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Status Updates posted by irishfield

  1. http://www.edge.ca/Contests/BigNiteOut/Fun/Index.aspx ..and the winner is!!! Jennifer!!!!!
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. asdve23rveavwa
    3. Tdel


      Couldn't happen to a more deserving person

    4. irishfield


      Definitely helping to keep her chin up... she got the call while we were having lunch, 30 minutes after her Radiation consult!


  2. "Lindsey Buckingham and Friends" was purdy damn good last night ! 2.5 hours non stop !

  3. "Terry".. the greatest guy that I ever saw kick an ice fishing rod! Ahh.. I guess you had to be there!

  4. 3 years less a month and "ground hog day" starts itself all over again. Back to inpatient full week chemo for Jen.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bigugli


      and the dance goes on.... Sorry to hear.

    3. spincast


      well that's a turn I'd hoped you didn't have to make. We're pullin' for Jena d the family. Kick it again Jen!

    4. misfish


      You know our prayers are always with you and your family Wayne.

      Jen,kick ass girl.

  5. 4+ inches of ice at my dock. Too bad it'll be awhile before I can get there!!

  6. 48 hours without the internet.. almost had to get out the underwriter just to keep my typing speed in tact!

  7. 5 C, sunshine and a light breeze out of the South tomorrow. What should we do tomorrow, when the fog starts to clear??? ;o)

  8. A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Headhunter today !!! ;)

  9. A famous last name.. and a " I don't like politics" behind him as his only claim to fame. Should make a good liberal leader!! lol

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      80% Liberal vote?,they must know something we don't .

  10. A LOT of white ice out there lads.. sandbars and shoals starting to open up and any current areas. Still lots of ice.. but be careful where you step. Time to put away the machines and go back to walking with picks!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. spincast


      Spring service is done, boat comes home Friday. Weather permitting, off to the South shore of the Big O on Sunday

    3. misfish


      Those winds are just a howling out there. 6 power outages at the plant so far today. Move that ice around mother nature,open up simcoe for good.

    4. GBW


      Oh, here I thought you called us pricks... I miss read walking with picks... ;)

  11. All my life's a circle...Sunrise and Sundown..

    1. Whopper


      Hang in there Wayne

  12. Almost got myself a 12 point buck tonight... thank god for brand new rotors and pads!!! ;O)

    1. misfish


      So what your saying is, YOU MISSED. LOL

  13. Almost late for Jen's radiation this morning because some jerk apparently didn't like where I parked and smashed 2 eggs on my windshield.Try getting that off in -21.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Joey


      Man, you sure have a hard time with parking when you go for these appointments Wayne!! Hope the jerk gets rotten eggs for breakfast :)

    3. misfish


      Brown or white shells Wayne? LOL


      Sprry,you know me. Trying to give ya a bit of a smile.

    4. ketchenany


      He should have his eggs kicked.

  14. Alway baffling how they sell a power tool for $129.99 c/w battery and charger and a spare battery for the item is $109.99 ! For that money you may as well buy two tool sets!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Terry


      I know what you mean, I can always buy a new printer cheaper then I can buy the replacement ink...

    3. misfish
    4. irishfield


      Why we have 4 spare 2600n printers in the basement!


  15. Another full week of 24/7 gin pole in the books for Jennifer! Back again on the 28th to hopefully continue pending what the 8am CT says..

    1. misfish


      Make the best of the thanks giving weekend my friend. Stay strong Jen.;0)

    2. Jen


      I will add Jen to my thoughts and prayers. Hope you can enjoy atleast some of the beauty this weekend is suppose to bring!

    3. irishfield


      Thanks B and B !


  16. Anyone else hitting the ACC tomorrow?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RDR


      LMAO..I decided to sell my pair for the Eagles and buy another reel...LOL I hope they put on a good show!

    3. kickingfrog


      It's been a long time since I paid $8 for a beer there.

    4. irishfield


      $61 for four beers was about 8% of the cost of the night.. so not a big deal in the grand scheme of things


  17. Anyone have an 18 Volt x 1.5 to 2.0 Ah charger lying around collectiing dust because their drill packed it in? Done fixing my charger, this time transformer gone.... need another. Send me a PM

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. irishfield


      Yah.. basically Terry and Davey.. have one on the way from Strik.. thanks for asking!

    3. Terry


      well I have a dewalt charger if needed

    4. irishfield


      Ok.. if Striks won't work for me.. you're on deck! I'm just going to wire the new one into my battery charge shoe as it's different than any other I can find.

  18. Anyone have an easy source for 8 epoxy on undermount sink attach clips? Easy to find state side.. striking out here.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. irishfield


      Aholes that just installed our 2k vanity top state we glued it (I don't know with what was ice fishing).. if your plumber doesn't mechanically secure it it's not our fault! Sad considering the HDepot top downstairs came with clips!


    3. misfish
    4. irishfield


      Thanks B.. realized with the sink overall width the same as the cabinet I could just wood block it so I did!

  19. Anyone have knowledge of an opening act for the Mac on Tuesday night??

    1. irishfield


      Anybody... I can't find anything, maybe they're going it alone?! Don't matter I get to see Stevie in person Monday night with Jennifer, concert Tuesday night with Leah.


    2. irishfield


      Guess nobody else here is going... oh well.

  20. Anyone here that is on Keppra (Levetiracetam) and doesn't have a health plan that pays for it, please PM me!

    1. irishfield
    2. irishfield


      Okay, guess that's a good thing!

  21. Anyone know a "jobber" that carries Loctite 401 instock??

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. misfish


      If you need a pu and deliver,let me know Wayne

    3. irishfield


      I'm into Toronto tomorrow, so will see if I can grab some there before coming home.If not.. no rush. Thanks B!

    4. irishfield


      Looks like I can get it at Fastenal in Midland..

  22. Back then you could buy a joint for less than a rapala as well Jon !!!

  23. Bang.... BANG-BANG...

  24. Blackfly season is upon us! Out in full force today... Still trying to cough one up... little buggers!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. irishfield


      Is that a good thing or bad Simon.. I can't tell from your various faces! lol

    3. Terry


      damn black flies

    4. irishfield


      They sure loved you yesterday!!!


  25. Boat is ready to go, for two days on the Bay. Here fishy fishy fishy ....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Whopper


      Good luck to you both

    3. cram
    4. irishfield


      Great day to Bob in 6' swells.. no fish in the boat but more laughs tomorrow!

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