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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. No I figured it out myself.. being threatened for no good reason helps with investigations and putting two and two together.
  2. It's not inside information Shayne. I just pay attention to what goes on in full public view on the board pages.
  3. Yah, I know Peter. Doesn't make no difference to me but I'd suspect after 4 or 5 renditions of the "board" this rule was put in place to cover exactly what I posted in the post above. Mods got tired of the nonsense and the personal threats only to have the same individuals come back under a different name... even pretending to be wimmin a time or two.
  4. I don't think there's anything "fishy" here. The first account is retained for IP information, so in the case of crap disturbing members that get mod Q'd / banned etc it's quick to see a "new" joiner is one and the same. Anyone that's been around for a few years knows the reasoning behind it. Don't see the big deal unless you plan on being said crap disturber.
  5. I thought it was Horseshoe that I had a nice shot of with the fog lifting off it last June (from about 600AGL).. but it was a lake to the South of it between Horseshoe and Lake Joe.
  6. And here I thought you'd be saying that mods got so tired of people saying they were leaving "delete my account" and then coming back through the revolving members door 3 weeks later wanting to be signed back up.
  7. What I see there, and what I call it in the airplane world, is "bigger band-aid" syndrome. Guy finds a week spot (bowing transom board in your case), adds a huge ass reinforcement/doubler etc which transfers the load to another spot that was never designed to take a load causing catastophic failure. The area that is cracked is simply a splash well, it wasn't designed to have something structural depending on it. On my Lund I don't even think the splash well corners are welded, the corners are bent against each other and caulked before paint (either that or they're the smoothest welds I've ever seen). My Lund (and most of them), Princecrafts, others, have reinforcing gussets similar to what you've made Wendal, but there is another set underneath the splash well that they are attached to and the lower set is attached to the hull stringers. You had the right idea for taking the load off the transom board... you just need to pick up the underside of those brackets you made and get them tied into the hull stringers somehow. Remember.. when the motor is pushing the boat.. load isn't an issue (unless you over trim nose up). It's sitting at the dock and trailering that cause the transom to pull rearward.
  8. I'd find the shoal ! If memory serves me well (which these days is questionable)... and it's the lake I think it is.. I've taken a picture of it from the air. Edit: nope comparing google earth shot to pics I have, not the lake I thought.
  9. And ya would be... your employer pays 1.4 x what you do on the workers behalf (for some reason) and the owners can't even claim EI when the place goes out of business. CPP gets matched dollar for dollar (employee and employer) and that fund is almost broke...
  10. BEAUTIFUL... we're getting missed, by the heavy stuff, again !!! Runway is way too far behind drying up as it is..
  11. Doesn't freeze a bit in the winter, I wouldn't be playin in it in the spring.
  12. As Fisherman points out.. a Vessel Licence is NOT proof of ownership. It should be.. but if it was that would mean Transport Canada would have to take larger steps to certify you really bought it when registering it (for one dollar and other valuable consideration) and their not interested in that. You are also registering it in your name, even if you have a complete loan on the boat and why it's not an "ownership".
  13. Your original posted diagram, Mike, would be a great way to get the Magic Smoke out of that trolling motor!!
  14. I like the idiot that posted it... not sure where he sees a helicopter! Not a chance that's for real... Scare the crap out of the rear passenger, in a super cub, and have him put a death grip on the stick between his legs! Why I hate tandums.. can't even punch the guy in the head to get him to let go.
  15. Since you bought the boat 4 years ago you only owe them PST if it's the Minister of Finance in Oshawa looking for their share. HST wasn't in effect 4 years ago... It is mandated of all Transport Canada offices to submit monthly reports to the provincial government of "property" transfers. Then the slow wheel either decides to send out tax letters or not. Sometimes we get them on airplanes and sometimes we don't. I know one case of EIGHTEEN years later on an airplane that was won at the Elmvale Fall fair raffle. With the boat... well it is what it is, but you only own them PST (8%) if it's from the Ontario Goverment. Also remember bartering is legal in Canada... didn't you trade someone a pile of scrap metal for that boat? Just write same or similar on the form and send it back.
  16. Nothing in the yard recently other than a lead filled porky...
  17. 3 fireplaces.. 16 years... they still take my insurance premiums.
  18. Glad you found a few gems Paul. I remember that day like it was yesterday (1986)... me, my brother and two sisters. "You want it.. you want it.. you want it".. clunk. "You want it.. you want it.. you want it.. ya".
  19. Hey there's no guess work in fishing Geoff.... it's all LUCK my friend! lol
  20. Here's the one our youngest daughter made for her boyfriend a couple Christmas' ago... and sorry guys, he's still hangin on ! lol
  21. I have an old Belarus tractor I wouldn't hesitate to sell to my mother in law... is that like the same thing?
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