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Everything posted by bobowski

  1. The Adult Safe Hockey League(ASHL) is a good leauge to play in. They play out of Etobicoke Ice sports at Martin Grove and the 401. http://www.icesports.com/etobicoke/ashl.aspx
  2. Lucky to escape with only minor injuries.
  3. White Spinnerbait Classic Red Devil
  4. If you add more details maybe someone can help you out.
  5. Wow. Thanks for taking the time to write that report. Pretty interesting stuff. Seems like the Salmon were hitting opposite to when they are so called "supposed to".
  6. You sound like your in a similar boat as me although I'm not looking for Quebec. I wish that I could help you but I have never fished Quebec. I'm sure somebody on here can help you out. Good luck.
  7. Thanks for all of the replies guys. To tell you the truth I was just about to book with cozy camp cottages on Nosbonsing but I decided to put a post here for advice. I was also considering Quinte because I know that we will most likey get into fish but like others have said you really don't know what the conditions will be like there and I don't want our trip to be cancelled last minute due to unsafe ice. I've found that the best fishing on Quinte has been in areas where there is a current thus having the thinnest ice. I've done plenty of research and you guys are right in saying that there aren't many places that offer both, cottages and hut rentals. I'm thinking that I might just give Nosbonsing a try as the deal I was quoted was excellent and the huts are within walking distance to the cottages.
  8. Simcoe is awesome. Im there at least once every couple of weeks in the winter as it is only about 45 minutes from where I live. Looking for something a little further to justify a weekend away with the guys. We will no doubt have a good time regardless because of the wobbly pops we will enjoy but would love everyone to get into some fish.
  9. I usaully make a trip to Quinte every year with my Brother. That place is a Walleye factory. My avatar pic is a Quinte Walleye. I quess I could consider that. The past few years we have done the ice bugalow thing on Temagami and Nippissing and had an awesome time. We're looking into something like that or at least a Cottage rental that is in walking distance to heated huts for the weekend. Thanks guys.
  10. Thats amazing! What a monster. I'd be freaking out too. Congrats.
  11. I'm in the process of booking our annual ice fishing trip for the boys. As of now we are seriously entertaining the thought of going to Lake Nosbonsing. In the past few years we have gone to Temagami and Nippissing but this year we wanted to try somewhere different. I was told by a buddy that Nosbonsing is a good ice fishing lake and that we will not be dissapointed if we choose to go there. The pressure is on me to come up with a good lake that will produce numbers for the boys. We have had decent success in the past on previous lakes but this year we want to hopefully land a lot of walleye. I have done a lot of research on this lake coming up with mixed reviews, some being great and some not so great. Has anyone ice fished this lake and how was your experience? Also if anyone has any recomondations on where we good get into some good numbers of walleye within a 4 hour drive of the gta that would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to PM me if you don't want to post it here. Thanks so much in advance. Looking forward to a great year on the ice.
  12. I can't wait for some fresh bacon wrapped perch fillets either. Hopefully Simcoe will have ice a lot earlier then last season.
  13. I didn't manage to get out fishing as much as I may have liked this summer but I still got out quite a bit. Most of these fish were taken from the southern georgian bay area and some of the smallies are from a local river. All in all it was a good summer and now im looking forward to landing some big fall muskie out on the bay. My pb muskie to date is 35 inches but I plan on eclipsing that this fall starting this weekend. Anyhow here are some of the pics from the summer when I remembered to take my Camera/phone out with me. I fish alone most of the time so most of them are self shots.
  14. I fish Port Severn waters quite regularly. The Musky bite is starting to pick up right now if you can find them. There is also great pike fishing to be had. The Walleye are tough to find but there are plenty of Bass. If you do go just be very careful out there as the water level is the lowest that I have ever seen it. Lots of rocks that I have never seen before.
  15. I usually get out at least once a week both during soft water and on the ice. Although, when I'm up north at the trailer its an everyday activity. I will fish for all species but normally I am targeting Bass, Walleye and Pike. Ive been fishing ever since I can remember. If I go more than a week without fishing I get serious withdrawals. Cant get get enough of it!
  16. I should of worded it differently. I mean "most people that are over harvesting". Not most people in general.
  17. Well said. I think that the problem is due to the fact that most people do not know nor care about what you just spoke about. They don't know how long it takes a 40 inch pike to grow to that size and how much better a fish half its size would taste. I think lack of education about the eco system of fish is the problem in most cases. If they are aware of the way it works then it comes down to just plain ignorance. The way things are going now I wouldn't be surprised if in the next 50 years our fisheries are nearly extinct.
  18. A big chunk of sucker meat on a a circle hook. Use a heavy sinker and let it sit on the bottom. This is what most guys use on the grand for big channel cats. The fish in your pic is a bullhead catfish. They wont get much bigger then a couple of pounds.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPZNjtODzFI
  20. One time I was out on Georgian Bay and was working a nice shoreline for Bass about 50 feet from the shore. There was two of us on the boat both casting Hulla Poppers so it was very clear that we were fishing. I see a boat aproaching us and I figure that it will pass behind us. Nope, instead this idiot drives exactly in between us and the shoreline. All I could do was shake my head.
  21. Try and land that? Anyone know where this was and what kind of Shark it was?
  22. I had a few days off last week so i decided to go camping in Algonquin park for a few days with the girlfriend. I decided to camp at one of the paddle to sites on Canisbay Lake. I did bring a rod with me but I wasn't planning on fishing very much. It was more of a chance for me to get away with the gf for a few nights of peace and relaxation. We arrived around 1pm and the canoe was in the water and we were ready to go by about 1:30pm. The water was a little bit rough so we stuck to the shoreline and stopped at the second campsite that we saw. It was not the best campsite but it would have to do for the night. I collected some wood and we got camp set up. After a few hours I got dinner started. After a nice dinner we relaxed on the bank as the sun went down. The next morning we decided to pack up and move on to a better camp site that we could see on the opposite side of the lake that was in a secluded bay. We paddle up to it and it was a very nice camp site with a sand beach area. Upon arrive we set up camp and I hung the food pack and wandered around the site looking for wood. I noticed a lot of piles of Moose poop. We hung out for a bit and then I started to get lunch going. While I was making lunch Heard something off in the bushes so I took a look and to my surprise there was a moose eating some leaves about 100 feet away. It was amazing how such a big animal could be so quiet and graceful. Soon after the moose disapeared into the forest. It was awesome to see a moose so close in the wild. I was happy to have seen a moose and was not expecting to see anymore moose for the trip. About 20 minutes went by and we were eating lunch. All of a sudden we heard some splashing in the water so I walked to the edge of the water to see where the sound was coming from. It turns out that the same moose was trying to walk through our camp site but decided to take a detour through the water. The moose ended up walking within 10 feet of the shore, watching us the whole time. It was a very cool experience to say the least. We stayed for another 2 nights but we didnt have anymore encounters. I managed to get in a few hours of fishing but didnt get any smallies. All in all it was nice to get away for a few days and relax. I would have loved to fish a bit more and get into some fish but it was still a great time.
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