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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Dan I'm just down the road from you (Garth & Twenty area). I'll trade you my copy for a small bottle of Bailey's. I'll even throw in a copy of their trout/salmon guide.
  2. According to the op these were teenagers. As far as I'm concerned teenagers are old to know better and should be told when doing wrong. I find it hard to believe they were innocent.
  3. Yes I used to own one, it's the cadillac of carts, there's nothing better! I'm heading in Friday morning otherwise I'd have loved to stop in for a beer and shoot the breeze. Too bad.
  4. Worms will save your bacon if a cold front moves through. Snow early next week, but there won't be anything left by opening weekend. High of 9 for Sat with temps rising steadily from that point on, to well into the mid to high teens. Unless things change the weather will be perfect.
  5. Hey cool. Lets hear what they sound like, any online videos?
  6. Was thinking about it, but we're most likely going to hit Erie instead now. Good luck!
  7. Percy is a widening of the Kapikotongwa (sp?) river. I've never fished Percy but have fished Saga lake just upstream on the same system. Trust me the entire river system is teeming with walleye, you won't have any issues catching fish especially in June. I have some second hand info on Percy, for whatever it's worth. I was told it was mostly shallow with some amazing beaches which is nice. Also the river exiting the lake can be navigated for quite a long way and there's some good fishing to be had in the current. Where the river enters the lake at the west end is also an obvious spot and will hold lots of fish. I was also told that fishing around the islands and rockpiles in the west end of the lake were very productive. Sorry can't be any more specific than that. If it's Leuenberger's outpost you're staying at it's a beauty and it's located right on a gorgeous sandy point. Here's a short video clip with myself, my dad and my uncle filling our limit with fish to bring home on our last morning at Saga lake (kind of funny commentary from the old guys LOL!). You can rest assured you'll have similar fishing. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/8yx-pwy1Ecs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  8. What a great story! You're grandad would have likely been the same age as another Canadian icon and hero of mine, Greg Clark. Another expat Scot who liked to fly fish and chase trout.
  9. Well yes and no. It's kind of a long story. That was a pretty impressive feat.
  10. But they already float around the ice like a bunch of pansies. A figure skating coach is the last thing they need.
  11. Marshall actually. It's just N/W of Abamasagi. It's a similar sized lake with similar walleye fishing. IMO it's a much better pike lake than Aba though. Overall it's much more fertile, there's way more pike. The big added bonus of Marshall there is only one outfitter operating on the lake. It's rare to find a single cabin outpost lake on a lake of that size.
  12. Harold Bill's choices are solid. I also use two rods for pike, a custom 7' XST rated 10-17lb, and a m/h baitcaster rated 10-25lb with a low profile reel. You could easily get by with just the spinning rod imo. No need to get a custom rod built. A similar action St. Croix Premier for around $100 would be perfect.
  13. Thanks guys, glad you enjoyed.
  14. Wow what a slob of a brown! I fished that pier twice this spring with my son and caught squat LOL!
  15. Nice memory Dan. Don't you start too Craig, you look older than me LOL! ..[in the voice of crazy old sidekick from western movies]...I got nuthin left! I'm just a tired beat up old drop back driftin' back to the lake. My spawnin' days are over! You feisty young chromers just swim on past.....go on now!!! Dredging up similar memories for so many people was unexpected. Another great story, thanks. Not you too? ..{in same western sidekick voice]..I kin still portage ya into the ground ya young pup! Just try me! On a serious note for most of paddling days I was solo and doubled up on every portage, some km's long and the worst ones through dense bush or even worse muskeg. One carry was always my heavy pack which weighed close to 100lb's at the start of my trips along with paddles and fishing gear. The second carry was my 68lb canoe and lighter pack in the 60lb range. Actually it does Roy. I was born in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and sixty five on the Ides Of March under the sign of the fish. Almost the same age as your boy.
  16. Okay that's enough, I get the point LOL! Yeah I'm getting older, but I'm still in my prime. The wolf story was interesting but not scary. Ralph was a true story teller. I believe he'd have quite happily prattled on all day long if we'd cared to listen. Wish I'd have spent more time with him...
  17. HAHA! You're right times sure have changed havn't they? At some point we're going to have get out together and chase some trout.
  18. It's been a looong time. The lake could very well be cleaned out by now anyway. What's TBTB? Regardless everything's there for you to collect and archive. You can use the advanced search feature to find most anything. It truly is a small world isn't it? You pretty much just described Burgess Meredith in Grumpy Old Men LOL! Seriously though you're almost dead on minus the glasses. I even think he was wearing a flannel shirt. And hey, when you're 18 years old in 1983 a Gremlin is the equivolent of a fully loaded Tahoe LOL! Nice story. Your friends grandad sounds like an interesting guy too.
  19. I got some from Phil a while back and so far I like it a lot. I have two of my spinning reels spooled with 10lb Duracast and it's pretty sweet stuff. Have zero experience with the heavier stuff, but the 10lb is really nice.
  20. Glad you enjoyed the tale. These days I feel more and more like grampa Simpson when I start to ramble.
  21. Congratulations, she's a cuty!
  22. Take the opening week Chris, you'll be good to go. Speaking of which where are you going this year?
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