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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Well the left half of the picture is beautiful at least.... and I see whom the daughter gets her looks from! Congrats folks... a rarity these days it seems. 29 for Leah and I last month..
  2. Insurance.. the "promise to pay" never happens.
  3. LOL... 20 Nautical Miles out from Penetang Harbour. I imagine many days the waves roll right over that rock and there would have been a lot of sleepless nights out there. First time I've ventured out there in about a decade.
  4. It certainly is... would have been a lonely miserable place living in the house that use to sit on that cement foundation!
  5. She who reports last.. ends up charged in most cases. I hope she went straight to a reporting station..
  6. Thanks.. that would be correct, about 4 islands out from town.. I built her with me own two hands between 1993 and 1995. The floats in 2004.
  7. Hell we get tides in the sound Paul, some days as much as 2 feet. Some from moon pull, mainly from wind push. No wind today.. so I can only summize that it's the NUMEROUS rivers flowing into GBay and all that water has to get around structure causing the "pools".
  8. If I hadn't had the younger daughter with me at that point (I texted her.. dropped in and landed, picked her up and blasted back off without shutting down).. I think I would have landed out there, then broke out the survival rod and tackle in the back of the plane!
  9. Yep.. they're just sitting there snacking on all them Salmon going round and round !
  10. I've only seen this twice in 20 years... so thought I'd better photograph it today. Pretty easy to read current in a river, but on something as large as Georgian Bay.. not so easy. I got out for my first flight of the year today and man did I need that enjoyment. Anyhow...if anyone wonders what has salmon holding up in a specific spot every year before they run the local rivers... it's current and the food it brings for free. This is water between 15 and 30 Fathoms deep (90 to 180 FOW). First it spins counter clock wise, straightens out to pass the island and then it spins counter clock wise again! (or is that clockwise.. I'm assuming a direction of flow) A neat thing to see for sure... looks like pools in the Niagara, but in slow motion! (Either that or some yahoo was driving in circles before I got out there! ) If you know where this is fine and lets leave it at that..... if not well it's a good salmon spot with long rigger cables. And for bonus points.... someone tell me where this lighthouse is
  11. I always thought that these were "chained" Pickeral!
  12. I was out flying with my good buddy Dom.... <iframe width="420" height="345" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/_6kc4wDHQrw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Seriously, I was out flying and a radio call from the airport manager had me back home and watching TV pretty quick that morning.
  13. Good deal! Great to see you got the carrying bag... keeps the boat neat! Be sure to put the bag in the sun if it gets soaked.. had a mold deal going on with mine at one time. That and the mice made a nice nest in there and ate some of my net mesh..
  14. Don't forget to use quality axle stands or some other solid means of holding the car up. I've had too many friends killed by falling vehicles to add another one to the list Emil !
  15. Lot's of boats balled up out there when Andy and I went out for 'skis last Monday as well. The USA laser marks their fish vs clipping. A lot of US fish turning up in Nottawasga Bay.. was curious if any are coming into the Sound as well.
  16. Enjoy the wimmin Chris ! There are more important things in life than fishing! Good to see you realize that.
  17. They look a lot fresher than their mates that I watched making their way up in a certain severn sound river late this afternoon!! Nice shooting... you'd have to know the water but I could stick a pin in a chart as to where your boats sitting in that shot. Great to see some decent fish making their way in. Did you notice anything special on any of them... like USA stocker markings, natural fish, or??
  18. Jesus Jason... they get less snow in the 'Bay then we do here in Penetang, you got your bags packed yet???
  19. Man.. I picked the wrong month to stop drinking..
  20. That reminds me Roy... Andy and I saw a good Carp on Monday. Seagull was having a good feed...
  21. I haven't lived in Milton since 1985.. but there's crappie, rock bass, cat fish, even some Bass in there... as well as the fact they stock 1000 Rainbows every year for the kids tourney in April/May, although many claim the lake can't sustain them.
  22. Hey... that's my popcorn! (and my link!LOL)
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