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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Cash and only cash. Haven't owned an ATM card since I left University in Toronto.. 1981.
  2. Roy showed up at Lakair a couple years back.. and as he drove up I pulled a long length of line out of his brand new merc prop! Always be looking.. everytime you raise the motor!
  3. Definitely Jim.. if his wheels would currently clear his boat. Cut the ends off.. weld a slab of plate steel upright and weld the hubs back on. That's how my Shorelander is built.
  4. What Sinker said! Measure how wide yours is hub to hub. Add how much extra you need to get the tire covers outside the boat sides x both sides. Add the numbers together and hit a trailer place or Princess Auto for a drop axle that width. You will also need the measurement for spring pad to spring pad to fit your frame. Jack your trailer up.. drop the axle and then bolt the new one in place. I did a quick search and found they're only $150 in the US...
  5. Have a great Day Ryan !! Hope the wimmins spoil ya!
  6. Great stuff Shayne.. love the hold! Saw the pic earlier and thought they were brother/sister !
  7. He told me he still loved you Dan..

  8. You'd think he'd a put it back in his tackle box eh Joe ! lol
  9. Exactly Randy.. and why I'm still driving my '03. Runs like a top at 120k.. minimal maintenance.. why buy another. Oil the small rust spots to delay that process and drive'r! Brian.. clean her up and drive her unless you really have to have a new one. That quarter panel just adds some built tough character! LOL
  10. You're dating yourself Jon.. you must be a few months older than me!! lol
  11. Showed that to my older daughter Brandon.. and she almost cried! "Where was that camera when.." For a project one year... she had to take a picture every 10 minutes for a 24 hour period. Waking up every 10 to push the shutter button!... with her mother filling in when she had had enough..
  12. LOL... nothing to lose if the impellor is pooched anyhow... He's not gonna blow it up. If still no good.. and you have water in your oil.. you may considering looking for a new "pro" next fall !
  13. You sure it's just not fogging oil coming out thru the prop exhaust? My old 9.8 merc 2 stroke has a thermostat. Don't be too quick pulling things apart because it's not peeing.. and some motors don't like muffs! Grab a big garbage can.. trim the motor down as you stick it under it and fill it with water. Try again.. let it warm up...
  14. There is a 14'r and 9.9 Johnson here in the classifieds for $1000!. You'll need a trailer though.
  15. Yah,,, you're probably right.. been out in the heat all day ! lol
  16. The one you got today is 13.5 inch pitch (theoretically how far forward it would go if you turned it one revolution in a hunk of butter) x 17" diameter.. the one you have is 13 pitch x 19 inch diameter. Put it on and see how it works. I was surprised this summer when Leah smacked a prop.. that a different pitch/diameter combo runs much better on the steel boat than what we had. The marina had two in stock to try.. and the odd ball worked better.
  17. Crawl under quick Michael and see if the plug fell off the sensor! Man.. things use to be so simple, when all you needed to get your '69 running again was a pocket knife...
  18. Definitely rough to go without a fire for sure.. but that's what cook stoves and a lantern are for at times like that. We all think we won't get caught.. "if we just keep it small"... but you'll look purdy dumb if you burn down half the park and get the bill for the firefighting and the reforestation. Total fireban on right now from Barrie up past Muskoka... absolutely NO open fires. They are making it very clear that you will be charged + the bill for the trucks and personal that respond to put out your bonfire, or worse. Hopefully we get a GOOD dump of rain before your trip!!
  19. ummm I believe it was an April Fools Joke Michael...
  20. Big question is going to be whether he'll be allowed a fire at all...
  21. I heard they were doing it, Jack, so that they could count the number of sunfish left in the lake!!
  22. Not sure why they would refer to it as the "shoulder" season... but I presume what they are refering to is the fact that the major flow is over to go South. Us Canucks generally do it in the Winter.. not spring! This is the reason that my Brother has been crew captain for Skyservice in the UK for the last 8 or 9 years.. from May to October. There isn't any charter business in Canada come mid April....so they'd take the crews and some birds to Europe to fly over there for Thomas Cook and Thompson.
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