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About fishhunter

  • Birthday 05/25/1964

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    Port Hope

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  1. Finally had a few min to sit down and log on and do some reading and replies. It was great having you guys out. Always a good time when your out on the water with friends. Wayne It's to bad you could not have made it but I totally understand. Always have a place on my boat for you bud. The bay was so good from the first day of the season to the last. It's always a sad day when the boat goes away ( but on the good side it means ice fishing is soon here. If your playing on the bay play safe and have back up plans for help this time of year. Remember it's not like coast guard is just around the corner. When you see guys at the ramp take time to talk and exchange phone numbers. They may be your life line if you get in trouble.
  2. Now that was kool to watch.
  3. Roy lock it down and let it lay till he is ready to tell his story.He has a lot to deal with and im sure does not need to read anymore.
  4. After talking with the owner of that boat last night for a bit im sure people will find out when he is ready to tell his story. Till then, let it go and let him deal with things.
  5. Sorry took so long to reply and say it was nice having you guys out. It was Good to meet some new guys fron the board. Working 7 days a week does not leave much time to be on here much these days. Fishing has been crazy this year with over 200 coho boated this year already. It's nice to have lots of coho to add to the mix of kings and bows. Wayne yes still alive but Burt out lol 2 more weeks of salmon then its time to get boat ready for quinte walleye charters.
  6. It was so nice to have the four of you out. Great report and pics. One of the first thing i said after we were under way was I put those track pants on because i knew someone would say something lol they have been put away for awhile but had to bring them out just for you. Its always nice when you can spend the day on the water with 4 great guys. Some may have to learn right from left but i'm sure thats something that still can be learned Someone forgot some jigs on my boat. Just pm me mailing address and ill send them out asap. Now as for what was working, everything. Every set up took a hit. 10 rod spread. 6 core 2 dipsy 2 riggers.
  7. Bananas are good luck. Worked good for today's group
  8. Roy if you need a place to crash you can sleep on the boat. Give me a call
  9. A client from last year sent me this. Enjoy.
  10. Will be nice to see you guys.
  11. Your right Dave the Weather was great with lots of good fish. Group I had out Saturday finished tied for 3rd and 8 place in the derby. Finishing with two fish in the top ten was a great way to start the walleye season. Fishing in t-shirts and shorts was so nice. The green slime(snott) floating around caused problems both days. Was hard to stay on the school of fish I was on all weekend. Never seen that stuff in cold water. Saw a few boats go by waving but could not make out who they were so if it was any of the People on here hi back. All in all it was a great weekend for fishing and sun tanning. I wish people would understand no wake means slow down no waves lol. Got rocked out of my bed three times in the night by boats thinking picton harbour is a place to rock boats. It's a race to get out of the harbour and get fishing lol younge one I was looking for your boat but never seen you.
  12. Now terry show the ones with meat and taters. Not the ones that look like they have given up eating. This winter on the bay friend pulled in a hog 15.4 lbs not sure of length.
  13. Well ill be out all week so will let you know if I find a hot spot. Glad to see you got one. You had the I'm not Terry sign out lol
  14. Conservation
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