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Everything posted by fishhunter

  1. Let me ask you this, if you kept the limit the same and you cut out roe fishing in ontario how many females would live to spawn?(answer) all of them. How many fish would that save in one year? A number you would be shocked at. See always more then one way to fix a problem. Maybe we could do both or how about we leave the season closed on the streams and extra 3 weeks so fish could spawn and make it back to the lake to spawn again. This is now 3 ways to make bigger stocks. Point I'm making is why should one group of people be better then another. Put the problem in the hands of the right people, not the ones that want to play god. You need to look at things more then just one way. I gave you 3 ways and could add another 4 or 5 with out thinking hard. This topic could go on and on but in the end they will do what they want(maybe). I have never been a lover of the O.F.A.H. but this time I'm happy they are taking a stand and asking them to put the proof on the table that this will fix the problem. My 2 cents.
  2. I had to add my 2 cents to this one. After reading alot of posts I figured I would reply to a few in no order. Well first off in August when the water gets warmer most fish move to deeper water. (blue zone). There is no way to keep one fish or another from hitting. some days you have lots of bows and a few salmon other days you have more salmon then bows. A ethical captain will fish where he wants to and how he wants to staying with in the law given to him making sure his clients are 100% happy. I think this is not a bad thing putting the limit down to two bows but you will see alot of floaters when this starts. I do not use a net when we are not keeping bows and I still get floaters from time to time and I'm Only one boat. When I get a floater I treat as a man over board drill with one person does not take his eyes off the fish untill its picked up. I will not leave a fish for gulls to pick eyes out till its dead before you start pointing the finger at charter boats ask yourself how many people fish with rainbow roe (eggs)? When charter boats get fish they dont say its a male and throw it back because it has no eggs. We dont use eggs for chum. Maybe people should look at the hole picture and ban roe fishing in lake ontario too.(I use roe for fishing but if that changes I welcome it with open arms) How many female fish do you think would live in one year then two year and so on............. I love people that are for catch and release but still use rainbow row. This means you need to kill a fish or two to use rainbow eggs for bait and if he or she fishes alot its more like 3-6 fish for a winter/spring season. My point is look at it all before you point fingers. The Lake is only so big and and can only handle so many fish do to lack of food so if you think you will get it back to the way it was in the 80's then you live with blinders on. Its a good thing when we try and fix something but look at all the problems not just one or two then to fix the problem. This is my 2cent and I'm sure Ill get them back ten fold.
  3. Happy belated birthday old man lol lets hook up soon
  4. I have heard that for a few years now and every year they do a lift in cobourg. Time will tell. Still lots of time before they need to go over.
  5. Great post. Was nice to enjoy the week with you all. Its to bad the lack of fish and weather killed us. Well can start planning for next years trip.
  6. I can tell you I have over 20 of them on my charter boat. The guys that have been out with me on the bay for walleye know they work well. Like any lure some days they work some days they just get washed. But its a tool I would not be with out. ps I dont get paid to say they are good but maybe I should lol
  8. Nope going to get my stuff all packed and fine tuned for 9 days on Temagami. It was so nice to see so many people out today. Its nice to see so many people helping out for a great cause. Hope everyone had as much fun as I did.
  9. Thanks for the pics and vid. you made her day even better. See you sat in Temagami.
  10. try these guys. I know they do night fishing. Hut 6 has been good this winter http://hankheyinkfishhuts.webs.com/
  12. I know its not your first choice but I will still be happy to see you!
  13. Well with the snow we are getting and going to get travel will be great.
  15. I ran 18 miles both sunday and monday with no probems. I also have ice scratchers on my sled but monday did not need them.
  16. After talking to you last night, I thought I would add another hour to your charter making it 10 hours for you and your group. Look forward to seeing you and your group in May
  17. lmao
  18. Was good to see you out today. we fished till 2 and then packed it in. fishing never really shut off for long. we finished 7 for 15. hardest thing was leaving with lots of fish still coming up on the screen. Oh well I hope they will be waiting sat for me. It was nice to be on the same holes that I was on yesterday for me. It was funny to see so little people out today. Thats a kool video Terry. only thing that scares fish away if when they know Terry is hunting them lol
  19. Well Wayne what can I say. Your words are so true, something we both know all to well. Its good to see you are having a good family day bud.
  20. great report. Ill be in the same spot in the morning. See you then
  21. thats how it works for me too. but then there is that work thing that gets in the way.
  22. This is a trip Im sad I cant make. I have never had a year like this where I cant hook up with my buddy Wayne or maybe I'm an ex fishing buddy now lol Now if you have a love for fishing and want a get away jump at this chance. The fishing is good and the company even better. If you do go, I'll even share where 43LB walter is sitting waiting.
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