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Everything posted by Raf

  1. oh admit it Lew & Paul, this looks like fun.
  2. i'll be splitting time between ontario and maryland this winter.. compared to here, maryland seems tropical LOL
  3. wont be long.. bring on the ice!!
  4. hey garry, how is "walter" doing?
  5. I heart my St. Croix Glass Composite Muskie Trolling Rod.. it's 8' long, model # PGM80HM. It will troll the hardest pounding baits as well as the light stuff extremely well. I have it paired with an Okuma Convector CV30DLX (left handed line counter reel). If you don't need a linecounter, tough to go wrong with Penn reels. If you're looking for a rod that will do both; troll and cast, try the 8' St. Croix Casting Rod, #PM80MHF. All graphite. It's great for bucktails, topwaters and will troll everything but the largest baits.
  6. i only fished the Kawarthas once this year, on the muskie opener.. maybe once more on the closer thursday. too many people!
  7. nice Corey!! It's been fun for me too. A lot of similar reasons. Haven't been out much recently however but hopefully that'll change.
  8. play nice
  9. Czesc btw, sandacz = zander = walleye = dore <> pickeral . there's your polish lesson for today folks.
  10. Don't know about the Ande. 14lb-17lb XT is what I use for boards and dipseys for spring trout. Big game would be another (cheaper) option. If it can handle a 20# trout, it'll handle a wetsox. (i'm asuming this is for walleye)
  11. Soft-tipped rod and loose'ish drags will absorb the impact on a strike. It's a little different when casting and all of a sudden the lure stops in mid-air on a cast due to a backlash. Take a 5oz lure, the force of your cast and it probably isn't very difficult to exceed the line rating, especially since it won't stretch. I still have 65# on one reel that I use for vertical stuff but use 80 and 100 for casting and trolling these days.
  12. possibly electrical lew maybe some slush got in there. btw, not a good idea to use cruise on slippery roads. you don't really want the car dictating when to apply more throttle in slippy conditions.
  13. are the helly hansens coast guard approved now? i don't think they were for a while. the suspenders are a nice feature on the 1pc. i wish my mustang had them. whichever way you do decide to go, go for one size larger to leave room underneath for layering up in cold weather.
  14. that tony said.. tinted lenses or clip-ons alone will not be as good as the light will enter from the sides, bottom, etc. the wraparounds work much better, even the cheapo rapala ones. if you can, go contacts and non-presc. shades.
  15. for you investor types.. should i be buying US/foreign equities or cash?? still trying to wrap my head around the markets.
  16. Haha Connie. None that I want to use!! LOL
  17. Thanks John. The company I work for has offices in the states that require my expertise. I'm not sure I'll require a work visa but I'll speak to my HR dept.
  18. thanks for the link jonl this is what i found on the site what i gather is that they still accept oral declaration (although some documentation would be nice) of citizenship at land & sea crossings. hopefully if i bring supporting documents with me (but not the actual card) I can get across with those in addition to photo ID.
  19. I'm in the process of getting my citizenship papers again (I am a citizen but my citizenship card got destroyed). I have supporting docs but not the actual card. No birth certificate. Am I beat? I sure hope not, this is a new job requirement.
  20. What documentation is required? Can I cross with just a driver's license still?
  21. my baitcasters are abu 6501s, quantum cabo cbc31pts and shimano curado 201s. all see heavy use, all have held up and i am happy with all of them.
  22. well... i am cheap and need little more than my tent and sleeping bag if camping alone or with the boys. bringing the significant other into the equation, she'd likely want a cottage with solid walls. so i likely would not rent a prospector tent unless it were very inexpensive.
  23. can anyone give me an idea of what they are like in the haliburton area? i have a feeling the big blows we had in the last week blew everything off the trees by now.. what a short fall colour season.
  24. fish a river.
  25. same as solopaddler, i never hang my food and not too concerned. it's usually stored in a barrel. i've had a black bear come into camp and loud noises sent it on its way. food or eating in a tent is a no-no however.
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