! lol We are still just little kids in her eyes.... Wayne
  3. I have no issues with what a dentist charges to cover his premises/schooling recoup/etc... ...now a funeral home RENTING a maple coffin for one afternoon $2275 !!! That's pricy accomodations !
  4. Yah I know... but I haven't slept in 3 days.
  5. Yep.. QEW/427/400/69/11. Same gas... less time !
  6. Arrangements tentatively at this point pending her transfer Tuesday July 13th, visitation 1 to 3 pm with funeral immediately following. Lannin's Funeral Home Main St Smiths Falls, Ontario
  7. Thanks Bill for the chuckles.... give Mike a call tomorrow will ya...
  8. Gee Glen.. sure beats the last thing you caught...
  9. No.. but there is also about 60 litre bottles of pepsi in there.... lol
  10. Thanks everyone for your thoughts! Long day.. 2 hours of fighting to get into her apartment and 11 hours searching thru boxes/drawers/bags of paperwork. Unfortunately just like me she has every piece of paper, bank statement etc right back to the days we went to University together in Toronto thru '78-81. And I mean every friggin piece of paper and no filing system what so ever. Gave up waiting on the Coroner to call... 2 1/2 days of calling the Durham Police with them "promising the Coroner will call.. nothing we can do". At 4 Pm today Leah grabbed the yellow pages and started calling Hospitals. When she finally found Wendy they were piss ed off that nobody had claimed the body yet. My Mother is beside herself... and I'm damn sure I have an ulcer. Found a will... main good part of the day. Bad part... best I can figure from hacking into her hotmail account is her emails are all read on the 23rd of June... not on the 25th. 25th of June Newspaper in her apartment. Dead on the floor for 2 weeks goddamit ! Smile of the day, after 11 hours of searching and loading. Go get her truck in the parking lot.. open the back window to put a few boxes in and moved some coats... looks like she was afraid the liquor store was going on strike at midnight on the 23rd..... a good collection of Rye in the back! Guess she's covered the memorial toast for all of us ! Wayne
  11. Thanks everyone... gonna try to get some sleep tonight. It sure didn't happen last night. Carole... We'll be sure to grab your number before leaving for Ajax.... in case we need to get out of her apartment for a chat sometime during this mess. Wayne
  12. Thanks Albert.... gotta do something to pass time here. Tell Myia you're off the OFC fishing board, with me recommending you, and she'll only charge you an EXTRA 10% LOL !!! Lakers are supposed to be pretty good. If you don't have a clamp on rigger or steel line... use a three way and a big weight to get down to the depths. Wayne
  13. Camp at my sister in laws and rent one of her boats..and go out for lakers! http://www.manitoulinresort.com/
  14. We hadn't planned to be home until late September.....but I'm sitting here now, at home, waiting for the Coroner to call and let me know when they will release my sister Wendy's (49) body. We had the police attend her Ajax apartment yesterday afternoon because nobody had heard from her in a while and my wife Leah had a bad hunch and she was, unfortunately, right. Possibly dead on the floor for 6 days, since her Thursday July 2nd paper was still at her apartments hall door..... preliminary = instant cardiac arrest. I had my 83 year old mother at the lake at the time of this news and not something you ever want to have sit your mother down to tell her. We got my Mother on her way home from the lake this morning to start funeral arrangements and we got home around 4PM ourselves and have been waiting for the call from the Coroner all day... (that looks like it's not going to come today) and I'm off tomorrow to go through Wendy's apartment in search of a will, etc. and hope to be able to at least start funeral arrangements tomorrow. Folks... Call your siblings and just say hello.... OFTEN !
  15. Christ !!!!!!!!!! You knew that I really, really needed that laugh right now my friend Thanks for the call last night !
  16. You go in circles with only one..... Only need one to be legal !
  17. So can we go after them yet Paul?????????
  18. Man... that's sure gonna clash with my Cobalt Blue when parked at our dock !!! I ting of beauty it is..... a ting of beauty.
  19. Second one just looks like a Penn open reel. No "level wind". Many mfg's make this style of reel. First one...I think it's a hand lining reel. Use them for hand lining Pickeral when drifting the river.
  20. Hey... the movies where thrown in so you never had to change the channel and the wife would join you on the couch !!!
  21. Dang Joe.... you'd think you'd invited over OFC'rs, making them eat in the garage and all ! (or is that where Becky has you living these days?? )
  22. What Terry says.. Parallel.. is just that.. side by each "in parallel". = 12 volts no matter how many you hook together Series.. end to end... "in series". = 12v time X... X being the number of batteries.
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