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Everything posted by fishhunter

  2. It was good talking to you guys on the water. Fishing has been hard this season for alot of people. I have had a pattern that has been working and I hope it keeps working the next couple weeks. Dont want to see Terry cry when he does not get a 14 lb walleye lol Well you will have to let me know how much water you guys have at the dock Joe. I may bring my boat over for a visit with my crew of misfits LOL JUST A HEADS UP TO PEOPLE, THE HARBOUR IS A NO WAKE ZONE!!! SLOW DOWN!! HAD GUYS GOING FULL SPEED TO THE BOAT LAUNCH. I'M ON MY SECOND AIR HORN CAN ) I BET YOU I HAVE SEEN ABOUT 20 OR MORE BOATS THIS FALL THINK THAT THE HARBOUR IS OPEN WATER. ANOTHER THING, TURN YOUR LIGHTS ON WHEN YOUR ON THE WATER IN THE DARK. SEEING THE WHITES OF YOUR EYES WHEN IM ALMOST ON TOP OF YOU DOES NOT COUNT.
  3. Fish farmer I'll pm you a few tips so your not going in blind. I'll be pulling the boat on the the 20 th after a fish then put her away and get ready for Cuba
  4. It was so nice having you out. Nothing better then a day on the water laughing and enjoying each others company with fish as a bonus. I hope we get to do it again
  5. Gps speed. Lots of fish in safe fishing depths above 30'. With all this wind things will be a mess for a few days. Guys that fish for fish deeper then 30' are not thinking of the well being of the fish. Unless your keeping the fish you catch deep then I see no reason to take a chance damaging the fish.
  6. If you put the time in you will find fish. Lots of bait around so watch your sonar for fish on the bait. Best speed for me has been1.9
  7. Ok so do we have anyone 100% in?
  8. WE ARE BOOKED IN AT THE PICTON HARBOUR INN http://prince-edward-county.com/?page_id=947
  9. Hey Joe he was holding off posting till I got a clean bill of health from the heart doctor. All is good now and I guess you know what date we are going ) it was the only weeekend I had open in November.
  11. Terry nice report and pics. Been awhile since I have been on here.
  12. Thanks everyone. This getting older is no fun lol
  13. Sorry to hear of your loss Will. I went throught that a few years ago and know how sad a day it is. Keep your chin up.
  14. Sorry I never seen the post till now. It was so nice being on the water with my crew again. It was way to long and hope we never have to wait that long again before we get together again. Thanks for great post and pics. Wayne your shot of Terry was the best. Never seen a guy get a fish off like that..................
  15. Terry you always keep me laughing lol I loved the way you got that walleye so excited. Great shot Wayne and the fish had a great one too
  17. Was a blast having you out. Its always nice to get a group of peole out that enjoy the boat ride first and fish as a bonus. Wayne I'm sorry the boat was late for your evening trip lol Hope to see you all again. Looking forward to Dan,Terry and Wayne's post from Sunday, We did alot of laughing and it was nice to see the 4 of us together again on the water. ps the in-flight movie was Unstoppable
  18. lol Your right I got them all lol
  19. lol Nice pics and glad to see you made it out. Well Wayne you can be bubble boy on this coming Sunday
  20. I'm a Stihl dealer and the price is $27.35 part number 4126 350 0400 I would not put a used one on unless its in great shape or you will be in the same boat in a year or two.
  21. come more west you will find me when I'm not on the ice. I have the river in my back yard with only a few fisherman at most on it at any given time. Ganny is all yours
  22. Here is my answer on that. I have no problem with the two fish limit. What I have a problem with is that I can tell you 1000's of rainbow trout die each year only for one purpose roe!!!! Do you not agree? This to me is nuts. Maybe its time to take the blinders off and look at the big picture here.If we are going to fix the problem fix it all at once!!!! I am a river fisherman also and have been for over 30 years and I for one would have no problem with no roe fishing in ontario waters.
  23. http://www.ontla.on.ca/library/repository/mon/9000/249915.pdf this is older will look for a new one but something people should read.
  24. Well If I as a charter boat captain am willing to take the two fish limit why are the shore fisherman not willing to stop using roe hmmmmmmmm. I would think this is not about being fair as much as it is for the better good. Nothing is saying you cant keep females. But you and I both know 90% of females in the river are only killed for eggs. How many of the females have you killed for eggs and have eaten? Answer not needed just something people that should think about.
  25. Mabye its times we stop taking steps and get right to the top all at once. The problem is no one has the brass monkeys to piss everone off at same time and fix the hole problem all at once. I have always liked the tagging system. Yes it would work but problem is we dont have enough people to look after what laws we have now. But its a system I would vote for. Catch and release on a fish that is in a river system for spawning from Jan1 till last Sat in April would be also something I would vote for.
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