Yah.. strike.. can't spell ! Their, the MNR's, reasoning is using big suckers and chub creates a higher amount of deep hooked, non-revivable fish. Considering the lake with the bait size limit... and the fact guys are targetting Lakers this way.. and there isn't a slot size for lakers...I think the whole thing is pointless IMHO. They managed to get rid of it on the Ottawa River and it's Zone.. but Temagami's bait size restriction never got lifted.
Quick strike just has the extra trailer hook so if YOU are quick the fish gets hooked up on the trailer before it gets it down it's throat. I was a little quick on that one... the quick strike may not be so bad.. but if you're fishing a huge bait on a circle hook or similar, you are waiting for the fish to munch that bait down before setting the hook...and it ends up gullet hooked.