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Everything posted by bobowski

  1. I got out to Cooks Bay yesterday to fish for some Perch. The ice was in good shape. I fished on about 7-8 inches of ice about 1km from shore. I fish for about 4 hours and caught around 100 fish including a nice sized Cisco that went right back down the hole. The bite was steady all day and the fish are biting anything. I caught a lot of small fish but I managed to keep about 15 fish measuring from 8-11 inches for a nice snack.
  2. I managed to get out with a buddy on mine to do some Perch fishing on Friday. It was a very nice day in terms of weather. It was a cold but there was not much wind which was nice, as we don't have a hut. Our plan was to use minnows to catch the Perch but it turned out that we stopped using the minnows because the fish were so aggressive. Instead, we both switched to using a speacial lure tipped with nothing and we hammered the Perch all day long. We fished in about 25 feet of water and found that a lot of the jumbos that we caught were suspended about 8 - 12 feet off the bottom. We didn't have to move much all day because the bit was constant. Here is a pic of a few of the Perch that we caught.
  3. I went out from Gilford today. It was a solid 5-6 inches.
  4. Hello, Im going out to Cooks Bay tomorrow to do some Perchin. I was planning on setting up a dead bait tip up while im jigging for Perch. I want to use a big baitfish to try and entice a Pike to hit. My question is, am I able to use a frozen Herring purchased from the Grocery store? I know that the lake is closed to herring fishing all year around but I wasn't sure if i could use it as a dead bait.
  5. Island Lake can be fun. Very shallow lake with lots of hammer handles. Best to call ahead. Im not sure if they have minnows right now. Another option would be Cooks Bay out of Gilford. Tons of Perch and very easy to catch. Most of the hut operators are putting out their huts tomorrow.
  6. I just got off the phone with Johns ice fishing and was lucky enough to get two 6 man cabins the first weekend of Laker season because a group that had that date booked just switched. Once again thanks for your help.
  7. Thanks a lot guys. I have looked at Johns site and I think that I'm going to give him a call tomorrow. Do you know if he has multiple 6 man ice cabins?
  8. I'm planning a trip with the guys this year for some ice fishing. Last year we went to Nipissing and stayed in an ice cabin for the weekend at the end of February. At that time the bite had really slowed down. We didn't end up catching much except for a few Perch and Mudpuppies. Even though the fishing was slow to say the least we had a great time and are planning to do it again this year. I have heard good things about Temagami, so we have decided that this will be our destination this year. Does anyone know of any good operators that have Ice cabins that can accommodate 6-12 people? We are not picky at all. We basically just need a heated place to sleep and eat. But this year we also want to catch some quality fish. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks
  9. I know that Island Lake Conservation in Orangeville has hut rentals. The lake is loaded with Pike but most of them are hammer handles.
  10. Go Leafs Go! Looks like the Monster is back between the pipes tonight.
  11. has not set their status

  12. Wow, That's very cool. That last fish has to be at least 5 pounds. Watching this got me thinking about a type of bird I see all the time on southern Georgian Bay. Can anyone help me out with identifying it? It basically looks like a seagull but it has a bright orange beak. The cool thing about this bird is the way it catches fish. The bird hovers over shallow water about 80 feet above the water until it spots its prey. Then all of a sudden it free falls straight down to the water making a huge splash and most of the time it comes up and fly's away with a pan fish. I love to watch these birds hunt on a sunny day while looking out over the bay with a cold one in my hand. It can be very entertaining.
  13. Thanks for your help. Just talked to the GF and she told me that she walked to the old port in 15 minutes the other night.
  14. Im taking the bus there (cheaper then paying for gas and parking)arriving Thursday and leaving Monday morning. Im guessing that the setup for Sturgeon is probably a very similar setup as fishing for Channel Cats on the grand. 3oz slip egg sinker with a heavy duty circle hook and could probably throw some deep diving cranks for the Walleye.
  15. Hello everyone, Im going to be visiting my GF who is working temperarily in Montreal this coming weekend and I was thinking about bringing a rod to do some shore fishing if possible. Im getting there Thursday and I figure that while she is at work on Thursday and Friday I can sneek out and do some fishing from shore. I'm staying at the Le Square Phillips Hôtel & Suites on St Catherine street. I took a look at google maps and it looks like I'm only a few kilometers from the water that im guessing is the St Lawrence. I did some research and found that there is Sturgeon in there which has sparked my interest because I have never caught one of those monters before. I guess my question is, Does anyone know where there is accessible spots to fish around the area and what other species can I find there? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks
  16. Once again, thanks a lot for your expert advice. I am planning to hopefully get out again in the next few days. I will let you know how I did.
  17. Thanks for the advice. What's size hook should I be using?
  18. I had the day off today so I decided to head down to a local creek where I spotted a lot of Carp a few weeks back when I was looking for a spot to fish Bass. I have only caught one Carp in my life before today. I caught it by accident while targeting Pike on Georgian Bay using sucker minnows. To tell you the truth I have never been interested in going after Carp before. I thought that it would be slow and boring. After today I can tell you that is not the case at all. I picked up a can of corn and I was on my way. I started by chumming the water with a few fist full's of corn. The only rod that I have at my house right now is a light-medium action rod loaded with 6 pound line so I knew it was going to be interesting but figured that if my drag was set right I good get the fish in because of where I was fishing. There was no way the fish could go up or down the creek because of the shallow water on either sides of the big pool I was fishing. As soon as I cast out my corn covered hook I was getting lots of quick small bites but I was unable to set the hook so I switched up to a smaller hook. That seemed to be the answer. I hooked into my first fish and the fight was on. It wasn't huge but it put up a good fight pulling drag. When it came time to landing the fish I knew that it was going to be a problem. I didn't have a net and there was no good spot to pull him out. I got him to the bank and thought that he was done but a quick head shake snapped the light in an instant. Off he went. Oh well. I told myself that next time I would make sure the fish was absolutely out of energy when I attempt to land him. I continued to fish and hooked into another fish about 30 minutes later. This fish was bigger and I took my time and was eventually able to land it. My first non accidental Carp! As the afternoon went on I caught 3 more Carp. None of them had much size. This one is pretty much a replica of the other two. I ended up having a great day and enjoyed catching a new species. I will definitely be doing it again. I would like to try using a hair rig.
  19. I fished Georgian Bay over the Canada Day long weekend. The fishing was pretty good. I caught decent numbers but no monsters. I did a lot of fishing with the Live Target Perch crankbait and I have to say that it performed pretty well. Here are some of the fish from the weekend. Beautiful sunset Biggest pike of the weekend
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