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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. Calling the local opp may have been an option until the mnr shows up. Dunno if they can do that. But for destruction of personal property. No soup for you.
  2. And guess who I buy my salsa from, it's fresh, it's taisty, it's homemade and awesome
  3. Thanks for sharing the vid,that was awesome I personally love the roll cast on gentle presention ESP in in a quite stream.
  4. Simon , our sincerest condolences go out to you and your family. Vince, Samantha and Emily
  5. Great shooting bud
  6. Thanks guys I know she will fight and win the battle for sure , she is a trooper indeed.
  7. This is that time of year to give thanks.Thank you to all thats helped and has been concerned for my sake. I recently found out that my dear sweat sister in law was diagnosed for cancer She is way too young to deal with this type of cancer. Dealing with mild treatments on biweekly increments, and what im going through. No thanksgiving this year for the first time in my life, for all of us. Theres always next year and her health is more important than a turkey diner. Have a great long weekend folks, and be greatful for what you have in your life.
  8. Hey Brian, did the line or the swivel break? I came across a bad batch of over priced swivels last spring.
  9. Thats awesome Wayne, Jen truely is a fighter by all means.
  10. That made my day Thanks Wayne I may even buy him a few rounds so he doesnt realize what hes getting into
  11. Heres a better pic for you Dan
  12. Dan you said skiis and the niagara in the same sentance. I do hope it happens and I wish I wouldnt either. Meaning youll get one. My rendition of pee wee herman and mike tyson, both swam away from a possible confrontation
  13. I just had this discussion today with one one of our brokers. Variance in tire perssure, from season to season and cold versus hot tire pressure(just coming off the rd) For example the tires(commercial wise 11 r 22.5) is rated at 105 t0 110 cold max presure. A few I know will down rate them to 95 psi cold in the warm weather. After coming back from a trip, there is a 10 to 12% increase. In the cold part of the season its usually brought to 100 to 105 psi. The most extreme pressure reading ive come across, at hot pressure was 135. During some of the hottest days of the year. I variate tire pressures pending the seasons and longevity of the trip im on. But never seen double.
  14. I will see if there are any left overs at work, its about 1/2 to 3/4 inchs thick and a foot wide. Its a white plastic used as a scuff liner in commercial trailers. And very strong. You can also go to any commercial fleet that has a shop, go in and ask if they have a small piece of scuff liner. It comes in black or white. pm me if you like
  15. Sounds like one of our guys thats been fired Hes someones now.
  16. I keep a new spare insert in my supply bag, just in case.
  17. I can say one thing for sure Cliff, you are so very close to home to a true ofner. That I can say without hesitation. Shes a very helpful and resourceful lady As for Paul, hes one decent,generous and helpful individual as well. I can go on and on with a list of members that I call friends. They know who they are indeed and this goes out to them as well No need for details Today working on a trailer at home, I had a wonderful unexpected visitor from the board We are all thinking about you buddy
  18. Well as you are aware i am continuing the icefishing funniest photo contest again. Last year was funny indeed. Im hoping this year will be bigger and better. I would personally like to thank Rod Caster for his donation, it was gratiously received. I will do my part again as last year If anyone else would like to donate something that would be apreciated. I would like to have a 1rst, 2nd and third place winners this year. Its just for fun and give us a good chuckle juring winternet. I will post the rules and donations very soon. Thanks again And thank you kindly again Rod Caster, for you donation
  19. Better yet Terry , talking about deisels , and I had to laugh at this one. A quicky lube and a gas bar attached. Change the oil and filler her up please. I saw the end result And they say they are techs in the automotive industry I felt bad for the customer and threw in my 2 cents worth, you couldnt tell it was a deisel, not only did you f on one part, but on the other part as well. Since we are on this subject, and I am baffled by this. The units I work on are deisel anyway. The trailers we own with heaters are run by a small deisel engine. Fine. But this is the first fleet that ive encounter that use 10 w 30 instead od 15w40. Mind you ive worked on way too many of them and this is the first time ive seen this done.
  20. Thats way too funny and somewhat true Its even worse and more embarrasing if your in that same trade.And neighbours coming by to chat or see what your up to splash, ouch!!!!
  21. The grumps are relaxing finally on a nice day
  22. Tim, Wayne has described my feelings about it bud.She runs great on the 40 hp.
  23. Will the stern handle the thrust from an 80 hp? Tempting as it can be, i would pass on it bud. You can always toy around with an 80 hp waterbug
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