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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Doug I'm no hunter, but even I was tense watching that vid. Very cool, congrat's!
  2. Not answering the op's question...but I have to agree LOL! This line is amazing. Super limp, super thin and strong. What you didn't mention is the fact that it has virtually no stretch. It's unreal. I've been using it for steelheading but I'm going to try it on my walleye jigging rods this year as alternative to braid. It's actually not blue either. It's clear on the spool. In the sun it has a blue tint very very similar to the old school Stren.
  3. Sorry, but there's no way that walleye illegally harvested by the odd cottager amounts to what the natives are doing. I also see the irony of my earlier statement where I talked about the heritage of ours that's being decimated by the netting and spearing. I do agree that native Canadians have every right to net and spear. If it was only for ceremonial purposes and sustenance there'd be no problem, but it's not. When those treaties were signed natives weren't using high tech equipment to harvest hundreds of thousands of pounds of walleye. They were doing it in a manner that was much more sustainable. There comes a time when enough is enough and regardless of whatever was signed in those ancient treaties, common sense must prevail. If natives reserve the right to adapt their tactics, increase their harvest numbers exponentially all the while utilising modern day methods and techniques, the treaties should be amended accordingly! This entire question brings to mind a joke that somehow seems fitting: An Arab enters a taxi.......... Once he is seated he asks the cab driver to turn off the radio because he must not hear music as decreed by his religion. In the time of the prophet there was no music, especially western music which is music of the infidel's and certainly no radio. The cab driver politely switches off the radio, stops the cab and opens the back door. The Arab asks him: “What are you doing man?” The cabby answers: “In the time of the prophet there were no taxis, so get out of my taxi and wait for a camel!”
  4. Hey good luck to you too!! Good stuff Miro, and best of luck to you as well. Here's hoping the weather is good up there for everyone. I'll be looking forward to reading reports from both of you guys! Cheers
  5. Awesome, I can just picture you racing your brother to the spot LOL! Lots of those pen reared escapees up there. By all means bonk as many as you can. Best part is they're super delicious.
  6. What exactly do you mean? That NFN netters catch 100% more walleye than recreational anglers? Sounds reasonable although a little conservative with the number. If you meant that figuratively, who cares if the creel census numbers aren't accurate? I mean seriously, recreational anglers aren't the problem. That fact that NFN members are being audited and everything they do well documented is a completely moot point. So the demise of a once great fishery is being documented for what? Posterity? That is unfortunately a common theme everywhere in this province. Scary? No not really. In the grand scheme of things recreational anglers breaking fisheries laws are becoming a rarity. In this day and age most anglers are well educated on the merits of catch and release and selective harvest. Now that on the other hand is a scary thought indeed. Nothing like having the inmates run the asylum. Really? Really? I'm glad to hear that every NFN member who's spearing walleye is such a knowledgable armchair biologist. You've certainly dispelled any worries that any egg laden females are being harvested. Thank you for that. Personally I have zero problems with native Canadians living by a different set of rules than the rest of us. Sure let them net and spear walleye. ONLY if it's for sustenance. If they're selling walleye fillets out of roadside stands, the back of pick up trucks and to restaurants in Toronto, well that's another matter. Nipissing cannot withstand native harvesting of fish and still remain a viable fishery. There is an intrinsic value to Nipissing's fishery that is priceless and goes far beyond the obvious economic benefits. Generations of anglers have fished it year after year for decades. Many of the lodges are virtually historical landmarks they've been around that long. The fishery on Nip is the lifeblood of North Bay and the entire region. If native harvesting doesn't stop it will spell doom for not only the local economy, but a way of life for many and an intrinsic part of our northern heritage. The bottom line is NFN members need to stop decimating Nip's fishery NOW and find themselves a suitable alternative.
  7. I'll be in the park myself opening weekend and nightcrawlers will be on the menu. I'll be throwing muddlers and beadhead leeches on my fly rod, then the dirt fly only if necessary.
  8. I'm guessing for Algonquin? Regular nightcrawlers work just fine imo. Don't overthink these fish, they're really pretty dumb.
  9. The Petawawa River system is the best warm water fishery in the park imo. Cedar Lake at access point #27 (Brent) is more or less the headwaters of the river and is a logical place to consider. Cedar has an excellent smallmouth and walleye fishery, is a large underutilized lake and also allows motorized boats. You could have a fantastic trip simply trailering a small boat up to Cedar and setting up a base camp. You can also paddle the Petawawa river itself, starting at Cedar lake and ending at Lake Travers downstream. You'd obviously have to arrange a shuttle of some kind if you chose this route, but it's no big deal, lots of people do it. In between Cedar and Travers is Radiant lake, another widening of the river that has excellent fishing and some amazing sand beaches. The river itself has spectacular fishing, campsites and scenery and along with the abundant walleye and bass there's a healthy population of musky as well. Yes there's rapids, but they're all easily bypassed by portages and even a novice can do this route with care. Especially in the summer when water levels are lower.
  10. Holy Jeebus that song is putrid! I wouldn't be posting that if you're a Senators fan.
  11. That was simply outstanding. Even if it was baseless, it was still outstanding. Made my night.
  12. Well done gents, glad to see you caught a couple. It sucked for me on Friday!
  13. Nice droppie Brian. You must have had a heart attack when that fish hit LOL!
  14. Glad to see Roy caught a fish! Looks like a fun weekend.
  15. There is nothing I'd rather be doing, looks like a perfect day.
  16. This post is a testament to your perseverence. Beauty laker bud!
  17. Knowing you, you mean that literally don't you?
  18. Trying to think of a comeback....I got nuthin'.
  19. Yes, get it done and let's get something arranged!
  20. Adam, is that you? Not exactly sure which Adam, but I have a pretty good guess. Would be great if you could make it up to my camp this year!
  21. That's a very well written tale my friend, full of wonderful descriptive words and fantastic imagery. The condensed version is this: Someone gunned the throttle to show off and my camera flew out of the boat.
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