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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Man Ron.. you clean up pretty good !
  2. It's easier to oil their nests if they're on the ground..
  3. Says you! (Sorry.. couldn't resist) <iframe width="420" height="345" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/T9CRRabjxzU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  4. Kinda cool, but basically useless unless you're using it to go straight in deep water. You can't trim your engine up and you have to use your steering wheel to steer. Useless for positioning.
  5. I take some offence to the last sentence.. as I have less money in my airplane (that I built with me own two hands) than many here have in their boats. It also isn't true.. .we got screwed in Temagami, one draft of the Smoothwater/Lady Evelyn Park was presented and debated/agreed upon and then another was printed and stuffed thru the gazette to become law. You can PAY Lakeland Airways to fly you and your canoe into the park, but I can't fly my own wife and her canoe in and drop her off. I'm doing so anyhow....
  6. Along Connie's lines I see at least that you've been off line all day. Hopefully that means you're out pounding the pavement and not that they cut off your internet. Many skip the self "dignity" retention and head for handouts, I pray you don't do this. As you say there are lots of $11 and $12 jobs out there.. grab one NOW.. or 1.5 of them. Work 60 hours a week if you have to, been there and then 50 hours more. That's only 16 hours a day 7 days a week. Sleep is over rated anyhow at your age. When work dries up, make your own if you have to... my next 1500 hours just came in today.
  7. Fish what ever you have Paul... they fish for 100lb angry Tarpon with 40lb power pro!
  8. Love your honesty Terry... a few posts this month should have included some "untold" short comings of the fly in camp!
  9. The whole thing's cruel Mike, it really is. I suspected from your fishing post when you said he had "the summer off his chemo" that there was more to the story and it appears there certainly is. Your father may not have shared it, but I'm betting he knew more than he's shared with you and just wanted to get out and enjoy that day on the water. It's an unfortunate road, with a father, that I've been down to the very end and I wish you all well in the journey. Enjoy every minute you can Mike, do what you need to do to keep him comfortable and help him get through this latest set back. Hopefully throw in a few more fishing trips. I didn't get that opportunity with my father, as we'd just started up our business 6 hours from home and I was either in the plant, or working elsewhere, basically 24 hours per day. I was 23 and invincible and have regretted to this day that I didn't take the whole thing a tad more seriously, or that I could have taken it more seriously. If you need to chat send me a PM.
  10. Nice stuff Lew.... thanks for confirming that we're not always chasin ghosts !
  11. Ahhh... you just caught me on a good day Bruce!! Amazing what some rude awakenings can do to a guys "ways" in life. It was 2 years ago today that my Mother passed... 2 years + 7 weeks since my sister. Jen is doing great... "cancer free".. and also short a right pelvic bone but she's making do. Getting around pretty good on crutches and still isn't allowed to put weight on that right leg that has no mechanical attachment to her torso. She's having some severe foot pain/burning issues though from nerve damage that are the biggest concern right now. As for a G2G.. how well can you travel?? I'm sure one of the resident "clowns" from the TO area could pick you up and I'm sure we could put a Muskie hunt together on GBay for you and a couple boat mates. Wayne
  12. Never been a fan of dill pickles Bruce... but when's the Brandy gonna be ready???
  13. I imagine some smart individual on the prosecution side changed what Ron was charged with so it would immediately get thrown out when it went before the court, and so that they wouldn't have to put up any defence for the fishing charge... which also would avoid setting any precedant. In order to get a ruling on what Ron is trying to accomplish, he'll no doubt have to get another ticket.. and do it all again.
  14. I use them to hold my portable radio... swinging cup holders and the very odd time for a rod holder to hold a still rod pickeral fishing with bait. Would I troll with them, or any plastic rod holder.. not with my $1000 rod/reel combos. I highly suggest mounting some Bert or Traxstech http://www.traxstech.com/ channels and enjoying the endless possibilities with holders/mounts/rigger bases etc.
  15. At least you haven't lost your sense of humour Bruce... a few bones and body parts maybe, but good to see you poking some fun at it all.
  16. A rare breed, actually putting politics before his own personal interest. Unfortunate that such a decission is what probably cost him his life. Godspeed Jack... I did enjoy our chat !
  17. Direct from site.. elevator IS down. One rescued from beneath using the emergency hoist. Sounds like a good thing it happened on a Sunday.
  18. One 61 year old confirmed dead at Sifto.. many injured. Looks like the elevator building is severely damaged from pictures I've seen.
  19. Don't anyone get too high and mighty without reading the fellows original land patent! Dalrymple's a flooded lake, no?
  20. Largest salt mine in the world... 1800 feet down and as far as 5km out under the lake.
  21. Will let you know if I find out anymore. Got a reply off Drew's smartphone a while ago.
  22. Hey .. give the guys some credit, at least he knows what his teenage daughter does down there at night !
  23. Just heard from my buddy... he's on mine rescue stand by. He says that there is huge damage and most stuff on site is destroyed at Sifto.
  24. Was some damage at Sifto as well.. waiting to hear from a buddy that works the mine..
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