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Everything posted by Marko

  1. Welcome aboard man, great array of pictures you got there, should make every angler jelaous!
  2. Sorry to hear about the hassle they put you through. You would think these days they would try to do everything they can to actually sell you the product but that does not seem to be the case here. Couple of years back i was looking to buy a brand new comp, went to Future shop with about a 1000 in my pocket and just stood there in the computer isle for about 20 minutes. After realizing that nobody was approaching me to offer some help I just walked out and bought a comp at Canada computers for about 400 bucks. Crazy stories like that make you wonder a lot
  3. If you don't plan on using it for anything you should be able to take it to the tackle shop in your area, they should be able to recycle that.
  4. Just keep on teasing us, going 10 for 12 is a great day chasing any fish. But please geta camera i would love to see the pics of pinks. Well DOnE
  5. Nothing but a tease i know! Good to see you guys are having luck catching pinks
  6. Great looking fish! I am heading that way early early thursday morning, just filling out one of those Requests for time off hehe. HOpefully water will clear up a bit by then
  7. Here are couple of videos i found on youtube of pike eating another pike and just attacking a lot of different baits. First here is a video of a pike smacking something that looks like a dog toy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AD2tZu9u5qE...feature=related video of pike eating another pike Video of a little musky trying to eating a trout ( I think this video has been around ) and a video of a pike attacking another fish on the line
  8. Bell i just awful. Had it for few months and it was up and down. Internet would just stop working randomly couple of times a day. Switched to Rogers,as much as i hate them, but the internet service has been great for me.
  9. I was going to comment on the topic title as well but i figured i`d leave it to you guys
  10. SOme of the methods are discussed in this topic http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=23717
  11. Most of my grand river experiences ( K-W area ) have been prety poor to say the least even tho i have lived here for last 8-9 years. Very seldom i get some bass but there is a good carp population if you are into it. Trout fishing is prety good anywhere from Bellwood down to Elora but like mentioned above there are some strict regulation you have to follow. I see people fishing off of Victoria st on your way to Guelph, there are couple of ponds in there that hold bass and some other panfish.
  12. Great looking fish man, some murky water tho! none the less well done, hopefully many more to come
  13. Went to the creek on Saturday morning and saw 3 fish in about 2km strech of the river that I waded. I am not sure if people are catching anything off Pier yet, if you go out let me know how you do. Good luck!
  14. I think its still to early for Goderich, If i remember correctly they run much later then lake O salmon.
  15. Going to Bronte tomorrow early. How crowded does the creek get on the weekends?
  16. What is the difference between using a roe bag and the salmon skien??
  17. Dont feel too bad reefrunner, I thought Salmon skein was just a membrane holding the eggs untill solopadler helped out explaining what it was. I was seriously going to keep the membrane and put it on the hook and fish like that. So Solopadler thank you for the explanation, never really thanked you in that tread, you explained a lot to me. At least now i know what it is.
  18. I got a 50 dollar trespassing fine there few weeks back LOL. officer was nice enough and chatted with us after giving us the ticket
  19. Bellow the dam there are brown trout, bass, pike and lots of bullheads. For pike you can try using minnows or throw some spoons in.
  20. My condolences to his family. I have not been around as long as some of you guys have but I dont remember seeing Gary ever say a bad words towards anyone on here.
  21. I am a tech but already have a full time job. If it were closer to Kitchener I might be interested.
  22. Thats awesome! I wonder if they like marshmallows
  23. Took me two days to find this picture but here is the last one i caught. Its not very big but very pretty
  24. I catch about one a every 2 years Not very big but i caught a few. I`ve seen a huge one swimming around but would not bite. I love the way the mirrors look, much better looking then your standard carp, if you can say that haha.
  25. Marko

    Odd PM's

    Nothing really I love carp fishing. I even checked it out, some nice carp on there
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