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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Very nice! I can relate to the cold, it was minus 10 Sat morning where I was.
  2. Totally off topic, but being a Mikey myself, and being of a certain age where I was subjected to "Mikey" remarks when younger, I'd like to set the record straight once and for all. Mikey hated everything, he did not eat everything put in front of him. The perception that Mikey would eat anything is a common one and is patently false. Here is the proof (yes I'm bored at work ) <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/vYEXzx-TINc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  3. Stay strong, positive thoughts and prayers headed your way.
  4. I can relate. I'm morphing more and more into Walter Matthau every day.
  5. I like the idea of getting together in the fall. I don't think Nascar needs me to help boost their ratings though. LOL! HAHAHAHA! I forgot about that. I trained my dog to attack on sight when she sees anything Nascar related LOL!
  6. Ah that explains it, I'm not a fan of the sport. Watching grass grow or maybe even paint dry is far more entertaining. And btw the dufussy looking satin shirt with the patches all over it doesn't improve my perception of this so called great driver. I get my fill of that kind of thing on the QEW everyday. There's enough A Types zipping around everyone like angry hornets for a lifetime of race watching. When I do happen to stumble upon a race when I'm channel surfing I just end up with a mild case of road rage. I do enjoy a good hockey game though. Last nights game was SPECTACULAR!
  7. We'll get out again next fall for sure Craig! Dale Jr? Have no idea who that is. That's Fidel.
  8. You are correct sir. I was in Albert's bass boat with my son when you were pulling out. As far as the trib in question goes, I rarely fish it anymore myself, in fact I kind of despise it...but I've never had to endure crowds when I do fish it. You'd be surprised what effect 20 mins of walking has on the number of people. It's still a fun place to fish when everything else is marginal or with beginners. Always lots of fish.
  9. Hard to say for sure but I'd guess around 48 farenheit give or take. Fortunately it will be sunny on Sat. Despite the coolish temps there will for sure be an afternoon bite, especially on the smaller shallower lakes.
  10. Me too. Thanks Frank, maybe next fall we can get out together. Ugh....another steelheader is born. LOL!
  11. Steelheading is long over now at least as far as I'm concerned. Overall it was a decent although unusual spring with the best fishing by far happening in February because of the mild winter. The more northern trib's were either boom or bust at least for me. With a large portion of the runs just blasting right through you had to hit it just right in order to have success. Much more consistent were the more southerly trib's with a bunch of banner days in the books. Overall it was a much busier spring for me than usual, but I was still able to put in 15 days on the water and managed to fish with several board members as well, so no complaints. Fidel (Highdrifter), Paul (Paulus), Chris (Live2fish85), Craig (I'mHooked), you guys were all a pleasure to fish with! A small apology to Craig. He caught a bunch of nice fish with me one day but my camera with all his photos still on it is now sitting on the bottom of the Grand River in Dunville LOL! I will sign an affidavit for you if you want buddy, you definitely did catch some fish. The highlight for me was without a doubt getting my 5 year old son Brendan into a bunch of fish. I gave him a custom 10' spinning rod for Christmas and paired with a light spinning reel it's a good combo for him. Of course he refuses to use it. He insists on using dads $1500 centerpin rod and reel LOL! Obviously he couldn't cast far enough, so I'd make the cast then hand the rod to him. He did everything else. Here's a couple video clips of the action: <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/N7gPhss8AmU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/dbq1XgTH0N4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> And a few of the better photos: The long sticks are now on the shelf 'till probably October. It's now time to concentrate on some other species starting this weekend with brookies in Algonquin park.
  12. This thread has 9 lives. Glad you guys are enjoying it. This isn't even close to being the best. There's plenty of others even better that you may have missed.
  13. Deja vu LOL! http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=46206&st=0&p=493423&hl=sportspal&fromsearch=1entry493423 They are a great company indeed.
  14. The last small box is all dries, just in case. And no I'm not really expecting much surface action with this cool weather. If there is it'll be a small window in the evening most likely.
  15. BIG brookies like a big meal, these will work better.
  16. That looks like The Shroud Of Turin. A higher power is apparantly sponsoring you.
  17. Back in my day we called it gut string! We made it ourselves from roadkill when the buggy's ran a bit fast. We'd use the fur to make tam o'shanter's. They were a popular hat worn by all the dandy's back in the day, which was a Thursday in case you were wondering!
  18. Good selection! That btw isn't the cart from MEC that I was referring to. This is the one: http://www.mec.ca/AST/ShopMEC/Paddling/CarRacksCarts/PRD~4015-488/wck-expedition-canoe-cart.jsp If you're able to locate a couple of #2 copper E.G.B. spoons they work pretty good. Some tiny diving shad raps in both perch and crawdad are also deadly at times. Also something I always do is buy my worms beforehand, remove them from the dirt and pack them in worm bedding. Less messy, much lighter, and they stay livlier.
  19. When I was 14 I'd spend months saving to buy rod or a reel. Times sure have changed. LOL!
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