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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. So little time, so much to stir!
  2. Hey... BTW... can you take a picture of a slot size fish that can't be retained??
  3. Hey.. you told me shore fishing.. not boat. Glad that bugger jizzed on ya...
  4. My mother kept the wooden spoon factory in business... and heck I turned out alright...
  5. The built in fuel tank caution was due to the fact that the stuff phase seperates and absorbes water John. If you use it regularily not a big issue. Also guys with older built in tanks that may be fiberglass... you're in for a RUDE awakening with Ethanol.
  6. ..you have entered...... the twilight zone...
  7. If you have an inboard tank... I'd only be using Shell Premium or some other brand that has no ethanol in it. Portable tank.. I wouldn't get too worried about what you use.. regular is just fine. What servicing does it need??
  8. Hey Dave !!! Anyone ever tell you there's ROCKS in Georgian Bay??? If the prop sticks down further than what you have left for a skeg... I'd be getting someone to weld a piece back on. Nope not riveted... the one place welding, and losing 30 to 40% strength of material, is allowed in my book ! lol
  9. ummmm NO ! Great fish for the islands fella !
  10. Yep.. smok'm if you've got'm. They're thick this year !!!
  11. Well that's a whole nudder subject and you can read it all here.. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...mp;hl=overdrive
  12. Happy Birthday Hon !!!!! You have a great day...
  13. So there ya go Rick.. you can kill it and eat it ! Cut your grocery bill now bud..
  14. Just google Trailer Hitch ....... (city) and start calling. Here's one in London http://www.trailerhitch.ca/
  15. Maybe you'd been drinkin Rick and it didnt' really look like that ! lol
  16. Any bearing supply house... or Bass Pro stocks wheel bearings for trailers. $130 labour at $89.95/hr doesn't go far...
  17. Thanks Rickster... thinking of fishing Quebec this summer.. gonna cut our licence costs !
  18. Sorry Jon.. I don't even know what the weekend is going to bring at this point. Won't be making any trips, other than to the lake hopefully, in the next month anyhow.
  19. No you get full rights of the sport licence bf. Just be sure to carry id that shows your age, otherwise you are in contravention of the regs. F-in-law got the finger wag for that last year and I told the CO to drop by the dock on his way in if need be. He didn't.
  20. Thanks for sharing Jon !! Looks like a great place to set down a plane....
  21. Well Dirk.. here's the letter from the MNR North Bay District that I carry in the boat (that I finally get a chance to squeeze in with all the other OOS posts locked! LOL)... Question was asked to both CO's and Biologists...They don't have a real issue with it.. unless you have to go get your camera in camp....... I think you came close to that !
  22. You took it off??? You should have kept casting ! Nothing in the regs about water snakes as bait...
  23. Good to see you out Bigugli..
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