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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. That's the only trail I've ever had an issue on Dara! I have the motor/auger quick pinned... so future rides thru portages will find the power head in the hut sled.
  2. That's good.. just wanted to caution the 1.2 HP would be lacking for serious ice.
  3. Yah.. strike.. can't spell ! Their, the MNR's, reasoning is using big suckers and chub creates a higher amount of deep hooked, non-revivable fish. Considering the lake with the bait size limit... and the fact guys are targetting Lakers this way.. and there isn't a slot size for lakers...I think the whole thing is pointless IMHO. They managed to get rid of it on the Ottawa River and it's Zone.. but Temagami's bait size restriction never got lifted. Quick strike just has the extra trailer hook so if YOU are quick the fish gets hooked up on the trailer before it gets it down it's throat. I was a little quick on that one... the quick strike may not be so bad.. but if you're fishing a huge bait on a circle hook or similar, you are waiting for the fish to munch that bait down before setting the hook...and it ends up gullet hooked.
  4. Is this the 1.2HP Stingray??? or the 1.8hp Maco?
  5. The guy is apparently being accused of malicious damage or fraud. Either are chargable offences and if the dealership is so certain of this then THEY should call the police.... no different than you writing them a bad cheque. Otherwise.. fix it under warrantee.
  6. Getting to raz Terry has to be right up there near the top!! Fishing.. the greatest medicine for clearing your head !
  7. 555 pulse timer.. 12v to 5 volt regulator.. 10 turn potentiometer and a $3.95 R/C servo off ebay... and a little case to put the parts in. Hope your buddy wins out on this one Stan!! Like I said.. he's being accused of fraudalent activity or malicious damage.. tell them to call a cop.
  8. Sorry Vince.. but all I stated is Ford is specific of which trucks can have plows and still be covered under warranteed.. and which cannot. Has nothing to do with the turbo blowing and they claiming he did it himself. Ford has to prove Fraud on his part.. and as I pointed out at first they MAY be trying to get out of honouring warrantee because he has a plow harness on the thing. Love being called a "know how". Appreciate that you know.. that I know... how! lol
  9. All depends on the model Vince. Ford is real specific in their warrantee booklets on F150/250... Straight cabs only.. no crew cabs, extended cabs etc. Straight cab with full box is the only recommended plow truck install and you also have to follow the other recommendations they have laid out. Not sure where the Super Duty fits in on their (Fords.. not Westerns) recommended plowing list.. Plowing is hard on a truck and why I use my old '98 GMC sierra to do mine.
  10. Mike... glad they caught it now, while they can operate and I wish your father a long life after it's done and repaired! Gloomy Christmas or not... just give thought to the fact that he's still with you and they caught this thing by accident. If not it's quite possible that he never would've been diagnosed before it got too big. Once they get to big they can't. All surgery is with risk.. but an aortic aneurysm is routine if it's under 5cm in size. Unfortunate for my Mother they let it get too big before they decided to do something for her. Ended up she had two.. both over 5 and in the end one was 10 cm before it burst in August.
  11. I don't know... about 8 miles long... 1/2 to 3/4 mile wide.
  12. It's their first step in the move to put a ban on quick strick rigs Dara. A 5.1" maximum, live or dead, bait-fish size applies on Lake Temagami.
  13. Get him to go into Ford with a police officer.. since he's been accused of Fraud !
  14. Are you getting the true story Stan... that plow install will void warrantee faster than anything (or at least it use to) ! Now what, that the last mechanic working on it left in there, did they find in the Turbo to point at intentional destruction ?? Pulled the whole cab off to check the engine?? WTH
  15. That's Terry's new toy Simon! He's waiting for someone to make him a iceducer.. that hopefully he gets before spring !
  16. About 1/2 come April at CTC/Walmart and others !! Seriously the only time I'd consider buying one new.
  17. Got out today, onto a Zone 15 lake, with some of the usual suspects. Lloyd, Terry and Lloyd's buddy Drew. Surface didn't look it....safe... but Lloyd spud'd the way out and we found 5 to 6 inches of ice in most places. Sometimes a little less... sometimes a little more. Looks pretty skimpy thru an open hole.. but the picture is of a 6" thick spot. Drew caught himself a big rainbow smelt, Myself a little perch and Lloyd a Laker that had to go back to be caught again next weekend for a meal. Terry... he tried!
  18. I have the 2hp Jiffy Legend with a 9" blade for when we get serious.
  19. Rule #1.. trim motor as high as you can while still in the water enough to pee! (that's the motor.. not you!).. otherwise props get expensive! Rule #2.. drive it straight on.. if you don't think you are lined up right.. reverse before it's too late!
  20. Young lad like you.. should be drilling them by hand to stay in shape!! It's only old guys like Terry that need a power auger to hit 5 inches with !! (I like my Fin Bore 8" with the offset handles.)
  21. Great stuff John ! I'm sure Jess gave you a big hug and kiss for that brute !! lol Hope to ice a few of them... yet bigger... tomorrow !
  22. Strange part is... you're welcome in 2010 as well fella ! Ice or nice... take your pick !
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