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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Now you're talking, that's my kind of water! Do you ever bring Jasper with you? Just wondering if it's possible to keep this breed out of the water LOL!
  2. Hey cool! Can I assume you'll be in a boat? If you're at all interested in a little walk and wade fishing for even half a day I'd be happy to guide you on a different system not too far from the Niagara. Lots of fish guaranteed. My little guy put over 20 on the bank himself recently.
  3. I would bring my dog along too, but she'll need some training first. There's no doubt in my mind she'd jump in after my float. Fine if it's just me, but I could see some guys getting upset. It's funny you say that about the Notty too. A great many years ago I was fishing it in the fall and hooked a beautiful chrome fish about 8lb's. So while I'm fighting it a mallard flying low over the river gets tangled in my mainline. So here I am fighting fish and fowl at the same time. Simultaneously capturing my own personal surf and turf. That was funny enough on its own. Suddenly I hear a noise behind me and there's a male GSP standing quivering, ready to pounce. With no warning he charges in and grabs the duck which was floundering on the surface about 15' out. So now I'm battling fish, bird and dog LOL! Amazingly my line didn't break and I managed to grab the dog, untangle the duck and land the fish. I kid you not. The ultimate triumverate LOL!
  4. Inspired by Jaspers On Point here's a couple of short video clips of my 11/2yr old German Shorthair Zoey. Our breeder emailed recently asking for an update so the videos were for her benefit, but I thought I'd share them with you guys. Here she is trying to catch some geese. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/hW9i69Krjdk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> This breed can definitely jump! <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/PgJy66Vhu3s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> I finally got her to swim in the deeper water. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/QP8wFtndMFo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  5. The lingo is over my head, but wow, those are some beautiful looking lakers!
  6. So, you're a big fan of the Toronto Blue Jays? How does being a charter member of Jays Nation sit with you? Would you still cheer for the Jays if Ottawa got their own team? How ironic. Regarding hockey your team is in dire straits without Alfie and that grinning huckleberry who plays center for them.
  7. It's always good to make sure of something before posting it as fact.
  8. Agreed, and I say this from experience. A deep fast flowing river is a far cry from a swimming pool. Also it depends a lot on the type of waders. Neoprenes wouldn't hinder you at all. They're more form fitting and are in fact bouyant. Loose, billowing nylon, breathable or even worse rubber waders, especially without a wading belt cinched up tight are a major hindrance if you fall into deep fast water. Again this comes from personal experience.
  9. Gotta be a record for earliest ice out eh? Nice to see a softwater report!!
  10. It's total chaos...cats and dogs living together LOL! On a serious note may a plague of locusts descend on the Sens and all of their fans.
  11. Nothing's changed Chris. On the Ontario Parks website the Barclay bay campground is lumped in with the Missinaibi River page. Go to that page then click on campsites.
  12. Comments on a particular product are always appreciated, but only if you've used that particular product. What's the point in slagging a company when you have zero first hand experience? I've used mostly Shimano my entire life but have started to stray towards Pflueger recently. What I find amazing about the issue the op described, one of the things Pflueger is known for even on its lower end reels, is a superior bail mechanism. It's beefier and more substantial than any Shimano product. I have to admit I'm dissapointed to read this thread as I'm currently fishing several Pflueger Supreme XT's. So far so good for me. I still maintain that for under $100 they can't be touched. Time will tell. I'll have a way better idea one year from now regarding durability.
  13. Agreed Ryan. The choice of wood and metal hardware were a particularly good choice on your part! It all looks oddly familiar.
  14. I really love Naden utility boats. They have a unique hull design compared to any other small aluminum...the sides kind of flare out. Anyhow, they're incredibly seaworthy and you rarely get wet in one of them. On top of that they're indestructable.
  15. I recently looked hard at both and ended up getting a Smoker Craft for a whole bunch of reasons. Nothing wrong with either though. It's going to boil down to cosmetic preferences and minute details in design and layout. Go with your gut.
  16. What a crazy story Brian! I'm glad all is well amongst your circle.
  17. I don't know man, last fall below Denny's the crowds were insane 7 days a week.
  18. Here we go again. I've said this before, but yes, the Saugeen run was kick started by stocking. Not blindly stocking inferior hatchery fish into trib's as is the case south of the border. The fisheries you seem so intent on throwing in everyone's faces as a model for success. This type of fishery management creates a good, but entirely artificial fishery. One that's 100% dependant on stocking, and one that features a quality of fish that are frankly lacking. The fish that were stocked into the Saugeen were reared from wild fish collected at Denny's dam. In addition the groups involved have been lifting fish at the dam and transporting them upstream. As well fish ladders have been been built allowing the steelhead access to untold miles of nursery headwaters. All in the name of creating a wild and viable self sustaining run of steelhead. What they're doing is a FAR cry from what you've been preaching and strangely enough in most respects is EXACTLY what CRAA has been doing with the Credit. Not surpringly the Saugeen and the Credit are currently the two greatest success stories in Ontario as far as steelhead runs goe. So the keys to success are obvious: habitat enhancement, removal of dams or construction of fishways, and yes stocking if necessary to give things a kick start. But stocking smolts raised from an already wild strain of fish.
  19. I've always wanted one but could never justify the price. They are without a doubt the cadilac of canoe packs. The internal frame on these packs is amazing, it's the most comfortable canoe pack I've ever carried (a buddy has had one for years). I have two 110L Woods canoe packs with removable waterproof liners that I've had for almost 20 years. They've been with me on numerous lengthy expeditions over the years and are still going strong. Way back when I paid about $100 each for them. Most canoe packs are pretty durable. They are a very simple design after all. Not sure if you need to spend that much, but if you have the dough you won't be sorry.
  20. I'd be curious to know if you're affiliated with White River Air, regardless I do concur with what you're saying. I've flown with them several times over the years. Great operation, great people, great camps and great fishing. I'd still be using them but their prices have gone up a tad and they're a bit out of range for me.
  21. Not sure about selling to Wilsons, but the retail store is definitely gone. Supposedly Ken is running something out of his home now.
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