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Everything posted by mpt

  1. Sheephead or drum are greatr boiled in salt water and dipped in butter. Just keep the tenderloins on the top of the fish the rest is a waste of time to clean.
  2. JB, Stop in Mackinaw City once you cross the bridge and visit the old settlement fort, it's tourist trappy but has a lot of history also. If you like cheese Pinconing is the worlds capital with a sattlite shop near the f-way and a factory ~ 4 miles in town. There is also a fishing outlet store there and expect a 3 hour visit. Birch Run is next with the huge outlet mall and Brohner's Christmas Shope in Frankenmuth, atleast a 3 hour visit if you like xmas stuff and 4 hours if you like sit down chiken dinners. As you leave flint the road seperates into US23 or I-75. US23 takes you directly to Dundee and Cabela's, Ann Arbor is a neat place to eat. I-75 takes you to Detroit and Greatlakes Crossing is on the way which has Bass Pro in it. A little further down I-75 is a ritzy shopping mall on Big Beaver Road with Nieman Marcus and the like there. Have a safe trip. Mike
  3. Try this site for Erieau info..... http://www.michigan-sportsman.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=89
  4. If the aluminum foil is over an electric stovetop burner any fresh fish will do that. When the electric burners first came out there was a big problem with fresh frog legs. People were getting hurt.
  5. Is your buddy not allowed to drive south of Windsor?
  6. There is fishing south of Windsor also. LaSalle has a fishing pier and Amherstburg used to have a fishing dock. The Amherstberg channel is producing some nice walleye/pikerel.
  7. I understand Prep H is the best treatment for black fly bites. It reduces swelling and releaves the painful itching.
  8. Nice report! A great father/son outing, memories for a while.
  9. This was due to a F and R mix up on the throttle selector. wy boat launch2.pdf
  10. What a waste of fine cuisine. I only keep the big ones because there's only the tenderloin meat to get in cleaning. Boil it in salt water and dip in butter. Mmmmmm.
  11. Do you have a manual? If not you can usually get it on the net, at least to read. There should be a pressure relief valve somewhere. Make sure to stay clear if the motor is up as this will cause the cylinder to contract. My motor was stuck in the up position and relieving the pressure brought it down and has worked fine ever since.
  12. The easiest for me is to beast out the bird and cut strips then marinade in Italian dressing and bbq. If you want to do the whole bird it's really tricky. I tried with my first and used a roasting bag to keep in the juices. Styffed the bird with apples and cooked to the instructions. Those instructions are for store bought birds with much more fat in the meat. I think the correct time for a wild bird is 1/2 what instructed maybe even less, so be carefull. Mine tatsed like regular turkey but had the consistency of the 3 stooges feather cakes, very dry. Don't throw the legs and thighs out either. Boil for 2+ hours until the meat falls off the bone then shred and prepare encilladas using the such
  13. Here's something I posted on my blog site. The Tackle Box The tackle box is essential to fishing and Spring is the prime time to organize. This can be a very daunting task. What’s important to your fishing? What’s important to your life? You’ve got some old lures, some that have been successful and some you’ve never used. It’s good to try to organize but not too critical. One of the most important goals is to keep things separated. Hooks, for example, which can scatter all over the box. Collect them, then separate them according to size and put each pile on a safety pin. You may not find the right size hook but if you do you’ll have all at your finger tips. At least you can find a similar size and have a good supply of each. The bottom of the box is probably going to be harder if you’re like me. The space is never big enough. The size never changes but the stuff going in keeps getting bigger. When the box won’t close it’s time to reorder, I mean reorganize. First take it all out and then separate as best you can by order of importance, most used, highest potential to be used, never used but most liked or any other reason that would pertain to you. Try to get the piles down to a size that fits in a baggie. Arrange the baggies for importance and start to fill the bottom again. Once full keep the extra bags and store them in the plastic shopping bag you stored the extra bags in the last 10 years. You’ll also have equipment that is essential to any fishing outing such as a fillet knife, a knife for emergencies (working on the boat or motor), a knife for cutting line (fishing and anchor), fingernail clippers for fishing line only, sun glasses, a lighter, antacid tabs, aspirin, prep H, sunscreen, duct tape and a candy bar. When all free space in the lure trays is full you will need to take some bags out from the bottom. Remember the least important bags come out first and put these in the plastic shopping bag. Eventually you’ll get to a point that the bag of new gear fresh from the store, or catalog order, is bigger than the bags in the plastic shopping bag. This is a prime opportunity to purchase a new tackle box. Try to find the best bang for your buck in the largest size you can find. Now you’ll be able to organize the tackle boxes with certain subjects in mind. These could include general fishing, walleye, trout, shore fishing, trolling, lake or river, lure types and for me a kids fishing box for my grand-daughters. Each box has its own set of rules to consider for the importance of the gear. My problem now is it’s harder for me to remember which box is which. All the boxes are different sizes and shapes so I can usually associate each to their type of use. I have magic markered references on some, but not all. Some of the new boxes are more like bags and they’re black so duct tape is used to put the references on. Now the problem is knowing which box/bag to take. Depending who I’m fishing with I may have 4 or 5 of the things. If I ever went fishing with my buddy Hankie on Lake Erie I would take 5 box/bag combos. The walleye box, the trolling bag, the bottom bounce bag, the plastic bodies bag and the general box. We were targeting walleye but switching techniques was always a consideration depending on the weather. Sometimes we caught waldos but as often as not the trip turned into a sheephead outing. Those fish are really fun to catch. Good luck to you on your spring organizing.
  14. Nice one Bob. Fishing has been a lot better on the east side of the river this year. Well worth the extra cost for me. Fighting Island has been great, I've been partial to it since 4/1. The saltmine dock was good but there's a ship there now so I haven't been there lately. I heard Holiday Beach looks different now. Will the wind mills draw in the walleye?
  15. spybot is also good.
  16. I'm having the same trouble and I can't send any messages. Who would I talk to about this?
  17. In MI just 5 min. from the bridge from Windsor is Lochman's Hardware. They've been around for 50+ years and are very upfront and reliable. Not the cheepst in the short term but the long run. http://www.lockemans.com/
  18. Hawk, Use 1/2 to 3/4 oz jigs depending on the wind and your abilities with the trolling motor. Try the red bouy on the NE side of fighting isle. There's a drop of that run generally towards the tall yellow bouy ~1/4 km upriver. Another good spot is the loading docks up river ~km or 2. There's a sign on the shore that says "don't drop anchor", start downriver from the sign. Good luck I got this by the island.
  19. Lunker Lurker

  20. mpt

    Mud Puppy

    Jocko, Whatever you do - do not - put any fish in with the mudpuppy. They will nip the gills down to nothing very quickly.
  21. Thanks Beans. This topic is very confusing to me. Anyway the MNR responded to me about this and they won't check the length after you clean them is what I get from this. So for my buddy anyway the fish can be cleaned before coming back which is a big plus. Maybe he'll still go. Hello, Thank you for your enquiry. The rules for transporting fish are the same this year as it has been in the past. Page 9 of the Ontario Fishing Regulations Summary states; "Anglers need to ensure they are transporting fish in compliance with the regulations, which are designed to protect fisheries resources. The fish that you catch and keep may be cleaned. However, please remember that fish taken from waterbodies where size limits are in effect must be readily measurable at all times, unless the fish are: • Being prepared for immediate consumption • Prepared at an overnight accommodation for storage • Being transported on the water from a temporary overnight accommodation to your residence and you are not engaged in sport fishing • Being transported overland. In addition, when packaging fish you must ensure that a Conservation Officer can easily determine: • The number of fish in your possession • The species of fish in your possession. This may require leaving a large patch of skin, the head, or some other identifying feature depending on the species of fish (e.g. Lake whitefish vs Lake herring)”. Tips for Packaging Fish 1. All fish must be packaged so that they can be easily counted and identified, not just those with limits. 2. To ensure fish can be easily counted, package each fish separately, or arrange fillets spread flat in a clear freezer bag. DO NOT freeze fillets in a milk carton, margarine tub or other container. A large lump of fillets frozen together in bags is also unacceptable. 3. Since anglers often transport various species of fish, it’s their responsibility to ensure every fillet of their catch can be easily identified. Ensure you leave at least a large patch of skin on all fish fillets for identification purposes. Some species (e.g. Lake whitefish or Lake herring) may require additional identifying features such as the head. 4. Conservation Officers may inspect your catch at any time. Always have your fish and your licence easily accessible and place coolers of fish where they can be easily inspected. No one wants to unload a vehicle to find licences and coolers. 5. If a Conservation Officer inspects the sport fish you’re transporting and they are improperly packaged: • Your catch may be seized for evidence • You could get a ticket and be fined • You may have to attend court, usually close to where the inspection took place, which may be far from where you live”. Once you are off the water you may legally fillet your pan fish for transportation. Just make sure you package them so they can be counted and the species identified. Generally speaking, enforcement on size limits on sunfish will be enforced on the water. Please see the 2010 Fishing Regulations available online at http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/LetsF...L02_163615.html for information about catch and possession limits, season dates, slot sizes and exceptions. Regards, nric web reader - cg ******************************************* Natural Resources Information Centre PO Box 7000 Peterborough, ON K9J 8M5 1-800-667-1940 TTY: 1-866-686-6072 Fax: 705-755-1677 [email protected] http://themnrstore.mnr.gov.on.ca ******************************************** -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, February 26, 2010 12:37 PM To: NRIC - Fishing (MNR); Webmaster (MNR) Subject: WWW Form Submission Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by ([email protected]) on Friday, February 26, 2010 at 12:36:41 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message: The new regs for zone 17 say no more than 30 bluegills per day may be over 7". To transport back to the US do all fish need to remain intact? Normally all fish were cleaned and left with an ID patch of skin. What is the policy on bringing these fish back.
  22. Does anyone have any fact or opinion on how the 7" limit will be enforced? Do all fish need the head on for proof? I've made a few inquiries but haven't heard back from any.
  23. Any thoughts on proving length to cross the border?
  24. Don't laugh but Shake'N'Bake bbq is also great on pike.
  25. I think his point is he was able to keep 300 fish before and they were most bigger than 7". Not sure but he could be culling bigger fish for smaller. Also do the 7"+ fish need to remain intact or all fish to guaranty the length. I've never heard of this kind of reg before so it's not that he's a slob and wants more fish I'm just trying to cover all bases. To bring back any fish to the US it needed a skin sample left on. With this length reg I would think you need to leave the head on. Is this correct. The regs are very long and confusing and I didn't see this anywhere.
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