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Everything posted by bobowski

  1. Since I had the day off work and Im not heading up north until tomorrow I couldn't stand the itch to get out and fish, so I decided to head down to the local river in search of some bass. It was a beautiful day out and it was so nice to wade in the water in my sandals while casting spinners in the slow moving pools. It was very peaceful. I ended up catching two small bass and a whole bunch of tiny suckers in about two hours. Everyone of these little guys would make great Pike bait on Georgian Bay where im heading tomorrow for the weekend. Surprised at the strength of these little guys. All in all it was a great day. Better then work. Tomorrow im off to the trailer on GBay until Monday. I will post a report of how i did.
  2. I don't usually use the grip thing. Considering the size of the fish I didn't thin a vertical grip was a problem and the fact that it was oos I used it so that I could get it back in the water ASAP. Personally I dont think the grip thing causes any damamage to the fish.
  3. haha . Ya its helps the boat plain out when I am by myself.
  4. I spent the last week up at my trailer on southern Georgian Bay to relax and get some fishing in. Surprisingly the water level is down almost a foot. I thought that the water would be up because of all the precipitation that we have had so far this year. I woke up early on Saturday morning only to look out my window and see nothing but fog. It was the most fog I have ever seen on the water. If I didn’t know this water really well I would not of ventured out. I motored along into the fog: The water was still very cold so I figured the fish would still be shallow. I started to troll some shallow bays using a perch crankbait. This lasted for about an hour with no action. The fog was then starting to roll off of the water and a cool breeze started so I put on a sweater and thought I would switch up my lure. I went to the good old classic "Daredevil". I have always had success with this spoon. It is my "go to" lure when all else fails. Within minutes I hooked into my first fish. and then another I continued to catch fish after fish but nothing that had any size to it. All of a sudden I hooked into something big. In an instant it starting taking drag and my reel was screaming. I slowly start to tighten the drag in hopes of slowing this monster down. Then without notice my line snaps and I stare into the sky in disbelief. I didn't mention that brother had taken my rod with him to a different cottage so I was forced to use my brothers rod which was equiped with braided line that I later found out was only 10lb test. Darn it! That fish haunted me for the rest of the day. I know it was a beast. Despite my frustration I continued to troll all of the back bays I could find. I hooked into another fish that I assumed was a Pike until it leaped out of the water and I could see that it was a decent sized Musky. I usually only catch a couple of Musky per year where I fish so this was a treat. I got it into the boat and it measeured in at 29 inches. I fished a little more and the called it a day. I was happy to catch a Musky but the thought of the one that got away stayed in my head. All in all it was a nice day out on the water.
  5. I was cleanning out my garage the other day and I stumbled apon my Banjo Fishing System that I purchased around 15 years ago. Most of the contents are still there. I think I only used it a few times. I still have the video that came with it too. They really did a good job selling these lures on the infommercial. I remember watching it and thinking "man I have to have this". Does anyone still use these lures? Has anyone had success with it? I'm thinking about bringing it out for bass season.
  6. What a great game last night. That ovetime had me on the edge of my seat. I love seeing the Habs lose.
  7. For the sake of my hockey pool, Go Bruins!
  8. Caught one once in Georgian Bay in the middle of summer a couple of years ago. Good fight for the size. I'm not sure where to find them around the GTA though.
  9. This site will give you all the answers your looking for. www.cooksbayfishingboard.com
  10. The Guys and I are going to South River Resort on Lake Nipissing for the weekend at the end of the month.We are staying in a 6 man Ice Cabin. Can anyone who has been there tell me if they had a good experience and if there is anything unique to this resort that we should bring with us? Any help would be much appreciated.
  11. Came across this video. One of the guys barely gets out before it goes through the ice. http://www.break.com/index/buggy-falls-through-frozen-pond.html
  12. Here are the pics. http://s1192.photobucket.com/albums/aa327/bobowski/BOQ/
  13. Headed to the BOQ this past weekend with 4 buddies. We fished all day Saturday and Sunday morning. We ended up catching about 30 fish between us. We fished mostly in 18- 25 fow. The lures that were catching fish were gold buck shots and Jiggin Raps. Most of the fish we caught were in the 2 to 5lb range. We managed one 8 pounder, one 9 pounder and my pb walleye at 11lb 4oz. We had a great time and a lot of laughs. Be safe out on the ice there is a lot of white ice out there. I will post pics soon.
  14. I have an 8' FinBore III and it works like a charm. I too didn't know if I should get a 6 inch or an 8 inch but in the end decided to go with the 8 inch on the thought of how disapointed I would be if I lost a trophy at the hole because the hole was too small.
  15. I am planning a ice fishing trip with the guys for some time in February. Does anyone have any recomendations on a good lake with accomodations close by. Im looking for anywhere within 3 hours north of Toronto. We are not particular on the species of fish but just want some consistent fishing. Any input would be much apprieciated. Thanks
  16. Thanks everyone. Im looking forward to a great trip. I will post a report when I return.
  17. Hello, Im gonna be heading up to the Chapleau Game Preserve at the end of this week for a few days of back lake fishing. I have done a lot of research and it seems as though the bears are or could be an issue. I am going to bring some bear mase and maybe some bear bangers but I just wanted some input on how safe it would be for me to camp in the preserve. Im pretty sure that I will be fine so I guess im just looking for some reassurance. Also is it ok for me to just leave my car on the side of one of the logging roads for a few days? Has anyone done this before? I read a nice report by solopaddler a few weeks ago and it seemed to me that he just left his car at the side of the road with no issues.Any help would be great. I am really looking forward to this trip and just want to make sure I will be safe aswell as my car. Thanks
  18. Thanks for all the good advice guys. I am going to pick up some Sea Foam today and give it a try. My fuel line is also pretty old and weathered. Maybe there is a small leak where air is getting into the line. That will be my next step if the Foam doesn't work. Thanks again.
  19. I was wondering if anyone could help me out. I am currently having trouble with my boat motor. I have a 9.9 hp two stroke Mariner motor on my boat. The motor starts fine and I am able to drive slowly, but when I try and speed up it will run for about 10 seconds and then konk out on me. I just put fresh gas in the tank so it isn't a problem with the gas. Can anyone with any knowledge of boat motors please give me some advice on what it might be that is causing this problem? Any input would be greatly apprieciated. Thanks
  20. Lots of Pike there and some Walleye. I have a trailer on the bay and will be fishing this weekend. Good luck. I usally have success trolling gold spoons on the edge of the channel.
  21. I see gar all of the time on southern georgian bay. Most of the time on a sunny day. The best method to catch these fish is actually with a piece or frayed rope securely on your hook. The Gars teeth will get caught in the rope and most of the time you can reel the fish in with no hook set at all.
  22. Not a bad combo. I scooped one up a fews years back when they has the same sale on.
  23. Thanks for your help guys.
  24. ya I saw that but I assumed that it was just the bait shack that was open 24 hours.
  25. Can anyone tell me what time Fishmasters in Dunnville opens up at in the morning? Thanks.
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